Wisconsin Genealogy Research by John Von Haden --- Surnames: Wobsch thru Woelfel
© 2000-2023 by John Von Haden All rights reserved.
The list below (updated January 20, 2025) shows ancestry research and related original records which I have worked with over the past forty five years.
Family group sheets (sample here), civil and church records from Wisconsin, Germany, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Norway....
SE Wisconsin cemetery, land and probate records.... State-wide obituaries, wedding stories, other news items....
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Please feel free to email me or call my landline with any questions.
Wobsch Wobsch, Bertha - marriage record, 1890's Wobst Wobst, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Ernestine, 1 child born in 1886 - family group sheet Wobst, Carolina - marriage record, 1880's Wobst, Emma - marriage record, 1900's Woceske Woceske, Ferdinand - marriage record, 1880's Woceske, Herman - marriage record, 1880's Wochenschanz Wochenschanz, Albert - lived in Milwaukee, married Josephine, 2 children from 1884 to 1885 - family group sheet Wockenfuss Wockenfuss, Elise Emilie - marriage record, 1900's Wockenfuss, Ferdinand - born 1837, married Charlotte Wilhelmine, 9 children from 1866 to 1881 - family group sheet Wockenfuss, Frank O. - marriage record, 1900's Wockenfuss, Martin - born 1806, married Anna, 3 children from 1837 to 1844 - family group sheet Wodczinwska Wodczinwska, Anna - marriage record, 1870's Wodke Wodke, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1890's Wodrich Wodrich, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Mina, 2 children from 1857 to 1872 - family group sheet Woehlert Woehlert, Adolph Johann - born 1824, lived in Milwaukee, married Maria Sophie Elisabeth, 8 children from 1858 to 1873 - family group sheet Woehlert, Adolph Johann - marriage record, 1850's Woehlert, Anna - marriage record, 1890's Woehlert, Carl Frederick - death certificate, 1890's Woehlert, Caroline 'Lena' - marriage record, 1890's Woehlert, Caroline-Mrs. Charles - death certificate, 1900's Woehlert, Charles - born 1830, lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 1 child born in 1872 - family group sheet Woehlert, Emily J. - marriage record, 1870's Woehlert, Emma - marriage record, 1890's Woehlert, Frederick Adolph - death certificate, 1890's Woehlert, Frieda - marriage record, 1890's Woehlert, Friederike - marriage record, 1850's Woehlert, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 5 children from 1887 to 1898 - family group sheet Wöhlert, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 2 children from 1859 to 1859 - family group sheet Woehlert, Johann Heinrich - born 1829, lived in Milwaukee, married Sophia Maria Elisabeth, 7 children from 1854 to 1866 - family group sheet Woehlert, Johann Heinrich - death certificate, 1900's Woehlert, John - born 1858, lived in Granville, married Louise, 4 children from 1897 to 1901 - family group sheet Woehlert, John - marriage record, 1890's Woehlert, Louise - marriage record, 1870's Woehlert, Mary - marriage record, 1880's Woehlert, Mathilda - marriage record, 1880's Woehlert, Mathilde - marriage record, 1880's Woehlert, Pauline - marriage record, 1880's Woehrer Woehrer, Henry - born 1883, lived in Milwaukee, married Margaret, 10 children from 1908 to 1924 - family group sheet Woehrer, Henry - marriage record, 1900's Woehrer, Joseph - born 1854, lived in Milwaukee, married Barbara, 4 children from 1883 to 1885 - family group sheet Woehrer, Joseph - born 1818, lived in Milwaukee, married Theresa, 3 children from 1854 to 1859 - family group sheet Woehrer, Joseph - death certificate, 1870's Woehrer, Joseph Ignatium - born 1882, lived in Milwaukee, married Amanda, 2 children from 1905 to 1905 - family group sheet Woehrer, Joseph Ignatium - marriage record, 1900's Woehrer, Philip - marriage record, 1900's Woehrer, Philip W. - marriage record, 1900's Woehrer, Theresa - death certificate, 1870's Woehrl Woehrl, George - marriage record, 1890's Woehrl, John - marriage record, 1900's Wöhrle Wöhrle, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Mina, 3 children from 1885 to 1887 - family group sheet Woelbing Woelbing, Carl Christian - born 1861, lived in Mequon, married Alma Theresa, 5 children from 1913 to 1918 - family group sheet Woelbing, Caroline Catharina - marriage record, 1880's Woelbing, Christoph Friedrich - born 1802, lived in Mequon, married Sophia, 3 children from 1830 to 1840 - family group sheet Woelbing, Gottfried - born 1832, lived in Mequon, married twice - Hermine, Wilhelmina, 7 children from 1859 to 1873 - family group sheet Woelbing, Gottfried - marriage record, 1850's Woelbing, Gottfried - marriage record, 1860's Woelbing, Gottlieb Christoph - born 1864, lived in Mequon, married Clara, 2 children from 1895 to 1895 - family group sheet Woelbing, Helen M. - marriage record, 1870's Woelbing, Helene M. - marriage record, 1870's Woelbing, Ottilie Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1890's Woelfel Woelfel, Andrew - born 1863, lived in Charlestown, married Magdalena, 3 children from 1889 to 1898 - family group sheet Woelfel, Anna - death certificate, 1900's Woelfel, Anna - marriage record, 1850's Woelfel, Catherine - death certificate, 1900's Woelfel, Catherine - marriage record, 1860's Woelfel, Charles - death certificate, 1890's Woelfel, Conrad - born 1841, lived in Charlestown, married Amelia, 3 children from 1870 to 1880 - family group sheet Woelfel, Conrad - death certificate, 1900's Woelfel, Conrad - marriage record, 1860's Woelfel, Eberhard 'Erhard' - born 1821, lived in Charlestown, married Margaretha, 6 children from 1863 to 1877 - family group sheet Woelfel, Eberhard 'Erhard' - death certificate, 1900's Woelfel, Erhard George - marriage record, 1900's Woelfel, Frederick - born 1871, lived in Charlestown, married Christina Magdalena, 4 children from 1901 to 1901 - family group sheet Woelfel, Frederick - marriage record, 1900's Woelfel, Fredrick - born 1816, lived in Brookfield, married twice - Adelia, Frances, 6 children from 1854 to 1867 - family group sheet Woelfel, Fredrick - marriage record, 1850's Woelfel, Friedrich - born 1810, married twice - Anna, Maria, 12 children from 1831 to 1851 - family group sheet Woelfel, Friedrich - born 1845, married Carolina, 1 child - family group sheet Woelfel, Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's Woelfel, George - born 1880, lived in New Berlin, married Elizabeth, 1 child born in 1905 - family group sheet Woelfel, George - born 1835, lived in Charlestown, married Marianna, 11 children from 1859 to 1887 - family group sheet Woelfel, George - born 1857, married Mary, 7 children from 1890 to 1898 - family group sheet Woelfel, George - born 1828, lived in Brookfield, married Regina, 12 children from 1855 to 1878 - family group sheet Woelfel, George - marriage record, 1850's Wölfel, Johann - born 1776, married Cunegunda, 8 children from 1798 to 1815 - family group sheet Woelfel, Johann - born 1792, married Kunigunda, 5 children from 1818 to 1831 - family group sheet Woelfel, Johann - born 1812, married Magdalena, 7 children from 1835 to 1845 - family group sheet Woelfel, Johann - born 1820, lived in Brookfield/Franklin, married Maria Anna, 4 children from 1845 to 1849 - family group sheet Woelfel, Johann - marriage record, 1840's Woelfel, John - born 1849, lived in Milwaukee/Franklin, married Elizabeth, 4 children from 1879 to 1885 - family group sheet Woelfel, John - born 1836, lived in Brookfield/Charlestown, married Katharina, 11 children from 1860 to 1883 - family group sheet Woelfel, John - born 1855, lived in New Berlin, married Margaret, 2 children from 1880 to 1887 - family group sheet Woelfel, Margaretha - marriage record, 1850's Woelfel, Maria Anna-Mrs. Johann - death certificate, 1900's Woelfel, Maria-Mrs. Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's Woelfel, Mary - marriage record, 1880's Woelfel, Mary Catharina - marriage record, 1880's Woelfel, Mary Frances - marriage record, 1900's Woelfel, Michael - born 1857, lived in Brookfield, married Barbara, 9 children from 1882 to 1903 - family group sheet Woelfel, Michael - married Catharina, 7 children from 1797 to 1812 - family group sheet Woelfel, Ulrich - born 1793, lived in Brookfield, married Kunigunda, 10 children from 1816 to 1837 - family group sheet Woelffer Woelffer, Emma - marriage record, 1900's Woelfl Woelfl, Frank X. - born 1861, married Margaret, 1 child born in 1893 - family group sheet Woelfl, Frank X. - marriage record, 1890's Woelk Woelk, Friedrich Wilhelm - marriage record, 1890's Wölker Wölker, Johann - married Catharina, 9 children from 1854 to 1877 - family group sheet Woelky Woelky, Agnes - marriage record, 1890's Woelky, Anton - born 1886, married Anna, 2 children from 1910 to 1913 - family group sheet Woelky, Anton - lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 7 children from 1836 to 1861 - family group sheet Woelky, Anton - born 1840, lived in Milwaukee, married Francisca, 5 children from 1869 to 1886 - family group sheet Woelky, Anton - marriage record, 1860's Woelky, Anton - marriage record, 1900's Woelky, Bernhard - born 1836, lived in Wauwatosa, married Sophia, 12 children from 1860 to 1881 - family group sheet Woelky, Bernhard - death certificate, 1890's Woelky, Catharine - marriage record, 1890's Woelky, Catherine - marriage record, 1890's Woelky, Cecelia - marriage record, 1880's Woelky, Clara - marriage record, 1890's Woelky, Dorothea - marriage record, 1890's Woelky, Dorothea - marriage record, 1900's Woelky, Frances - marriage record, 1900's Woelky, George - marriage record, 1900's Woelky, John - born 1860, lived in Wauwatosa, married Ella, 10 children from 1883 to 1891 - family group sheet Woelky, John - marriage record, 1880's Woelky, Katherine - marriage record, 1870's Woelky, Maria Magdalena - marriage record, 1860's Woelky, Rose - marriage record, 1900's Woelky, Sophia-Mrs. Bernhard - death certificate, 1900's Woellert Woellert, Anna - marriage record, 1890's Woelm Woelm, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1900's Woelm, Carl Ludwig - death certificate, 1880's Woelm, Charles B. - born 1874, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Mathilda, Marion, 3 children from 1899 to 1906 - family group sheet Woelm, Charles B. - marriage record, 1890's Woelm, Friedrich - born 1841, lived in Milwaukee, married Mary, 10 children from 1874 to 1891 - family group sheet Woelm, Friedrich - death certificate, 1910's Woelm, George - marriage record, 1900's Woelm, Hugo - death certificate, 1890's Woelm, Louise - marriage record, 1900's Woelm, Rose M. - marriage record, 1900's Woeln Woeln, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Louise Maria, 3 children from 1887 to 1891 - family group sheet Woepfer Woepfer, Robert - lived in Milwaukee, married Susanna, 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet Woerdehoff Woerdehoff, Cornelius - marriage record, 1910's Woerfel Woerfel, Arthur J. - marriage record, 1900's Woerishofer Woerishofer, Herman - marriage record, 1900's Woerle Woerle, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 3 children from 1883 to 1887 - family group sheet Wörle, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 1 child born in 1876 - family group sheet Woerner Woerner, Andreas - born 1820, lived in Plymouth, married Anna Auguste, 4 children from 1860 to 1868 - family group sheet Wörner, Jacob - married Agatha, 5 children from 1749 to 1757 - family group sheet Wörner, Johannes - married Barbara, 4 children from 1774 to 1780 - family group sheet Wörrishoffer Wörrishoffer, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Elisabeth, 5 children from 1885 to 1895 - family group sheet Woest Woest, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Dora, 4 children from 1890 to 1896 - family group sheet Woest, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 1 child born in 1874 - family group sheet Woest, Sophia - marriage record, 1850's Wohler Wohler, August Wilhelm - born 1845, married Marie Emilie, 3 children from 1865 to 1872 - family group sheet Wohler, Ferdinand Gustav - marriage record, 1880's Wohler, Herman August - marriage record, 1890's Wohler, Jacob - born 1825, married twice - Sophie, Wilhelmine, 9 children from 1852 to 1872 - family group sheet Wohler, Martin Gehrt - born 1823, married Wilhelmine, 9 children from 1845 to 1869 - family group sheet Wohlers Wohlers, Bertha Maria - marriage record, 1880's Wohlers, Dietrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Paula, 1 child born in 1902 - family group sheet Wohlers, Dietrich - born 1820, lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 7 children from 1855 to 1870 - family group sheet Wohlers, Dorothea Caroline - marriage record, 1880's Wohlers, Dorothea Catharine - marriage record, 1880's Wohlers, Katherina Rebecca - marriage record, 1870's Wohlert Wohlert, Christian - born 1851, lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 4 children from 1873 to 1889 - family group sheet Wohlert, Frank - death certificate, 1880's Wohlert, Fred - death certificate, 1890's Wohlfahrt Wohlfahrt, Ferdinand Johann - born 1831, lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 2 children from 1861 to 1862 - family group sheet Wohlfahrt, Heinrich - born 1862, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet Wohlfahrt, Wilhelm August - born 1861, lived in Milwaukee, married Augusta, 4 children from 1879 to 1898 - family group sheet Wohlfahrt, Wilhelm August - marriage record, 1880's Wohlfehrt Wohlfehrt, Martha - marriage record, 1900's Wohlgezogen Wohlgezogen, Ernest - born 1841, lived in Sheboygan, married Wilhelmine 'Minnie', 4 children from 1874 to 1883 - family group sheet Wohlmann Wohlmann, Stephan - married Veronica, 1 child born in 1860 - family group sheet Wohlrab Wohlrab, Silvan - marriage record, 1880's Wohlrabe Wohlrabe, Ernestine J. - marriage record, 1890's Woinschenak Woinschenak, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Marianna, 1 child born in 1862 - family group sheet Wojcekowski Wojcekowski, Anton - marriage record, 1910's Wokatsch Wokatsch, Albert - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 1 child born in 1854 - family group sheet |