Wisconsin Genealogy Research by John Von Haden --- Surnames: Schüle thru Schuemann
© 2000-2023 by John Von Haden  All rights reserved.

The list below (updated March 16, 2025) shows ancestry research and related original records which I have worked with over the past forty five years.
Family group sheets (sample here), civil and church records from Wisconsin, Germany, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Norway....
SE Wisconsin cemetery, land and probate records.... State-wide obituaries, wedding stories, other news items....
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 Schul, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Christine, 1 child born in 1882 - family group sheet

 Schula, Martin - married Anna, 1 child born in 1862 - family group sheet

 Schuland, August Martin - born 1840, lived in Theresa, married Dorothea Elizabeth, 7 children from 1865 to 1880 - family group sheet

 Schuld, Adam - marriage record, 1900's

 Schuldenberg, Anna - marriage record, 1900's
 Schuldenberg, Henry - born 1847, lived in Germantown/Granville, married Louisa, 5 children from 1873 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Schuldenberg, John - marriage record, 1900's
 Schuldenberg, John - born 1873, lived in Granville, married Theresa, 3 children from 1903 to 1906 - family group sheet
 Schuldenberg, Rosa Helen - marriage record, 1900's

 Schuldt, Anna - marriage record, 1870's
 Schuldt, Carl Friederich - marriage record, 1880's
 Schuldt, Carl Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Schuldt, Carl H. - lived in Milwaukee, married Friedrike, 7 children from 1857 to 1863 - family group sheet
 Schuldt, Clara-Mrs. John - death certificate, 1900's
 Schuldt, Fred August - marriage record, 1900's
 Schuldt, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 2 children from 1849 to 1853 - family group sheet
 Schuldt, John - born 1849, lived in Richfield, married Clara, 14 children from 1872 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Schuldt, John Friedrich - born 1877, lived in Milwaukee, married Nettie P., 2 children from 1908 to 1908 - family group sheet
 Schuldt, Wilhelmine 'Minnie' - marriage record, 1870's
 Schuldt, William - marriage record, 1900's
 Schuldt, William Friedrich - born 1872, lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 4 children from 1906 to 1909 - family group sheet

 Schulenberg, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1888 - family group sheet
 Schulenberg, Johann - lived in Granville, married Charlotte Augusta, 3 children from 1847 to 1852 - family group sheet
 Schulenberg, Johann Dietrich - born 1827, lived in Herman, married Gesina Margretha 'Margaret', 5 children from 1852 to 1872 - family group sheet
 Schulenberg, John W. - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulenberg, Marie - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulenberg, Wilhelm - born 1854, lived in Village of Port Washington, married Dorothea 'Dora', 5 children from 1877 to 1887 - family group sheet
 Schulenberg, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1870's

 Schuler, Augusta C. - marriage record, 1880's
 Schuler, Barbara-Mrs. Johann - death certificate in Germany, 1880's
 Schuler, Carl Andreas - born 1857, lived in Rhine, married Frederika, 1 child born in 1882 - family group sheet
 Schuler, Carl Andreas - marriage record, 1880's
 Schuler, Charles - death certificate, 1900's
 Schuler, Charles - marriage record, 1880's
 Schuler, Domenic - married Catharina, 2 children from 1861 to 1862 - family group sheet
 Schuler, Dominic - born 1828, lived in Belgium/Chester, MN, married twice - Susanna, Margaretha, 8 children from 1855 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Schuler, Emma - marriage record, 1880's
 Schuler, Eva Maria - marriage record, 1850's
 Schuler, Frank J. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schuler, Franz Joseph - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria Anna, 1 child born in 1851 - family group sheet
 Schuler, Fred M. - born 1866, lived in Barton, married Cora B., 1 child born in 1897 - family group sheet
 Schuler, Frederick C. - born 1844, lived in Farmington/Boltonville, married twice - Mary, Anna, 4 children from 1866 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Schuler, George - marriage record, 1870's
 Schuler, Henry - marriage record, 1880's
 Schuler, Hulda - marriage record, 1870's
 Schuler, Ida - marriage record, 1880's
 Schuler, Johann - married Elisabeth, 1 child born in 1882 - family group sheet
 Schuler, Johann - born 1827, lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 3 children from 1852 to 1859 - family group sheet
 Schuler, Johann - marriage record in Germany, 1830's
 Schuler, Johann - marriage record in Germany, 1850's
 Schuler, Johann Friedrich - lived in Lebanon, married Amalia Wilhelmine, 2 children from 1856 to 1858 - family group sheet
 Schuler, John - born 1827, lived in Belgium/Hancock, MI, married Johanna, 3 children from 1855 to 1858 - family group sheet
 Schuler, Katharina - marriage record, 1870's
 Schuler, Louise - marriage record, 1890's
 Schuler, Magdalena-Mrs. Phillip - death certificate, 1900's
 Schuler, Mathias - marriage record in Germany, 1860's
 Schuler, Ottilie 'Tillie' - marriage record, 1890's
 Schuler, Peter - born 1819, lived in Port Washington/Polk, MO/Nodaway, MO, married Magdalena, 11 children from 1850 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Schuler, Peter Joseph - marriage record in Germany, 1840's
 Schuler, Phillip - born 1826, lived in Milwaukee/Williamstown, married Magdalena, 4 children from 1861 to 1872 - family group sheet
 Schuler, Selma D. - marriage record, 1880's
 Schuler, Sophie - marriage record, 1880's

 Schulge, Jacob - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria Elisabetha, 1 child born in 1851 - family group sheet

 Schulgen, Magdalena - marriage record in Germany, 1830's
 Schulgen, Nikolaus - marriage record in Germany, 1850's

 Schuligen, Anna Maria - marriage record in Germany, 1830's
 Schuligen, Conrad - born 1821, lived in Barton, married twice - Margaretha, Caroline, 1 child born in 1852 - family group sheet
 Schuligen, Michael - born 1789, married Anna Maria, 11 children from 1811 to 1835 - family group sheet
 Schuligen, Michael - death certificate in Germany, 1820's
 Schuligen, Michael - death certificate in Germany, 1860's

 Schuller, Fred - marriage record, 1890's
 Schuller, Michael - born 1820, lived in Port Washington/Belgium/Chanhassen, MN, married Maria, 11 children from 1850 to 1866 - family group sheet

 Schulpius, Charles A. - born 1847, lived in Milwaukee, married Katherine 'Kate', 3 children from 1880 to 1885 - family group sheet
 Schulpius, Charles A. - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulpius, Lillian - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulpius, Martha - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulpius, William - marriage record, 1870's

 Schult, Alma Emilie - marriage record, 1900's
 Schult, Amanda Emma - marriage record, 1900's
 Schult, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1890's
 Schult, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1858 - family group sheet
 Schult, Clara - death certificate, 1880's
 Schult, Frieda Johanna - death certificate, 1880's
 Schult, Friedericka Maria - marriage record, 1860's
 Schult, Friedericka-Mrs. John - death certificate, 1900's
 Schult, Fritz - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 1 child born in 1875 - family group sheet
 Schult, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 1 child born in 1852 - family group sheet
 Schult, Jacob - married Margaretha, 1 child born in 1871 - family group sheet
 Schult, Joachim Friederich - born 1819, lived in Milwaukee County Alms House, married Christina Maria Louise Johanna, 5 children from 1845 to 1853 - family group sheet
 Schult, Joachim Friederich - death certificate, 1900's
 Schult, Johann Friedrich - married Ilsabe Lisch Dortie, 9 children from 1766 to 1783 - family group sheet
 Schult, Johann Hans - born 1766, married Marie Liese Dorothea, 12 children from 1807 to 1830 - family group sheet
 Schult, Johann Jochen - born 1807, married Dorothea Caroline Elisabeth, 7 children from 1836 to 1850 - family group sheet
 Schult, John - born 1845, lived in Wauwatosa, married twice - Friedericka, Wilhelmina, 11 children from 1871 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Schult, John - marriage record, 1870's
 Schult, John - marriage record, 1900's
 Schult, Louise Sophia - marriage record, 1860's
 Schult, Mary Elisabeth - marriage record, 1890's
 Schult, Sophia Marie - marriage record, 1870's

 Schulte, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulte, Carolina - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulte, Charles - born 1865, married Adelheid, 3 children from 1896 to 1905 - family group sheet
 Schulte, Charles - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulte, Elisabeth-Mrs. John - death certificate, 1900's
 Schulte, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulte, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Elisabetha, 1 child born in 1851 - family group sheet
 Schulte, Franz - born 1822, lived in Trenton, married Maria Sybilla, 7 children from 1848 to 1861 - family group sheet
 Schulte, Fred William - born 1868, lived in Wauwatosa, married Elizabeth, 8 children from 1892 to 1916 - family group sheet
 Schulte, Fred William - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulte, Heinrich - born 1796, lived in Wauwatosa, married Anna, 8 children from 1821 to 1840 - family group sheet
 Schulte, Henry J. - born 1857, married Gertrude Anna, 4 children from 1881 to 1886 - family group sheet
 Schulte, Jacob - born 1862, lived in Wauwatosa, married Mathilda, 4 children from 1884 to 1895 - family group sheet
 Schulte, Jacob - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulte, Johannes - born 1853, married Helen, 4 children from 1876 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Schulte, John - born 1826, lived in Wauwatosa, married Elisabeth, 7 children from 1851 to 1868 - family group sheet
 Schulte, John - born 1834, lived in Milwaukee, married Rosina, 5 children from 1867 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Schulte, John - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulte, John - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulte, Joseph - born 1832, lived in Wauwatosa, married Hildegard, 8 children from 1858 to 1877 - family group sheet
 Schulte, Maria Anna - marriage record, 1840's
 Schulte, Maria Anna - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulte, Maria Sybilla - death certificate, 1900's
 Schulte, Maria Sybilla - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulte, Matilda - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulte, Rosalia Helena - marriage record, 1890's

 Schulteis, Barbara - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulteis, Christina - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulteis, Clarence Joseph - born 1901, married twice - Louise Mary, Antoinette Anna, 6 children from 1927 to 1936 - family group sheet
 Schulteis, Elisabeth-Mrs. Nicholas - death certificate, 1890's
 Schulteis, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulteis, Frank Joseph - born 1886, lived in Richfield, married Elizabeth, 6 children from 1912 to 1924 - family group sheet
 Schulteis, Herman Joseph - born 1884, married Catherine Mary 'Mamie', 6 children from 1907 to 1928 - family group sheet
 Schulteis, Herman Joseph - born 1847, lived in Richfield, married Gertrude, 11 children from 1872 to 1893 - family group sheet
 Schulteis, Herman Joseph - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulteis, Hermann Joseph - born 1818, lived in Port Washington/D.C., married Margaretha, 10 children from 1848 to 1865 - family group sheet
 Schulteis, Katherine - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulteis, Katherine - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulteis, Margaret Theresa - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulteis, Margaretha - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulteis, Maria Elisabeth - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulteis, Maria Elizabeth - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulteis, Nicholas - born 1812, lived in Polk, married Elisabeth, 11 children from 1840 to 1860 - family group sheet
 Schulteis, Nicholas - death certificate, 1880's
 Schulteis, Paul Joseph - born 1755, married Maria Josepha, 9 children from 1783 to 1807 - family group sheet
 Schulteis, Peter Joseph - born 1821, lived in Richfield, married Anna Maria, 9 children from 1846 to 1862 - family group sheet
 Schulteis, Peter Joseph - born 1787, married Anna Maria, 9 children from 1814 to 1826 - family group sheet
 Schulteis, Peter Joseph - born 1872, lived in Richfield, married Elizabeth, 7 children from 1899 to 1911 - family group sheet
 Schulteis, Peter Joseph - marriage record, 1840's
 Schulteis, Peter Joseph - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulteis, Theresa - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulteis, William - born 1878, lived in Richfield, married Agnes Maria, 8 children from 1904 to 1921 - family group sheet

 Schulter, Ludwig - lived in Lebanon, married not, 1 child born in 1860 - family group sheet

 Schultes, Heinrich - married Margaretha, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Schultes, Michael - marriage record, 1900's

 Schultheis, Heinrich Franz - born 1815, lived in Polk/Mayfield, married Maria Elisabetha, 6 children from 1843 to 1857 - family group sheet
 Schultheis, Henry - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultheis, Johann Nicolaus - married Maria, 3 children from 1812 to 1815 - family group sheet
 Schultheis, John - born 1846, lived in Polk, married Mary, 4 children from 1867 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schultheis, John - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultheis, Katherine - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultheis, Philipine - marriage record, 1870's

 Schulties, Friedrich 'Fred' - born 1858, lived in Ackerville, married Elizabeth, 4 children from 1882 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Schulties, Margaret - marriage record, 1900's

 Schultrich, Bertha-Mrs. Richard - death certificate, 1900's

 Schultz, Adolf Emil - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Albert - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha Louise, 1 child born in 1869 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Albert Heinrich - born 1813, lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline Friederike, 3 children from 1853 to 1860 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Albert Heinrich - death certificate, 1880's
 Schultz, Albert Heinrich - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Albert J. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Albert Wilhelm - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Albertine - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Albertine-Mrs. Carl - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Alfred - born 1872, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanne 'Jennie', 4 children from 1901 to 1905 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Alice Marguerite - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Alma Martha - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Alvina - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Andreas - born 1793, lived in Polk, married Anna, 2 children from 1820 to 1822 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Anna - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Anna - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Anna - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Anna Alwine - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Anna Elizabeth - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Archibald C. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, August - born 1859, lived in Menomonee, married Augusta, 3 children from 1891 to 1899 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August - married Auguste, 1 child born in 1900 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 2 children from 1887 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August - born 1827, lived in Lomira/Lowell, married Henriette, 8 children from 1861 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Laura, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August - lived in Granville, married Louise, 6 children from 1875 to 1885 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, August - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, August - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, August - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, August - born 1830, lived in Menomonee Falls, married Sophia, 5 children from 1851 to 1854 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August - born 1834, married Wilhelmine, 5 children from 1860 to 1877 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August Edward - lived in Jackson, married Emma Anna, 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August Friedrich - born 1886, lived in Granville, married Rosa Johannah Alvine, 4 children from 1909 to 1910 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August Heinrich - born 1853, lived in Granville, married Albertina Friederike Caroline, 12 children from 1880 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Schultz, August Heinrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, August Hermann - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, August Herrmann - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie Ernstine Friederike, 3 children from 1871 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Augusta - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Augusta - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Augusta Caroline-Mrs. Edward Johann - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Augusta Dorothea - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Auguste - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Bernhardt Emil - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Bertha Augusta - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Bertha Emilie - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Bruno - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Burton H. - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Adolphine, 2 children from 1883 to 1883 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl - born 1831, lived in Milwaukee, married Albertine, 6 children from 1862 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Caecilie, 1 child born in 1887 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl - born 1822, lived in Concord, married Caroline, 6 children from 1851 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Elise, 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 1 child born in 1866 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 1 child born in 1868 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Carl - married Sophia Maria, 5 children from 1863 to 1871 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl Friedrich - born 1816, lived in Williamstown, married Johanna, 10 children from 1847 to 1866 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl Friedrich - born 1838, lived in Germantown, married Maria Walburga, 7 children from 1864 to 1882 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl Friedrich - born 1858, lived in Scott, married Ottilie Florentine Wilhelmine, 9 children from 1887 to 1898 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Carl Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Carl Friedrich - lived in Rhine, married Wilhelmine, 3 children from 1884 to 1888 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Carl Heinrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Carl W. - born 1860, lived in Scott, married Maria W., 4 children from 1888 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Caroline - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Charles - born 1850, lived in Trenton/Saukville/Milwaukee, married Amalia, 4 children from 1879 to 1891 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Charles - born 1859, married Bertha, 3 children from 1886 to 1897 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Charles - born 1854, lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha Wilhelmine Friederike, 4 children from 1879 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Charles - born 1850, lived in Milwaukee, married Mary, 7 children from 1872 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Charles - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Charles - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Charles - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Charles Augsut - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Charles August - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Charles Bernhardt - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Charles F. - born 1859, lived in Mayville, married Caroline 'Carrie', 4 children from 1882 to 1899 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Charles Herrmann - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Charles L. - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Christian - lived in Wauwatosa, married Caroline, 3 children from 1856 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Christian - born 1822, lived in Williamstown, married Christina, 2 children from 1862 to 1866 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Christian - born 1817, lived in Hubbard/Herman/Lebanon, married Louisa, 7 children from 1849 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Christian - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1864 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Christian - marriage record, 1840's
 Schultz, Christian - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Christian H. - born 1835, lived in Williamstown, married Sophia M., 10 children from 1866 to 1880 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Christina - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Christine Friederike - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Christoph - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1864 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Clara - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Clara Julie - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Clara W. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Daniel - born 1850, lived in Herman, married twice - Emma, Marie, 4 children from 1877 to 1888 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Daniel F. - born 1819, lived in Colgate, married Maria P., 5 children from 1862 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Daniel F. - death certificate, 1870's
 Schultz, Dora - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Dorothea Sophie - marriage record, 1850's
 Schultz, Edith Maria - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Eduard - lived in Sacramento, CA, married Emilie, 3 children from 1873 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Eduard B. - born 1859, lived in Trenton, married Mary, 6 children from 1885 to 1897 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Edward - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Edward Johann - born 1843, lived in town of Milwaukee, married Augusta Caroline Louise, 9 children from 1869 to 1888 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Edward Johann - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Edwin Martin - born 1882, lived in Herman, married Alma Johanna Wilhelmine, 3 children from 1912 to 1920 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Edwin Martin - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Elisabeth - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Elise - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Elise Caroline - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Elizabeth Maria-Mrs. Carl Heinrich - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Ella - marriage record, 1910's
 Schultz, Emilia - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Emma - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Emma - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Emma - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Emma Friederike - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Emma Louise - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Emma Sophia - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Emma W. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Ernestine Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1840's
 Schultz, Eva-Mrs. Julius Ludwig - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Ferdinand - married Hanna, 1 child born in 1858 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Frank - lived in Auburn, married Wilhelmina, 4 children from 1889 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Frank W. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Franz Gottlieb - lived in Milwaukee, married Emma Wilhelmine, 3 children from 1880 to 1886 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Fred - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Fred - born 1853, lived in Addison, married Wilhelmina 'Minna', 5 children from 1878 to 1893 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Fred Carl - born 1863, lived in Kewaskum, married Alvina, 2 children from 1901 to 1905 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Fred Carl - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Frederick M. - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Frederick P. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Friderike Christiane - marriage record, 1850's
 Schultz, Frieda Dorothea - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Friederike - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Friederike - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Friedrich - born 1820, lived in Auburn, married twice - ______, Caroline, 3 children from 1857 to 1862 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 2 children from 1882 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 4 children from 1871 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - born 1812, lived in town of Milwaukee, married Caroline, 5 children from 1841 to 1856 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - born 1810, lived in Mequon/Cedarburg, married Dorothea Friederike, 8 children from 1834 to 1848 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Elisabethe, 10 children from 1859 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - born 1811, lived in Addison, married Frederica Christiana Carolina, 12 children from 1833 to 1855 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Friederike, 1 child born in 1866 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - born 1826, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Friederike, Friedericke Maria Therese, 14 children from 1850 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Katharine, 1 child born in 1866 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 6 children from 1871 to 1881 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 1 child born in 1867 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 2 children from 1860 to 1863 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich - marriage record, 1850's
 Schultz, Friedrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Friedrich 'Fred' - born 1829, lived in Lebanon/Fremont, IA, married Charlotte Ernestine Johanna, 10 children from 1853 to 1872 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Friedrich 'Fred' - marriage record, 1850's
 Schultz, Friedrich Wilhelm - born 1817, lived in Mequon, married Helene Ernestine Christiane, 6 children from 1855 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Gottfried - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 1 child born in 1898 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Gottfried - born 1798, lived in Williamstown, married Maria, 5 children from 1839 to 1859 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Gottlieb - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1866 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Gottlieb Peter - born 1795, lived in Germantown, married Sophia Christine Friedericke, 6 children from 1826 to 1847 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Gustav A. - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1876 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Gustave - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Gustave - born 1844, lived in Grafton, married Wilhelmine, 11 children from 1873 to 1893 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Harry A. - born 1886, lived in Menomonee Falls, married Henrietta 'Hattie', 1 child born in 1909 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Harry A. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Hartwig - born 1850, lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 4 children from 1877 to 1883 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Hartwig - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Heinrich - born 1843, lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 8 children from 1874 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Heinrich - born 1817, lived in Addison, married Christina, 4 children from 1848 to 1859 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Heinrich - born 1844, lived in West Bend, married Dorothea Christine Sophia Lisette, 4 children from 1868 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Heinrich - born 1831, lived in Jackson, married Friedericka, 5 children from 1854 to 1865 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1859 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Heinrich - born 1820, lived in Saukville, married twice - Maria, Henriette Caroline, 5 children from 1841 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Heinrich - death certificate, 1890's
 Schultz, Heinrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Heinrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Heinrich - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine Louise Ernestine, 1 child born in 1888 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Helen - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Henrietta 'Hattie' - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Henriette 'Ulrike' - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Henry - born 1848, lived in Addison/Beloit, married Lena, 1 child born in 1880 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Henry - death certificate, 1890's
 Schultz, Henry - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Henry - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Henry - born 1860, lived in Cedarburg/Trenton/Milwaukee, married Wilhelmina 'Minnie', 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Henry Friedrich - born 1843, lived in Milwaukee, married Maria Wilhelmina Dorothea, 8 children from 1874 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Henry Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Henry W. - born 1875, lived in Wisconsin Rapids, married Cora, 3 children from 1898 to 1908 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Henry W. - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Herbert Hubert - born 1891, lived in Auburndale, married twice - Frieda, Clara, 4 children from 1918 to 1925 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Herman - born 1849, lived in Menomonee, married Caroline, 6 children from 1866 to 1880 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Herman - born 1855, lived in Fredonia/Milwaukee, married Catharina 'Katie', 2 children from 1893 to 1896 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Herman - born 1859, lived in Addison, married twice - Clara, Caroline, 1 child born in 1892 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Herman - born 1866, lived in Beechwood, married Emma M., 3 children from 1901 to 1906 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Herman - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Herman - lived in Oak Grove, married Sophia, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Herman Emil - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha Maria Auguste, 3 children from 1899 to 1907 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Herman Emil - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Herman Gustav - born 1848, lived in Cedarburg, married Alvina, 2 children from 1884 to 1887 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Herman Gustav - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Herman Robert - born 1863, lived in Lomira, married Sophia Wilhelmine, 6 children from 1889 to 1897 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Hermann - born 1839, lived in town of Milwaukee, married Anna, 8 children from 1868 to 1882 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 1 child born in 1887 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Hermann - lived in South Germantown, married Friederike, 3 children from 1878 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Rachel, 2 children from 1889 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Hermann - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Hermann Alwin - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Ida - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, J. Henry - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, J. Henry - born 1860, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Wilhelmine Louise Ernstine 'Minna', Anna Wilhelmine Henriette, 14 children from 1888 to 1916 - family group sheet
 Schultz, J. Martin - born 1839, lived in NY/Herman, married Frederica, 9 children from 1867 to 1886 - family group sheet
 Schultz, J. Martin - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Joachim - born 1830, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna Sophia Maria, 8 children from 1858 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Joachim - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 3 children from 1855 to 1865 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 1 child born in 1876 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Elisabeth, 2 children from 1888 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann - married Friederike, 6 children from 1864 to 1877 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Friedrike, 3 children from 1866 to 1872 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Lina, 1 child born in 1885 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann - born 1839, lived in Saukville, married Maria, 3 children from 1865 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann - born 1819, lived in Wayne, married Maria, 3 children from 1839 to 1848 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophia, 3 children from 1866 to 1872 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann C. - born 1847, lived in Hamburg, married Anna Christine Marie, 6 children from 1873 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann Christian - marriage record, 1840's
 Schultz, Johann Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 2 children from 1848 to 1851 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Johann G. - born 1822, lived in Polk, married Johanna Maria Dorothea, 2 children from 1858 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann Gottfried - born 1818, lived in Lebanon, married Katharina, 1 child born in 1847 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann Gottfried - marriage record, 1840's
 Schultz, Johann Gottlieb - born 1808, lived in Cedarburg, married Sophia, 3 children from 1844 to 1848 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann Heinrich - lived in Saukville, married Catharine, 3 children from 1883 to 1888 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann Heinrich - born 1842, lived in Grand Rapids, married Louise Sophia Maria, 6 children from 1870 to 1892 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann Heinrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Johann Heinrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Johann Heinrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Johann Joahim - born 1857, lived in Milwaukee, married Ernstine Sophie Friederike, 2 children from 1871 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Johann Joahim - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Johann Ludwig - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, John August - born 1855, lived in Germantown, married Fredericke Auguste Karoline, 1 child - family group sheet
 Schultz, John August - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, John G. - born 1865, married Johanna, 3 children from 1892 to 1892 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Josephine - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Julius - lived in Milwaukee, married Elisabeth, 1 child born in 1878 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Julius - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Julius - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Karoline Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Lewis John - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Lillian - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Lina - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Louis R. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Louis V. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Louise - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Louise Henriette - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Louise Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Ludwig - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 2 children from 1874 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Ludwig - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 5 children from 1860 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Ludwig - lived in Milwaukee, married Christiane, 4 children from 1860 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Ludwig - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Ludwig - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Ludwig - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1867 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Magdalena - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Margaretha Marie - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Martin - born 1807, lived in Milwaukee/Herman, married Eva Margaretha, 11 children from 1835 to 1857 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Martin - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Mary - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Mary - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Mathilda - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Mathilde Elisabethe - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Minnie - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Noah - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Norma Lillie - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultz, Oliver - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Otto Albert - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Otto C. - marriage record, 1910's
 Schultz, Otto H. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Otto Karl - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Pastor August - married Margarethe, 3 children from 1858 to 1863 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Peter - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1906 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Peter - born 1837, married twice - Wilhelmine, Maria Carolina, 1 child born in 1867 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Reinhold Ferdinand - born 1866, lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 3 children from 1887 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Reinhold Ferdinand - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Richard - lived in Milwaukee, married Ida, 2 children from 1889 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Robert - born 1882, lived in Cedarburg, married Johanne 'Jennie', 3 children from 1914 to 1920 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Rose - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Rose - marriage record, 1910's
 Schultz, Rudolph - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, Rudolph F. - born 1861, lived in Lebanon, married Bertha R., 2 children from 1888 to 1891 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Samuel August - born 1880, lived in Granville, married Nettie Louise, 6 children from 1914 to 1928 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Theodor - born 1841, lived in Milwaukee, married Adolphine, 4 children from 1867 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Theodor - lived in Milwaukee, married Elisabethe, 4 children from 1851 to 1865 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Theodor - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Ulricka - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Wilhelm - born 1798, lived in Lebanon, married Caroline, 2 children from 1829 to 1833 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Wilhelm - born 1835, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 4 children from 1868 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1863 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Wilhelm - born 1811, lived in Williamstown, married Mary, 5 children from 1851 to 1860 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1860's
 Schultz, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, Wilhelm - born 1853, lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmina Appolonia 'Mina', 1 child born in 1877 - family group sheet
 Schultz, Wilhelm Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Wilhelmina 'Minna' - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, Wilhelmine Louise-Mrs. J. Henry - death certificate, 1880's
 Schultz, Wilhelmine 'Minnie' - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, William - born 1836, lived in Williamstown, married Albertina, 4 children from 1869 to 1891 - family group sheet
 Schultz, William - born 1877, lived in Kekoskee/Williamstown, married Emma, 1 child born in 1904 - family group sheet
 Schultz, William - lived in Wauzeke, married Josephine B., 7 children from 1874 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Schultz, William - born 1870, lived in Milwaukee/town of Milwaukee, married Katie, 2 children from 1898 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Schultz, William - born 1828, lived in Lomira, married Maria, 6 children from 1861 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Schultz, William - lived in Osceola, married Ottilia, 9 children from 1880 to 1899 - family group sheet
 Schultz, William - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, William - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultz, William - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, William - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, William A. - born 1872, lived in Milwaukee, married Mary Anna, 1 child born in 1913 - family group sheet
 Schultz, William C. - marriage record, 1890's
 Schultz, William F. - born 1852, lived in Herman, married Katherine Elizabeth, 3 children from 1882 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Schultz, William F. - marriage record, 1870's
 Schultz, William F. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultz, William J. - born 1871, lived in Auburn, married Clara, 2 children from 1901 to 1904 - family group sheet
 Schultz, William Johann - born 1869, lived in Port Washington, married Emma Dora Rosa, 4 children from 1889 to 1909 - family group sheet

 Schultze, Alfred Jacob - marriage record, 1900's
 Schultze, Carl Henry - death certificate, 1900's
 Schultze, Friedrich Paul - marriage record, 1880's
 Schultze, Henry Friedrich - born 1854, lived in Herman, married Pauline 'Lena', 2 children from 1881 to 1886 - family group sheet

 Schulz, Adele - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Adelia - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Adolf Friedrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Adolf Friedrich - born 1838, lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie Marie Henriette Friederike, 4 children from 1866 to 1871 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Albert - lived in Milwaukee, married Martha, 3 children from 1884 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Albert - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Albert August - born 1858, lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmina 'Minnie', 7 children from 1882 to 1893 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Albert Rudolph - born 1863, lived in Random Lake, married Friedericka, 5 children from 1895 to 1906 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Albertine - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Albertine Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulz, Alma - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Alma Elisa - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Alvina - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Amanda - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Amanda A. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Andreas - lived in Lebanon, married Wilhelmine, 2 children from 1852 to 1854 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Anna Franziska - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Anna Friedrike - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Alwine, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August - born 1854, lived in Herman, married Augusta Marie, 3 children from 1884 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August - married Carolina Wilhelmina, 1 child born in 1859 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August - married Elisabetha, 2 children from 1861 to 1862 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 1 child born in 1879 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 1 child born in 1891 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August - lived in Random Lake, married Lizzie, 5 children from 1905 to 1911 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 3 children from 1860 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1888 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August - lived in Clyman, married Mina, 1 child born in 1874 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, August - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 3 children from 1863 to 1870 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette Caroline Sophie, 2 children from 1872 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August Carl - born 1875, lived in Herman, married Magdalena, 6 children from 1901 to 1908 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August Carl - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, August Friedrich - born 1832, married Henriette, 8 children from 1858 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Schulz, August Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, August G. - death certificate, 1890's
 Schulz, August G. - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulz, August Herman - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, August Wilhelm - born 1825, married Maria Friedrika, 1 child born in 1864 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Augusta - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Augusta - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Augusta W. - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Auguste - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Auguste Karoline - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Bernhard M. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Bertha - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Bertha - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Bertha - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Bertha Auguste - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Bertha Auguste - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Bertha Auguste - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Bertha Charlotte - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Bertha Charlotte - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, C. - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, C. F. - lived in Rubicon, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1873 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - married Albertine, 1 child born in 1858 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1896 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 1 child born in 1881 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 1 child born in 1864 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 3 children from 1864 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Catharina, 2 children from 1859 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - married Ernestine, 7 children from 1848 to 1861 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 2 children from 1887 to 1891 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - born 1838, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 4 children from 1868 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Kewaskum, married Louise, 5 children from 1863 to 1872 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - born 1819, lived in Lebanon, married Marie Friedrike, 3 children from 1846 to 1853 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Martha, 1 child born in 1898 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - death certificate, 1880's
 Schulz, Carl - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Carl - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 4 children from 1867 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl - lived in Granville, married Wilhelmine, 5 children from 1859 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl August - born 1814, lived in Herman, married Augustine Wilhelmine Henriette, 9 children from 1842 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl Fr. - lived in Milwaukee, married Friederike, 1 child born in 1854 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl Friedrich - born 1859, lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha Helene 'Lena', 4 children from 1891 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl Friedrich - married Johanne Friedrike Christine, 5 children from 1827 to 1842 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl Friedrich - born 1811, married twice - Maria, Caroline Wilhelmine, 11 children from 1841 to 1858 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl Friedrich - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Carl Friedrich - lived in Wauwatosa, married Wilhelmine, 4 children from 1871 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl Gottlieb - born 1795, married Dorothea Louise, 7 children from 1825 to 1848 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl Gottlieb - born 1807, lived in Lebanon, married twice - Maria Louisa, Hanna Charlotte Christine, 2 children from 1828 to 1832 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl Heinrich - born 1845, lived in Milwaukee, married Friedrike, 8 children from 1870 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl Heinrich - married Henriette, 1 child born in 1839 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Carl Heinrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Carl Herrmann - death certificate, 1900's
 Schulz, Carl Herrmann - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Carl Johann - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Caroline - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulz, Caroline Henriette - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Caroline Sophie - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Caroline Wilhelmine-Mrs. Carl Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's
 Schulz, Caroline-Mrs. Carl - death certificate, 1900's
 Schulz, Charles - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Charlotte 'Lottie' - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Christian - married Caroline, 1 child born in 1857 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Christian - lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 1 child born in 1854 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Christian - lived in Milwaukee, married Friederike, 1 child born in 1852 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Christian - lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna Dor. Henr., 3 children from 1846 to 1850 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Christian - lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 2 children from 1861 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Christian - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Christian - married Wilhelmine, 2 children from 1856 to 1861 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Conrad - lived in Rhine, married Wilhelmina, 1 child born in 1887 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Daniel - lived in Milwaukee, married Christine Henriette, 3 children from 1842 to 1853 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Daniel - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 1 child born in 1849 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Daniel - born 1802, married twice - Maria, Maria, 2 children from 1845 to 1850 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Dorathea Wilhelmina - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Dorothea-Mrs. Reinhold - death certificate, 1900's
 Schulz, Eduard - born 1852, lived in West Bend, married Albertina Clementina, 10 children from 1878 to 1898 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Eduard - lived in Milwaukee, married Alma, 3 children from 1893 to 1902 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Eduard - lived in Milwaukee, married Elisabeth, 1 child born in 1906 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Eduard - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 1 child born in 1876 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Eduard Wilhelm - born 1826, married Charlotte Marie Dorothea, 1 child born in 1850 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Edward - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Edward J. - born 1857, lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha Hanne Auguste, 7 children from 1885 to 1898 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Edward J. - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Emil - married Bertha, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Emil - lived in Milwaukee, married Laura, 3 children from 1882 to 1888 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Emilie Caroline - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Emilie Helene - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Emilie Louise - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Emma - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Emma Friederike - death certificate, 1880's
 Schulz, Ernst - lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 1 child born in 1859 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ernst C. - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Ernst C. - born 1871, lived in Milwaukee, married Ulrike E. W., 4 children from 1893 to 1901 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ernst Gottlieb - born 1825, married Hanna Marie Louise, 1 child born in 1862 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ernst Gottlieb - lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna Maria Louise, 1 child born in 1856 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ernst William - born 1832, lived in Cedarburg, married Louise Henriette, 8 children from 1859 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ferdinand - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 3 children from 1892 to 1902 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ferdinand - married Wilhelmine, 3 children from 1861 to 1865 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ferdinand - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 6 children from 1882 to 1892 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ferdinand - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 2 children from 1891 to 1893 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ferdinand - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1854 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ferdinand Friedrich - born 1827, married twice - Caroline, get the, 4 children from 1854 to 1870 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ferdinand Heinrich - born 1845, lived in Sherman, married Paulena, 5 children from 1880 to 1887 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Ferdinand Heinrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Florentine - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Franz - married Catharina, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 2 children from 1889 to 1893 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 7 children from 1883 to 1892 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Lina, 1 child born in 1898 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Franz - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Franz - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 5 children from 1886 to 1897 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Franz H. - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline M. A., 1 child born in 1865 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Fred - lived in Fredonia, married Marie M., 2 children from 1884 to 1888 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Frederich - born 1848, lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 9 children from 1874 to 1896 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Frederich - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Frederick - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Fredericka - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Friedbert - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 2 children from 1882 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friederich Christoph - born 1774, married Friederica Sophia Elisabeth Catharina, 7 children from 1798 to 1821 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1887 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - born 1850, lived in Milwaukee, married Appolonia, 6 children from 1869 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Hubbard, married Auguste, 2 children from 1869 to 1881 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 3 children from 1868 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Ernestine, 1 child born in 1858 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - born 1822, married Friederike, 3 children from 1857 to 1866 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Friederike, 1 child born in 1855 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 2 children from 1874 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - married Maria, 2 children from 1858 to 1859 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1894 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in NY, married Ottilie, 3 children from 1851 to 1867 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - married Rosina, 1 child born in 1866 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Friedrich - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 2 children from 1873 to 1877 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Lebanon, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1859 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1882 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine 'Minnie', 2 children from 1873 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich Albert - lived in Granville, married Friederika Wilhelmina Augusta, 1 child born in 1881 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich Nicolaus - married Johanna, 1 child born in 1859 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich W. - lived in Milwaukee, married Catharina, 1 child born in 1888 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 4 children from 1885 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich Wilhelm - born 1857, lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 6 children from 1880 to 1892 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Friedrich Wilhelm - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Georg - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 1 child born in 1868 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Georg Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Margaretha, 4 children from 1855 to 1859 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Gotthilf Ferdinand - born 1817, married Henriette, 3 children from 1858 to 1867 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Gottlieb - lived in Milwaukee, married Ernestine, 7 children from 1865 to 1877 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Gottlieb - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 10 children from 1862 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Gottlieb Wilhelm - born 1787, married Anna Sophia, 7 children from 1812 to 1824 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Gustav - lived in Milwaukee, married Elisabeth, 3 children from 1863 to 1867 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Gustav - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1892 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Gustav - lived in Milwaukee, married not, 1 child born in 1870 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Gustav C. - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Gustave - lived in Sherman, married Emma, 4 children from 1908 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Gustave Adolf - born 1862, lived in Scott/Sherman, married Anna Maria, 1 child born in 1910 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Harry Elmer - death certificate, 1900's
 Schulz, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 3 children from 1867 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Heinrich - lived in Addison, married Lina, 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Heinrich - married Louisa, 3 children from 1864 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1873 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Heinrich - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 1 child born in 1857 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Heinrich Christoph - born 1773, married Ester Maria, 3 children from 1807 to 1815 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Heinrich Friedrich - born 1851, lived in Milwaukee, married Maria Amalie, 2 children from 1874 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Heinrich Wilhelm - born 1807, married Marie, 3 children from 1838 to 1848 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Helen - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Helena - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Helena - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Henriette - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Henriette Amelia - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulz, Henriette-Mrs. August Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's
 Schulz, Henry - born 1880, lived in Sherman, married Anna Margaretha 'Annie', 3 children from 1905 to 1910 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Henry A. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Herman - born 1841, lived in town of Milwaukee, married Anna, 10 children from 1876 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Herman - lived in Grafton, married Sophia, 3 children from 1912 to 1912 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Herman Friedrich - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Herman Otto - born 1878, lived in Herman, married Josephine, 6 children from 1903 to 1920 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Herman Otto - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Herman Wilhelm - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Amalia, 1 child born in 1862 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 5 children from 1883 to 1891 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Hermann - married Caroline, 2 children from 1875 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Hermann - born 1852, lived in Rubicon, married Julia Auguste, 11 children from 1882 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Hermann - born 1837, lived in town of Milwaukee, married Maria, 3 children from 1866 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Hermann - death certificate, 1900's
 Schulz, Hermann - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Hermann Friedrich - born 1842, lived in Herman, married Henriette Wilhelmine Friedericke, 10 children from 1867 to 1881 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Herrman - lived in Germantown, married Friederica, 3 children from 1881 to 1882 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Jacob - married Maria, 1 child born in 1862 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Joachim - born 1811, lived in Sherman, married Caroline Dorothea, 2 children from 1844 to 1845 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Joachim - born 1856, lived in Sherman, married Maria, 8 children from 1889 to 1902 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Albertine, 4 children from 1881 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - born 1838, lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 1 child born in 1879 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 2 children from 1857 to 1861 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - married Caroline, 2 children from 1860 to 1862 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Elisabeth, 2 children from 1860 to 1861 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - born 1816, lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 1 child born in 1852 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Luise, 2 children from 1883 to 1883 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 1 child born in 1867 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 2 children from 1886 to 1888 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulz, Johann - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophia, 1 child born in 1853 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1888 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie Marie Christine, 4 children from 1861 to 1871 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann Christoph - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 2 children from 1852 to 1853 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann Friedrich - married Hanna Dorothea, 5 children from 1828 to 1838 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann Friedrich - born 1835, lived in Milwaukee, married Marie Ernestine, 1 child born in 1863 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann Friedrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Johann Gotthilf - lived in Milwaukee, married Johanne, 4 children from 1860 to 1882 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johann Joachim - born 1794, lived in Milwaukee, married Anna Maria Catharina, 2 children from 1827 to 1830 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Johanna Caroline - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Johanna Caroline - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Johanna Emilie - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, John - born 1859, lived in Germantown/Milwaukee, married Magdalena, 2 children from 1888 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Schulz, John - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, John August - born 1875, lived in Milwaukee, married Emma Anna, 2 children from 1913 to 1913 - family group sheet
 Schulz, John Wolfgang - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Julie - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Karl - lived in Milwaukee, married Luise, 1 child born in 1899 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Katherine - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Lena - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Lena - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Lena Johanne - death certificate, 1890's
 Schulz, Lilly - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Louis - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 3 children from 1891 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Louis - lived in Milwaukee, married Johanne, 3 children from 1859 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Louis - lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 1 child born in 1881 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Louis - lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 1 child born in 1878 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Louis - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Louisa - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Louise - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulz, Louise C. - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Ludwig - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 3 children from 1872 to 1892 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Margarethe Elisabeth - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Maria - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Maria - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Maria Caroline - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Maria Friedrica - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Marie - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Martha - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Martha Auguste - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Martha Maria - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Martin - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Mary - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Mary Charlotte - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Mary W. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Mathilda Caroline - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Mathilda Elisabeth - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Michael - born 1797, lived in Germantown, married Anna Maria, 9 children from 1829 to 1847 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Michael - married Maria, 1 child born in 1863 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Michael - born 1832, lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine Louise, 6 children from 1875 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Minna Louise - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Minna 'Minnie' - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Olga - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Oscar - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Otto - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1892 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Otto - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 2 children from 1895 to 1898 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Otto - lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 1 child born in 1903 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Otto Johann - born 1881, lived in Herman, married Ottilie Wilhelmine Friedericke, 1 child born in 1905 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Paul A. - born 1871, lived in Wayne, married Philippina 'Bena', 3 children from 1897 to 1902 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Paul Bernard - born 1883, lived in Sherman, married Olga Lydia Margaret, 1 child - family group sheet
 Schulz, Pauline Caroline - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Peter - born 1836, married Maria Carolina, 1 child born in 1862 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Peter - death certificate, 1900's
 Schulz, Reinhold - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Robert - lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 2 children from 1874 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Rosette Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Rudolph - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Rudolphine - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Sophia - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Sophia Friedrica - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Sophie - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Sophie - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Sophie Marie-Mrs. Adolf Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's
 Schulz, Theresa Mathilde - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Valeria F. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, Wilhelm - born 1857, lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 3 children from 1884 to 1891 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna Maria, 1 child born in 1854 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Carolina, 2 children from 1875 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 1 child born in 1891 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 1 child born in 1854 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - born 1851, lived in Fredonia, married Elisabeth, 3 children from 1880 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - born 1830, lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 8 children from 1857 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 1 child born in 1869 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - born 1850, lived in Rubicon, married Emilie, 8 children from 1881 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 2 children from 1890 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Hanna, 2 children from 1854 to 1856 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - born 1847, lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 2 children from 1871 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Woodland, married Johanne, 2 children from 1868 to 1871 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - born 1824, lived in Belgium, married Margaretha Hubertina, 9 children from 1853 to 1871 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 4 children from 1856 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Hubbard, married Wilhelmine, 11 children from 1868 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 2 children from 1862 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelm Carl - born 1843, lived in Rubicon, married Caroline Wilhelmine Sophie, 1 child born in 1874 - family group sheet
 Schulz, Wilhelmina Louise - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulz, Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, Wilhelmine Auguste - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, Wilhelmine Christina - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulz, Wilhelmine Louise - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, Wilhelmine Louise-Mrs. J. Henry - death certificate, 1880's
 Schulz, William - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulz, William - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulz, William - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulz, William D. - born 1832, lived in Germantown, married twice - Johanna Gottliebin, Augusta, 10 children from 1859 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Schulz, William D. - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulz, William D. - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulz, William F. - born 1887, lived in Kewaskum, married Amanda, 1 child born in 1911 - family group sheet
 Schulz, William Frederick - born 1866, lived in Scott, married twice - Marie, Margaret, 4 children from 1900 to 1906 - family group sheet
 Schulz, William Hermann - marriage record, 1890's
 Schulz, William J. - marriage record, 1900's

 Schulze, Albert - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulze, Anna Augusta - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulze, Anson Theodor - born 1880, lived in Farmington, married Bertha Maria Margaretha, 1 child born in 1902 - family group sheet
 Schulze, August - lived in Waubeka, married Caroline, 5 children from 1897 to 1904 - family group sheet
 Schulze, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 2 children from 1865 to 1883 - family group sheet
 Schulze, August Wilhelm - marriage record, 1870's
 Schulze, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 2 children from 1846 to 1849 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Edmond - born 1885, lived in Farmington, married Ida, 4 children from 1908 to 1917 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Ernst - lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 3 children from 1881 to 1887 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Ernst - born 1852, lived in Farmington, married Wilhelmina, 4 children from 1875 to 1885 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Fredericke Louisa - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulze, Friedrich - lived in Oakdiel, IL, married Cornelia, 3 children from 1889 to 1897 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Friedrich - born 1801, lived in Lebanon/Beaver Dam, married twice - Sophia, Regine, 5 children from 1833 to 1840 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Friedrich August - born 1833, lived in Lebanon/Beaver Dam, married Auguste Henriette, 9 children from 1859 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Friedrich August - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulze, Friedrich Paul - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulze, Friedrich Wilhelm - born 1821, lived in Williamstown, married Eva Maria, 6 children from 1851 to 1863 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Friedrich Wilhelm - marriage record, 1840's
 Schulze, Gotthold - lived in Milwaukee, married Renade, 1 child born in 1876 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Gottlieb - born 1827, lived in Farmington, married Louise, 2 children from 1850 to 1852 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Herman August - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulze, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Amalie, 2 children from 1860 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Hermann August - born 1861, lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 2 children from 1888 to 1895 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Hermann August - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulze, J. Gotthold - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine Henriette, 1 child born in 1870 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Johann Gotthold - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 1 child born in 1873 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Johann Gotthold - born 1834, lived in Milwaukee, married Renata, 5 children from 1868 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Johann Gotthold - death certificate, 1900's
 Schulze, Johanne Sophie - marriage record, 1860's
 Schulze, Johannes F. - born 1807, lived in Polk, married Anna, 2 children from 1840 to 1844 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Louis Johann - born 1850, lived in Farmington, married Paulina, 6 children from 1877 to 1891 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Maria - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulze, Oscar - born 1858, lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 4 children from 1889 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Oscar - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulze, Otto - lived in Milwaukee, married Ernstine, 1 child born in 1894 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Otto - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulze, Otto - born 1865, lived in Milwaukee, married Susanna, 1 child born in 1901 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Otto H. - marriage record, 1900's
 Schulze, Paul Richard - born 1865, married Augusta, 2 children from 1898 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Renata-Mrs. Johann Gotthold - death certificate, 1910's
 Schulze, Robert Frank - marriage record, 1880's
 Schulze, Rudolf - lived in Milwaukee, married Ulrike, 1 child born in 1893 - family group sheet
 Schulze, Sophia Maria - marriage record, 1850's
 Schulze, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 3 children from 1893 to 1895 - family group sheet

 Schulzmann, Johann Bernard - married Maria, 1 child born in 1880 - family group sheet