Wisconsin Genealogy Research by John Von Haden --- Surnames: Pracht thru Ptaschinski
© 2000-2023 by John Von Haden  All rights reserved.

The list below (updated January 20, 2025) shows ancestry research and related original records which I have worked with over the past forty five years.
Family group sheets (sample here), civil and church records from Wisconsin, Germany, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Norway....
SE Wisconsin cemetery, land and probate records.... State-wide obituaries, wedding stories, other news items....
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 Pracht, Marie Ernestine - marriage record, 1860's
 Pracht, William - born 1836, lived in LaFayette, NE, married Jane, 6 children from 1860 to 1879 - family group sheet

 Prachthauser, Arnold F. - marriage record, 1900's
 Prachthauser, Charles - lived in Milwaukee, married Margaretha, 2 children from 1875 to 1877 - family group sheet

 Präcker, Julius - lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 2 children from 1882 to 1885 - family group sheet

 Praedel, Charlotte-Mrs. Karl Friedrich - death certificate, 1880's
 Praedel, Karl Friedrich - born 1816, lived in Wayne, married Charlotte, 6 children from 1842 to 1855 - family group sheet
 Praedel, Phillip - born 1852, lived in Wayne, married Anna, 3 children from 1879 to 1891 - family group sheet

 Praeffke, Johann Joachim - born 1792, married Sophia Dorothea Catharina, 6 children from 1822 to 1835 - family group sheet

 Praefke, Adolf Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Praefke, Adolph Friedrich - born 1816, married Anna, 2 children from 1852 to 1842 - family group sheet
 Praefke, Adolph Wilhelm - born 1859, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 10 children from 1881 to 1914 - family group sheet
 Praefke, August - born 1834, married Maria Christina Friedericka, 2 children from 1864 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Praefke, August Johann - marriage record, 1890's
 Praefke, Carl - born 1818, lived in town of Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 5 children from 1856 to 1865 - family group sheet
 Praefke, Carl - death certificate, 1890's
 Praefke, Caroline - marriage record, 1880's
 Praefke, Clara M. - marriage record, 1900's
 Praefke, Dorothea-Mrs. Carl - death certificate, 1890's
 Praefke, Edwin - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 2 children from 1907 to 1908 - family group sheet
 Praefke, Edwin Emil - marriage record, 1900's
 Praefke, Franz - born 1852, married Anna, 5 children from 1874 to 1887 - family group sheet
 Praefke, Franz - death certificate, 1910's
 Praefke, Franz - born 1830, lived in town of Milwaukee, married Sophia, 6 children from 1857 to 1866 - family group sheet
 Praefke, Frederick Carl - marriage record, 1880's
 Praefke, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 2 children from 1876 to 1880 - family group sheet
 Praefke, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 1 child born in 1891 - family group sheet
 Praefke, Heinrich - death certificate, 1890's
 Praefke, Heinrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Praefke, Henry F. - born 1857, lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 2 children from 1886 to 1892 - family group sheet
 Praefke, Juliane Sabina - marriage record, 1880's
 Praefke, Robert Friedrich - born 1881, lived in Milwaukee, married Margaret, 1 child born in 1905 - family group sheet
 Praefke, Robert Friedrich - marriage record, 1900's
 Praefke, Sophia-Mrs. Franz - death certificate, 1900's
 Praefke, Wilhelm Karl - death certificate, 1900's
 Praefke, Wilhelm Karl - born 1866, lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine Caroline Sophie 'Minnie', 2 children from 1888 to 1891 - family group sheet
 Praefke, Wilhelmina - marriage record, 1870's
 Praefke, Wilhelmina - marriage record, 1890's
 Praefke, Wilhelmina Karoline - marriage record, 1890's
 Praefke, William - born 1882, married Meta Emma Maria, 2 children from 1911 to 1914 - family group sheet
 Praefke, William Karl - marriage record, 1900's

 Praeger, William A. - marriage record, 1890's

 Prängel, Adolf Berthold - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine Caroline, 1 child born in 1885 - family group sheet

 Praetzsch, Friedrich - lived in Port Washington, married Elizabeth, 3 children from 1865 to 1872 - family group sheet

 Prag, Carl - born 1832, married Henrietta, 3 children from 1866 to 1866 - family group sheet
 Prag, William - lived in Lannon, married Bertha, 3 children from 1899 to 1902 - family group sheet

 Prager, Anna Louise - marriage record, 1900's
 Prager, Jennie Laura - marriage record, 1900's
 Prager, John Timothy - marriage record, 1900's
 Prager, Rev. Johann - born 1837, lived in Granville, married Jennie Katharina Friederika, 5 children from 1868 to 1883 - family group sheet
 Prager, Sophie - marriage record, 1890's

 Prahl, Alvina - marriage record, 1890's
 Prahl, August - lived in Iron Ridge, married Aloise, 1 child born in 1878 - family group sheet
 Prahl, August Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Prahl, Augusta Maria - marriage record, 1870's
 Prahl, Auguste-Mrs. Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's
 Prahl, Bertha Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1860's
 Prahl, Carl - born 1823, lived in Rubicon, married Augusta, 2 children from 1861 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Carl Gotthilf - married Caroline Louise, 9 children from 1824 to 1844 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Carl J. - marriage record, 1880's
 Prahl, Carl Ludwig - marriage record, 1860's
 Prahl, Carl Ludwig - born 1842, lived in Jackson, married Sophie J., 9 children from 1867 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Caroline-Mrs. Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's
 Prahl, Charles A. - death certificate, 1890's
 Prahl, Charles A. - marriage record, 1880's
 Prahl, Charles Louis - marriage record, 1910's
 Prahl, Charlotte Henrietta - marriage record, 1860's
 Prahl, Christian Friedrich - married Esther Maria, 2 children from 1822 to 1832 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Edward - marriage record, 1890's
 Prahl, Edwin Paul - born 1880, lived in Jackson, married Selma Anna Wilhelmina, 1 child born in 1906 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Ella Friedericke - marriage record, 1880's
 Prahl, Emilia Ernestine - marriage record, 1860's
 Prahl, Emilie - marriage record, 1880's
 Prahl, Emilie Theresa - marriage record, 1880's
 Prahl, Friederike Charlotte - marriage record, 1850's
 Prahl, Friedrich - born 1824, lived in Mequon, married Auguste, 3 children from 1848 to 1867 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Friedrich - born 1824, lived in Germantown/Cooperstown, married Caroline, 8 children from 1853 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's
 Prahl, Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Prahl, Friedrich August - born 1822, lived in Mequon, married Maria Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1854 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Friedrich J. - born 1805, lived in Cedarburg/Rantoul, married Friederika 'Johanna', 6 children from 1834 to 1858 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Friedrich Lorenz - born 1797, lived in Mequon, married Friedericke Dorothea Luise, 1 child born in 1835 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Friedrich W. - death certificate, 1900's
 Prahl, Heinrich Friedrich - born 1865, lived in Mequon, married twice - Martha Renata Victoria, Albertina W., 7 children from 1909 to 1914 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Henry John - born 1867, lived in Kirchhayn, married Emilie Wilhelmina Theresa, 3 children from 1899 to 1905 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Henry John - marriage record, 1890's
 Prahl, Ida Emma - marriage record, 1890's
 Prahl, Johann Gotthilf - born 1835, lived in Mequon, married twice - Bertha Maria Sophia Henriette, Johanna Maria, 9 children from 1858 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Johanne - marriage record, 1870's
 Prahl, John W. - born 1875, lived in Germantown, married Susan, 2 children from 1904 to 1904 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Julius August - marriage record, 1890's
 Prahl, Julius F. - born 1864, lived in Germantown/Milwaukee, married Julia A., 4 children from 1893 to 1904 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Julius F. - marriage record, 1880's
 Prahl, Louisa A. - marriage record, 1890's
 Prahl, Maria - marriage record, 1870's
 Prahl, Martha Maria - marriage record, 1890's
 Prahl, Mathilda Helene - marriage record, 1870's
 Prahl, Mathilda Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1890's
 Prahl, Philipp - born 1803, lived in Jackson, married Friederike Charlotte, 4 children from 1833 to 1846 - family group sheet
 Prahl, Sophia - marriage record, 1860's
 Prahl, Sophie J.-Mrs. Carl Ludwig - death certificate, 1900's
 Prahl, William - born 1848, lived in Milwaukee, married Mathilde, 7 children from 1876 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Prahl, William - death certificate, 1900's
 Prahl, William - marriage record, 1870's

 Prahlow, Friedrich - born 1845, lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 9 children from 1872 to 1892 - family group sheet

 Prahn/Krohn?, August - married Maria, 1 child born in 1870 - family group sheet

 Prange, Ernestine Friedericke - marriage record, 1870's
 Prange, Frederick 'Fritz' - marriage record, 1870's
 Prange, Frederick Gustav - marriage record, 1870's
 Prange, Hedwig C. - marriage record, 1890's
 Prange, Herman Gustaf - born 1829, married Caroline, 2 children from 1854 to 1856 - family group sheet
 Prange, Ludwig Friedrich - born 1879, lived in Milwaukee, married Minna, 4 children from 1907 to 1918 - family group sheet
 Prange, Maria-Mrs. Wilhelm - death certificate, 1900's
 Prange, Wilhelm - born 1833, lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 7 children from 1875 to 1893 - family group sheet
 Prange, Wilhelm - married Maria, 1 child born in 1867 - family group sheet

 Prantau, Paulina - marriage record, 1880's

 Prasch, Frank Joseph - born 1858, lived in Richfield, married Helen, 5 children from 1883 to 1895 - family group sheet
 Prasch, Frank Joseph - marriage record, 1880's
 Prasch, Jacob - born 1818, lived in Burlington, married Catherine, 6 children from 1853 to 1858 - family group sheet

 Prasser, Amalia R. - marriage record, 1880's
 Prasser, Bertha - marriage record, 1900's
 Prasser, Johannes - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 3 children from 1887 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Prasser, Louise - marriage record, 1900's

 Pratt, Luella May - marriage record, 1900's

 Praus, Catharina - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1820's

 Prawatschky, Gustav - marriage record, 1870's

 Prebeno, August - lived in Clyman, married Auguste, 1 child born in 1869 - family group sheet

 Prechtel, Catharine - marriage record, 1860's
 Prechtel, George - born 1870, lived in Waubeka, married Magdalena, 5 children from 1894 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Prechtel, John - born 1846, lived in Fredonia/Woodville, married twice - Margaretha, Margaretha, 5 children from 1870 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Prechtel, John - marriage record, 1870's
 Prechtel, Wolfgang Adam - lived in Boston, MA, married Catherine, 2 children from 1844 to 1846 - family group sheet

 Pree, Charles - born 1858, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Helena, Hattie, 4 children from 1882 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Pree, Charles - marriage record, 1890's
 Pree, Elizabeth - death certificate, 1890's
 Pree, Helena-Mrs. Charles - death certificate, 1890's
 Pree, Leonard - death certificate, 1900's
 Pree, Nicholas - born 1882, lived in Kewaskum, married Minnie, 1 child born in 1909 - family group sheet

 Preez, Anna - marriage record, 1860's

 Prehm, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Friederike, 2 children from 1882 to 1885 - family group sheet

 Prehn, August - born 1827, lived in Williamstown, married Maria, 6 children from 1856 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Prehn, August - death certificate, 1900's
 Prehn, Caroline - marriage record, 1880's

 Prei, Frederic - marriage record, 1870's
 Prei, Herrmann - lived in Granville, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet

 Prein, Mary - marriage record, 1890's

 Preis, William H. - born 1887, lived in IL, married Lillian, 2 children from 1910 to 1918 - family group sheet

 Preiser, Emil - marriage record, 1880's
 Preiser, Joseph - born 1874, lived in Polk, married Catherine, 2 children from 1906 to 1906 - family group sheet
 Preiser, Joseph - marriage record, 1900's
 Preiser, Louisa - death certificate, 1900's
 Preiser, Mary-Mrs. Theodore - death certificate, 1900's
 Preiser, Theodore - marriage record, 1900's

 Preisler, Anna F. - marriage record, 1880's
 Preisler, Charles - lived in IL, married Mary, 10 children from 1858 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Preisler, Charles - born 1858, lived in IL, married Sophia, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Preisler, Christina - marriage record, 1880's
 Preisler, Frank Joseph - born 1861, lived in Wilmington, IL, married Minnie Carolina Christina, 5 children from 1890 to 1904 - family group sheet
 Preisler, John - born 1865, lived in IL, married Angeline, 14 children from 1886 to 1910 - family group sheet
 Preisler, Louis - born 1869, lived in IL, married Mary, 5 children from 1889 to 1896 - family group sheet

 Preiss, Agnes M. - marriage record, 1880's
 Preiss, Emma - marriage record, 1890's
 Preiss, Frank A. - marriage record, 1900's
 Preiss, Friedrich Gustav - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 7 children from 1870 to 1880 - family group sheet
 Preiss, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 8 children from 1873 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Preiss, Heinrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Preiss, Jacob - born 1826, married Margaretha Christine, 1 child born in 1856 - family group sheet
 Preiss, Otto - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 4 children from 1894 to 1901 - family group sheet

 Preissinger, Lawrence - marriage record, 1900's

 Preitert, Joseph - married Franzisca, 1 child born in 1855 - family group sheet

 Prell, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 1 child born in 1876 - family group sheet
 Prell, George - born 1864, lived in Wilton, married Mary Henrietta Wilhelmine, 6 children from 1893 to 1913 - family group sheet

 Prem____, Johann Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Katharina, 1 child born in 1852 - family group sheet

 Premscheller, Andreas - lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 1 child born in 1888 - family group sheet

 Prendergast, Catherine - marriage record, 1900's
 Prendergast, James - born 1847, lived in Erin, married Mary Jane, 5 children from 1880 to 1893 - family group sheet

 Prengel, Emma Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1880's
 Prengel, Gottfried - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1859 - family group sheet
 Prengel, Helena Hedwig - marriage record, 1870's
 Prengel, Theodor Ferdinand - lived in Milwaukee, married Ernestine Louise, 2 children from 1870 to 1884 - family group sheet

 Prentice, Adeline M. - marriage record, 1860's
 Prentice, George Dell - born 1883, lived in Milwaukee, married Rose, 4 children from 1913 to 1920 - family group sheet
 Prentice, Oren - married Henrietta, 1 child born in 1873 - family group sheet

 Prentiss, Vernon - marriage record, 1910's

 Prenzlow, Friedrich - lived in Herman, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1865 - family group sheet

 Prepe, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 1 child born in 1875 - family group sheet

 Presch, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Pauline, 1 child born in 1894 - family group sheet

 Prescott, Nellie - marriage record, 1890's

 Presser, Carl - marriage record, 1890's

 Presston, Marion Jane - marriage record, 1890's

 Prestin, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1860's
 Prestin, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 6 children from 1885 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Prestin, Carl - born 1828, lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 8 children from 1867 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Prestin, Frieda - marriage record, 1890's
 Prestin, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 8 children from 1864 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Prestin, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 1 child born in 1866 - family group sheet
 Prestin, Henry - marriage record, 1890's
 Prestin, John - marriage record, 1890's
 Prestin, Sophie - marriage record, 1880's
 Prestin, William C. - marriage record, 1900's

 Pretsch, Margaret - marriage record, 1890's

 Pretschold, Annette - marriage record, 1900's

 Pretz, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1888 - family group sheet

 Pretzel, Carl Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Pretzel, Carl Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Pretzel, Carl Friedrich - born 1850, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Ulrike Wilhelmine Henriette, Mathilda Emmeline Friedrike, 6 children from 1877 to 1897 - family group sheet
 Pretzel, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Alwine, 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet
 Pretzel, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 6 children from 1869 to 1880 - family group sheet
 Pretzel, Ulrike Wilhelmine-Mrs. Carl Friedrich - death certificate, 1880's
 Pretzel, Wilhelm - born 1863, lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 5 children from 1887 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Pretzel, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1880's

 Pretzer, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1872 - family group sheet

 Preul, Friedrich - born 1858, lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 5 children from 1888 to 1893 - family group sheet
 Preul, Georg - born 1829, married Jacobine, 1 child born in 1858 - family group sheet

 Preuß, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 1 child born in 1872 - family group sheet
 Preus, Meta - marriage record, 1900's
 Preuß, Robert - lived in Milwaukee, married Ottilie, 1 child born in 1873 - family group sheet

 Preuss, Anna A. - marriage record, 1900's
 Preuss, Anton - marriage record, 1890's
 Preuss, August Ferdinand - born 1835, married Friedericke, 3 children from 1864 to 1872 - family group sheet
 Preuss, Caroline - marriage record, 1890's
 Preuss, Emilie - marriage record, 1890's
 Preuss, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Elise, 1 child born in 1902 - family group sheet
 Preuss, Golda Mildred - death certificate, 1900's
 Preuss, Herman G. - marriage record, 1890's
 Preuss, Johann Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Minna, 1 child born in 1903 - family group sheet
 Preuss, Johann Carl - marriage record, 1900's
 Preuss, John - born 1860, lived in Milwaukee, married Ulricka, 9 children from 1896 to 1896 - family group sheet
 Preuss, Joseph - lived in Milwaukee, married Mina, 1 child born in 1894 - family group sheet
 Preuss, Leopold - marriage record, 1900's
 Preuss, Rudolph - born 1859, married Wilhelmine Johanne Dorothea, 1 child born in 1891 - family group sheet
 Preuss, Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1860's
 Preuss, Wilhelmine Johanne-Mrs. Rudolph - death certificate, 1890's

 Preusse, Adeline-Mrs. Christian - death certificate, 1890's
 Preusse, Christian - marriage record, 1880's

 Preusser, Emil - lived in Milwaukee, married Clara, 2 children from 1884 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Preusser, Joseph - married Theresia, 1 child born in 1880 - family group sheet

 Preussler, Erwin M. - marriage record, 1890's
 Preussler, Robert - married Catharina, 1 child born in 1867 - family group sheet

 Prevost, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1900's
 Prevost, Nicholas - born 1842, lived in Trenton, married Elizabeth, 7 children from 1864 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Prevost, Nicholas - marriage record, 1860's

 Prey, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Ulrike, 2 children from 1881 to 1883 - family group sheet
 Prey, Bertha - marriage record, 1900's
 Prey, Thomas Raymond - marriage record, 1850's

 Pribbenow, Adeline - marriage record, 1890's
 Pribbenow, Lydia - marriage record, 1890's
 Pribbenow, William John - marriage record, 1870's
 Pribbenow, William John - born 1856, lived in Windsor/Leeds/Kilbourn, married Sophia, 6 children from 1877 to 1888 - family group sheet

 Pribbernow, Friedrich A. - born 1843, lived in Williamstown, married Emilie A. W., 9 children from 1868 to 1890 - family group sheet

 Pribnow, Albert August - born 1872, lived in Theresa, married Anna, 2 children - family group sheet
 Pribnow, Albert August - marriage record, 1890's
 Pribnow, Augusta Marie - marriage record, 1880's
 Pribnow, Friedrich Christian - born 1868, lived in Theresa, married Clara Helene, 1 child born in 1905 - family group sheet
 Pribnow, Friedrich Christian - marriage record, 1900's
 Pribnow, Friedrich Wilhelm - born 1823, lived in Theresa, married Johanne Charlotte Friedericke, 13 children from 1855 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Pribnow, Friedrich Wilhelm - death certificate, 1900's
 Pribnow, Friedrich Wilhelm - marriage record, 1850's
 Pribnow, Herman August - born 1855, lived in Theresa, married Emilie, 6 children from 1881 to 1895 - family group sheet
 Pribnow, Herman August - marriage record, 1880's
 Pribnow, Hertha 'Hattie' - marriage record, 1900's
 Pribnow, Hubert - born 1885, lived in Theresa, married Meta Maria Magdalena, 4 children from 1913 to 1922 - family group sheet
 Pribnow, Leona Angeline - marriage record, 1900's
 Pribnow, Otto Emil - marriage record, 1900's
 Pribnow, Reinhold - born 1875, lived in Theresa, married Maria, 3 children from 1903 to 1912 - family group sheet
 Pribnow, William Friedrich - born 1857, lived in Theresa, married Agnes, 7 children from 1883 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Pribnow, William Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's

 Price, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1900's
 Price, Hugh - marriage record, 1870's
 Price, Jesse H. - born 1823, lived in Towamencin, PA/Towamensing, PA/Menomonee, married Margaret, 3 children from 1849 to 1863 - family group sheet
 Price, Pearl L. - marriage record, 1900's
 Price, Robert R. - marriage record, 1860's
 Price, William - marriage record, 1890's
 Price, William - born 1797, lived in PA, married Sarah, 4 children from 1818 to 1823 - family group sheet

 Priebe, Albert - born 1852, married Emilia, 8 children from 1881 to 1896 - family group sheet
 Priebe, Albert - born 1861, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Emilie, Ulricka, 4 children from 1889 to 1896 - family group sheet
 Priebe, Albert - death certificate, 1900's
 Priebe, Albert - death certificate, 1910's
 Priebe, Albert - marriage record, 1880's
 Priebe, Albert - marriage record, 1890's
 Priebe, Alfred M. - marriage record, 1900's
 Priebe, Amanda Ulrike - marriage record, 1900's
 Priebe, Bertha - death certificate, 1900's
 Priebe, Carl - death certificate, 1900's
 Priebe, Elise Charlotte - marriage record, 1910's
 Priebe, Emilie-Mrs. Albert - death certificate, 1880's
 Priebe, Emma - marriage record, 1900's
 Priebe, Emma M. - marriage record, 1890's
 Priebe, Ferdinand - born 1852, lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 6 children from 1876 to 1893 - family group sheet
 Priebe, Frank - marriage record, 1900's
 Priebe, Franz Friedrich - born 1853, lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha Caroline Henriette, 5 children from 1876 to 1885 - family group sheet
 Priebe, Franz Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Priebe, Frederick W. - lived in Milwaukee, married Augusta, 6 children from 1875 to 1886 - family group sheet
 Priebe, George Friedrich - marriage record, 1900's
 Priebe, Gottlieb - born 1836, married Wilhelmine, 2 children from 1861 to 1861 - family group sheet
 Priebe, Henry August - marriage record, 1900's
 Priebe, John Friedrich - marriage record, 1890's
 Priebe, Julius - born 1848, married Julia Johanna, 1 child born in 1895 - family group sheet
 Priebe, Julius - marriage record, 1870's
 Priebe, Karl W. - death certificate, 1900's
 Priebe, Karl W. - marriage record, 1880's
 Priebe, Karl W. - born 1850, lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 4 children from 1886 to 1892 - family group sheet
 Priebe, Louise Maria - marriage record, 1890's
 Priebe, Lydia Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1900's
 Priebe, Otto - lived in Milwaukee, married Martha, 4 children from 1903 to 1907 - family group sheet
 Priebe, Otto - marriage record, 1900's
 Priebe, Otto Albert - marriage record, 1890's
 Priebe, Rosa Caroline - death certificate, 1900's
 Priebe, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Doretta, 1 child born in 1867 - family group sheet
 Priebe, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Laurette, 1 child born in 1878 - family group sheet
 Priebe, Wilhelmine-Mrs. Gottlieb - death certificate, 1900's

 Priedeman, John Samuel - born 1849, lived in Germantown/St. Paul, MN, married Mary K., 2 children from 1881 to 1885 - family group sheet

 Priedemann, Anna Rosina - marriage record, 1870's
 Priedemann, Christina Elisabeth - marriage record, 1870's
 Priedemann, Hanna Dorothea - marriage record, 1860's
 Priedemann, Juliana Elizabeth - marriage record, 1880's
 Priedemann, Mary Elisabeth - marriage record, 1860's
 Priedemann, Samuel - born 1807, lived in Germantown, married Anna Elisabeth, 7 children from 1840 to 1854 - family group sheet

 Priefert, Ernst - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1885 - family group sheet
 Priefert, Mathilda - marriage record, 1870's

 Priegel, Sophie - marriage record, 1900's
 Priegel, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1880's
 Priegel, William - marriage record, 1890's
 Priegel, William - born 1862, lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie D., 2 children - family group sheet

 Priem, Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1890's

 Prien, Frederick 'Fritz' - born 1855, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Elizabeth, Susan, 4 children from 1880 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Prien, Frederick 'Fritz' - marriage record, 1870's
 Prien, Fritz - born 1829, lived in Hartford, married twice - Anna, Maria, 13 children from 1854 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Prien, Fritz - death certificate, 1890's
 Prien, Julius Johannes - marriage record, 1900's

 Priepke, Christina-Mrs. Gustave - death certificate, 1890's
 Priepke, Gustave - born 1860, lived in Trenton, married Christina, 2 children from 1899 to 1899 - family group sheet
 Priepke, Gustave - marriage record, 1890's
 Priepke, William - born 1814, married Johanna, 4 children from 1848 to 1860 - family group sheet

 Prier, Clara E. - marriage record, 1910's
 Prier, Frank - marriage record, 1870's
 Prier, Franz - married Clara, 1 child born in 1881 - family group sheet
 Prier, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Gertrude, 4 children from 1854 to 1865 - family group sheet
 Prier, Gertrude - marriage record, 1880's
 Prier, Gertrude-Mrs. Franz - death certificate, 1900's
 Prier, Rosa - marriage record, 1870's

 Pries, August - married Friederike, 2 children from 1862 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Pries, Heinrich - married Sophia, 2 children from 1867 to 1864 - family group sheet

 Prieser, Henry J. - marriage record, 1900's
 Prieser, Joseph M. - born 1846, lived in Polk, married Amalia, 2 children from 1874 to 1883 - family group sheet

 Priesgen, Agnes-Mrs. Johann Peter - death certificate, 1890's
 Priesgen, Anna Gertrud - marriage record, 1860's
 Priesgen, Anna Gertrude - marriage record, 1860's
 Priesgen, Johann Peter - born 1813, lived in Richfield, married Agnes, 8 children from 1837 to 1855 - family group sheet
 Priesgen, Johann Peter - marriage record in Germany, 1830's
 Priesgen, John - born 1883, lived in Hartford, married Magdalen, 5 children from 1911 to 1921 - family group sheet
 Priesgen, John - born 1847, lived in Richfield, married Magdalena, 9 children from 1881 to 1897 - family group sheet
 Priesgen, John - marriage record, 1870's
 Priesgen, Maria Gertrud - death certificate in Germany, 1830's

 Priesken, Johny - death certificate, 1880's

 Priest, Carl August - born 1869, lived in Lomira, married Emma Melinde, 4 children from 1892 to 1899 - family group sheet
 Priest, Heinrich - lived in Theresa, married Sophie, 5 children from 1864 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Priest, William - born 1864, lived in Theresa, married Louise Caroline, 5 children from 1892 to 1903 - family group sheet

 Priester, Philippine - marriage record, 1850's

 Priestly, David - lived in Polk, married Thirza, 1 child born in 1852 - family group sheet

 Prietz, Emilie Friedericke - marriage record, 1860's
 Prietz, Friedericke Ernestine-Mrs. Johann Ludwig - death certificate, 1890's
 Prietz, Hugo - born 1883, lived in Milwaukee, married Cora, 3 children from 1904 to 1912 - family group sheet
 Prietz, Hugo - marriage record, 1900's
 Prietz, Johann Ludwig - born 1812, lived in Granville, married Friedericke Ernestine, 9 children from 1840 to 1857 - family group sheet
 Prietz, Johann Ludwig - marriage record, 1870's
 Prietz, John Ludwig - born 1850, lived in Granville/Milwaukee, married Caroline Christiane Maria, 5 children from 1882 to 1886 - family group sheet
 Prietz, John Ludwig - marriage record, 1870's
 Prietz, Mary Louise - marriage record, 1880's
 Prietz, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Luise, 1 child born in 1894 - family group sheet
 Prietz, Wilhelm J. - death certificate, 1890's
 Prietz, Wilhelmina - marriage record, 1860's

 Prieve, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 6 children from 1877 to 1885 - family group sheet

 Prigge, Helen Augusta - marriage record, 1890's

 Prill, Anna Margaretha-Mrs. Jodore August - death certificate, 1900's
 Prill, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Helene Caroline, 1 child born in 1879 - family group sheet
 Prill, Jodore August - marriage record, 1880's

 Primus, Joseph - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1857 - family group sheet

 Prince, Christine - marriage record, 1890's

 Printz, Elisabetha - marriage record, 1850's
 Printz, Magdalena - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1820's
 Printz, Magdalena - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1810's
 Printz, Margaretha - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Printz, Margaretha-Mrs. Mathias - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1820's
 Printz, Mathias - born 1747, married Margaretha, 2 children from 1797 to 1800 - family group sheet
 Printz, Mathias - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1810's
 Printz, Mathias - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Printz, Michael - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Printz, Peter - born 1800, lived in Belgium, married Angela, 9 children from 1827 to 1849 - family group sheet
 Printz, Peter - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1820's

 Prinz, Angela - marriage record in Germany, 1830's
 Prinz, Anna - marriage record in Germany, 1850's
 Prinz, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline Louise, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet
 Prinz, Barbara-Mrs. Wilhelm - death certificate in Germany, 1830's
 Prinz, Carl - married Sophia, 1 child born in 1857 - family group sheet
 Prinz, Catharina - marriage record in Germany, 1840's
 Prinz, Emma - marriage record, 1900's
 Prinz, Faustin - born 1851, lived in Milwaukee, married Katherina, 12 children from 1876 to 1897 - family group sheet
 Prinz, Friedrich - born 1842, lived in Williamstown/Mayville, married Maria, 6 children from 1865 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Prinz, Friedrich - married Marie, 1 child born in 1868 - family group sheet
 Prinz, Friedrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Prinz, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Antonia, 2 children from 1876 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Prinz, Herman C. - born 1867, lived in Hubbard/Williamstown/Mayville, married Hermina Marie, 2 children from 1899 to 1905 - family group sheet
 Prinz, Hermina - marriage record, 1900's
 Prinz, Hulda - marriage record, 1900's
 Prinz, Johann - death certificate in Germany, 1820's
 Prinz, Laura - death certificate, 1880's
 Prinz, Lena - death certificate, 1900's
 Prinz, Maria - marriage record in Germany, 1850's
 Prinz, Maria Francisca - marriage record, 1860's
 Prinz, Mathias - death certificate in Germany, 1870's
 Prinz, Mathias - marriage record in Germany, 1840's
 Prinz, Pancratii - married Anna, 6 children from 1756 to 1769 - family group sheet
 Prinz, Peter - death certificate in Germany, 1820's
 Prinz, Robert - death certificate, 1890's
 Prinz, Theodora - marriage record, 1850's
 Prinz, Wilhelm - born 1782, married Barbara, 8 children from 1807 to 1826 - family group sheet
 Prinz, Wilhelm - death certificate in Germany, 1850's

 Prinzler, Andreas - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna Katherine, 1 child born in 1878 - family group sheet
 Prinzler, Andreas - marriage record, 1880's
 Prinzler, Christian - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1865 - family group sheet
 Prinzler, Gottfried - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 5 children from 1869 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Prinzler, Mathilda - marriage record, 1890's

 Prior, Clemens - born 1797, lived in Milwaukee, married Agatha, 2 children from 1823 to 1826 - family group sheet

 Prissen, Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1860's

 Pritchard, Calvin E. - marriage record, 1880's
 Pritchard, Charles P. - born 1814, lived in Owego, NY/Addison/Hartford/Buffalo, married Jane, 12 children from 1841 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Pritchard, Charles P. - marriage record, 1880's
 Pritchard, Ellen - marriage record, 1860's
 Pritchard, Emily - marriage record, 1850's
 Pritchard, George - marriage record, 1900's
 Pritchard, Jane-Mrs. Charles P. - death certificate, 1900's
 Pritchard, Sophia - marriage record, 1850's

 Pritschet, Catherine - marriage record, 1890's
 Pritschet, George - born 1807, lived in Farmington, married Theresa, 1 child born in 1843 - family group sheet
 Pritschet, Johann Adam - married Amalia Mathilde, 1 child born in 1865 - family group sheet
 Pritschet, John Adam - born 1843, lived in Farmington, married 4 times - Amalia, Anna, Josephine, Wilhelmina, 7 children from 1865 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Pritschet, John Adam - marriage record, 1870's

 Pritt, Alice Elizabeth - marriage record, 1870's

 Pritz, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1880's
 Pritz, Wilhelm - born 1843, lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmina, 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet

 Pritzke, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1890's

 Pritzkow, Charlotte Friederike - marriage record, 1860's

 Pritzlaff, Auguste Emilie - marriage record, 1870's
 Pritzlaff, Edward - born 1837, married Caroline Louise Friederike, 1 child born in 1864 - family group sheet
 Pritzlaff, Elfrieda Maria - marriage record, 1900's
 Pritzlaff, Elizabeth Sophia - marriage record, 1860's
 Pritzlaff, Emil Friedrich - born 1852, lived in Watertown, married Johanna Emilie, 5 children from 1877 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Pritzlaff, Emil Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's
 Pritzlaff, Emil Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Pritzlaff, Emma Amalia - marriage record, 1860's
 Pritzlaff, Franklin 'Frank' - born 1879, lived in Merton, married Clara Mary, 1 child born in 1904 - family group sheet
 Pritzlaff, Franklin 'Frank' - marriage record, 1900's
 Pritzlaff, Frederick Charles - born 1861, lived in Milwaukee, married Helen, 6 children from 1888 to 1902 - family group sheet
 Pritzlaff, Henry C. - marriage record, 1900's
 Pritzlaff, Herman - married Gertrude Anna, 2 children from 1887 to 1888 - family group sheet
 Pritzlaff, Hulda - marriage record, 1890's
 Pritzlaff, John Charles - death certificate, 1900's
 Pritzlaff, John Charles - marriage record, 1840's
 Pritzlaff, John Charles - born 1820, lived in Milwaukee, married Sophia Christine, 8 children from 1845 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Pritzlaff, John F. - born 1845, lived in Merton, married Lena M., 5 children from 1872 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Pritzlaff, John F. - marriage record, 1870's
 Pritzlaff, John Ludwig - born 1873, lived in Milwaukee/Merton, married Irene Inez, 3 children from 1904 to 1909 - family group sheet
 Pritzlaff, John Ludwig - marriage record, 1890's
 Pritzlaff, Lena M.-Mrs. John F. - death certificate, 1900's
 Pritzlaff, Martin Gottlieb - lived in Germantown, married Margareth, 1 child born in 1874 - family group sheet
 Pritzlaff, Martin Gottlieb - marriage record, 1870's
 Pritzlaff, Reinhard Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Pritzlaff, Richard Bernhard - born 1859, lived in Milwaukee, married Amalia R., 7 children from 1883 to 1896 - family group sheet
 Pritzlaff, Richard Bernhard - death certificate, 1890's
 Pritzlaff, Richard Bernhard - marriage record, 1880's
 Pritzlaff, Sarah - marriage record, 1900's
 Pritzlaff, Sophia Christine-Mrs. John Charles - death certificate, 1890's

 Probst, Christoph - born 1820, lived in Farmington, married Mary Magdalena, 2 children from 1855 to 1858 - family group sheet
 Probst, Christoph - marriage record, 1850's
 Probst, Ehrhard - lived in Williamstown, NY, married Rosina K., 3 children from 1850 to 1853 - family group sheet
 Probst, Ehrhard - lived in Beaver Dam, married Wilhelmina, 2 children from 1865 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Probst, Erhard - lived in Beaver Dam, married Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1870 - family group sheet
 Probst, Georg - lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 1 child born in 1864 - family group sheet
 Probst, George - lived in Beaver Dam, married Emma, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Probst, George - marriage record, 1880's
 Probst, Pastor Rev. - born 1843, lived in Alpane, MI, married Barbara, 10 children from 1874 to 1893 - family group sheet

 Prochaska, Joseph Adolph - marriage record, 1900's

 Prochazka, Julia - marriage record, 1900's

 Prochnow, Alfred H. - death certificate, 1880's
 Prochnow, Augusta - marriage record, 1880's
 Prochnow, Bertha Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1860's
 Prochnow, Eliese Maria - marriage record, 1900's
 Prochnow, Ferdinand E. - born 1817, lived in Jackson, married twice - Louise, Wilhelmina, 14 children from 1843 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Prochnow, Ferdinand Friedrich - born 1859, lived in Kirchhayn, married twice - Amelia, Emma Emilie Caroline, 3 children from 1885 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Prochnow, Heinrich Carl - marriage record, 1890's
 Prochnow, Heinrich Friedrich - married Friedericke Juliane, 2 children from 1825 to 1827 - family group sheet
 Prochnow, Heinrich Reinhold - born 1851, lived in Jackson, married Bertha Maria, 6 children from 1881 to 1896 - family group sheet
 Prochnow, Heinrich Reinhold - marriage record, 1880's
 Prochnow, Herman Carl - marriage record, 1880's
 Prochnow, Hermann Friedrich - born 1825, lived in Jackson, married Friedericke, 8 children from 1849 to 1865 - family group sheet
 Prochnow, Ida Johanna - marriage record, 1900's
 Prochnow, Jacob Friedrich - born 1860, lived in Jackson, married Alma Pauline Julie, 8 children from 1887 to 1892 - family group sheet
 Prochnow, Jacob Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Prochnow, Joseph David - born 1857, lived in Kirchhayn, married twice - Louise Henriette Johanne, Wilhelmina, 6 children from 1884 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Prochnow, Joseph David - marriage record, 1890's
 Prochnow, Julius F. - marriage record, 1900's
 Prochnow, Lydia Rosalia - marriage record, 1870's
 Prochnow, Martha Johanna - death certificate, 1880's
 Prochnow, Martha Maria - marriage record, 1880's
 Prochnow, Mary Elisabeth - marriage record, 1880's
 Prochnow, Sarah Louisa - marriage record, 1900's
 Prochnow, Sarah Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1900's
 Prochnow, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Friederike, 4 children from 1870 to 1885 - family group sheet
 Prochnow, Wilhelmine Johanna - marriage record, 1880's
 Prochnow, Wilhelmine Johanne - marriage record, 1880's

 Prock, Anna - marriage record, 1870's

 Proeber, Emil H. - born 1890, lived in Barton, married Amanda Katharine Friederike, 3 children from 1919 to 1923 - family group sheet
 Proeber, Hermann - born 1865, lived in Franklin, married Mathilde Auguste Wilhelmine, 4 children from 1887 to 1896 - family group sheet
 Proeber, Hermann - marriage record, 1880's
 Proeber, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Lina, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet
 Proeber, William F. - born 1885, lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 4 children from 1912 to 1912 - family group sheet
 Proeber, William K. - born 1856, lived in Chicago, IL, married Caroline, 9 children from 1884 to 1907 - family group sheet

 Proechel, Gustav - lived in Milwaukee, married Ida, 1 child born in 1897 - family group sheet

 Proefrock, Albert - lived in Milwaukee, married Ida, 1 child born in 1897 - family group sheet

 Proehl, Bertha Johanna - marriage record, 1880's
 Proehl, Friedrich Wilhelm - married Auguste, 1 child born in 1870 - family group sheet

 Proescher, Katherine - marriage record, 1880's

 Proewke, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 1 child born in 1857 - family group sheet

 Prohl, Albert Carl - death certificate, 1890's
 Prohl, Albert E. - born 1867, lived in Milwaukee, married Lydia, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet
 Prohl, Albert E. - marriage record, 1880's
 Prohl, Carl - born 1837, lived in Milwaukee, married Magdalena, 4 children from 1865 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Prohl, Carl - death certificate, 1890's
 Prohl, Carl - marriage record, 1860's
 Prohl, Caroline Friederike - marriage record, 1890's
 Prohl, Charles Johann - born 1865, lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 1 child born in 1896 - family group sheet
 Prohl, Charles Johann - marriage record, 1890's
 Prohl, Christine - marriage record, 1880's
 Prohl, Christoph - born 1810, lived in Milwaukee, married Friederica, 4 children from 1836 to 1849 - family group sheet
 Prohl, Christoph - death certificate, 1890's
 Prohl, Clara - marriage record, 1880's
 Prohl, Ella Caroline - marriage record, 1900's
 Prohl, Emma Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1880's
 Prohl, Frank C. - marriage record, 1890's
 Prohl, Frederick 'Fred' - born 1845, lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 6 children from 1866 to 1885 - family group sheet
 Prohl, Frederick 'Fred' - marriage record, 1860's
 Prohl, Friederica-Mrs. Christoph - death certificate, 1890's
 Prohl, Friederike Dorothea - marriage record, 1860's
 Prohl, Fritz Georg - marriage record, 1900's
 Prohl, Ida Christine - marriage record, 1890's
 Prohl, Johann - born 1831, lived in town of Milwaukee, married Johanna, 4 children from 1850 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Prohl, John - death certificate, 1880's
 Prohl, John - marriage record, 1860's
 Prohl, John - born 1836, lived in Milwaukee, married Sophia, 6 children from 1869 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Prohl, Louis Friedrich - marriage record, 1910's
 Prohl, Magdalena-Mrs. Carl - death certificate, 1890's
 Prohl, Otto Ernst - death certificate, 1880's
 Prohl, Sophia-Mrs. John - death certificate, 1900's
 Prohl, Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1860's

 Prom, Anna Maria - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Prom, Barbara - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1900's
 Prom, Catherine - marriage record, 1870's
 Prom, Elisabeth - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Prom, Elisabethe - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Prom, Etienne 'Stephen' - born 1806, married Margaret, 7 children from 1831 to 1843 - family group sheet
 Prom, Etienne 'Stephen' - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Prom, Heinrich - born 1798, married twice - Jeannette, Marie, 7 children from 1833 to 1844 - family group sheet
 Prom, Heinrich - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1860's
 Prom, Heinrich - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Prom, Heinrich - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1850's
 Prom, Heinrich - born 1822, lived in Fredonia/Port Washington, married Susanna, 13 children from 1851 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Prom, Henry - born 1843, lived in Belgium, married twice - Maria Catharina, Susanna, 15 children from 1866 to 1888 - family group sheet
 Prom, Jeannette-Mrs. Heinrich - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Prom, Johann Peter - born 1771, married 3 times - Jeanne, Anna Maria, Johannetha, 10 children from 1798 to 1822 - family group sheet
 Prom, Johann Peter - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Prom, John Baptist - born 1862, lived in Dacada, married Mary, 4 children from 1892 to 1893 - family group sheet
 Prom, Josephine Odilia - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1850's
 Prom, Magdalen - marriage record, 1870's
 Prom, Margaret-Mrs. Etienne 'Stephen' - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1840's
 Prom, Marguerite - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1810's
 Prom, Marguerite - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Prom, Marguerithe - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1850's
 Prom, Marie-Mrs. Heinrich - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1870's
 Prom, Mary Ann - marriage record, 1890's
 Prom, Mathias - born 1835, lived in Belgium, married Margaret, 10 children from 1861 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Prom, Mathias - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1840's
 Prom, Nicolas - born 1831, married Mary, 2 children from 1864 to 1866 - family group sheet
 Prom, Nicolaus - born 1869, lived in Fredonia, married Helen, 2 children from 1894 to 1896 - family group sheet
 Prom, Nicolaus - born 1860, lived in Fredonia, married Mary, 4 children from 1888 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Prom, Paul Joseph - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1910's
 Prom, Peter - born 1863, married Catharine, 5 children - family group sheet
 Prom, Peter - born 1867, lived in Belgium, married Christine, 5 children from 1893 to 1897 - family group sheet
 Prom, Pierre - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's
 Prom, Theodor - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's

 Promen, John - born 1862, lived in Fond du Lac, married Eva, 9 children from 1895 to 1915 - family group sheet

 Promenschenkel, Anna Maria - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1820's

 Propp, August - married Dorothea, 2 children from 1820 to 1824 - family group sheet
 Propp, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1853 - family group sheet
 Propp, Charles Georg - born 1864, lived in Grafton, married Anna Sophia Gerhardine, 1 child born in 1910 - family group sheet
 Propp, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 1 child born in 1855 - family group sheet
 Propp, Henry - born 1820, lived in Grafton, married Justine/Augustine, 3 children from 1861 to 1866 - family group sheet
 Propp, John - born 1824, lived in Grafton, married twice - Marie, Wilhelmine, 11 children from 1858 to 1881 - family group sheet
 Propp, Louisa Henriette - marriage record, 1880's
 Propp, Maria Dina - marriage record, 1880's

 Propsom, Katherine - marriage record, 1900's
 Propsom, Mary - marriage record, 1890's
 Propsom, Peter - born 1829, lived in Sturgeon Bay, married Catherine, 7 children from 1872 to 1899 - family group sheet

 Proschinger, Anna Irmina - marriage record, 1900's
 Proschinger, Anna-Mrs. Wenzel - death certificate, 1880's
 Proschinger, Ignatius - marriage record, 1860's
 Proschinger, Ignatius - marriage record, 1870's
 Proschinger, Ignatius - born 1843, lived in Trenton, married twice - Theresia, Mary, 11 children from 1873 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Proschinger, Johanna - marriage record, 1870's
 Proschinger, Mary Frances - marriage record, 1890's
 Proschinger, Theresa - marriage record, 1890's
 Proschinger, Wenzel - born 1806, lived in Trenton, married Anna, 3 children from 1843 to 1854 - family group sheet
 Proschinger, Wenzel - death certificate, 1890's
 Proschinger, Wenzel - death certificate, 1900's
 Proschinger, Wenzel Jacob - born 1883, lived in Trenton, married Mary Cecelia, 2 children from 1914 to 1918 - family group sheet

 Prosser, Georgiana - marriage record, 1890's

 Prost, Carl - born 1831, lived in Kewaskum, married Elizabeth, 4 children from 1858 to 1867 - family group sheet
 Prost, Charles - born 1867, lived in Kewaskum, married Amelia Maria, 1 child born in 1900 - family group sheet
 Prost, Johann Heinrich - married twice - Maria Dorothea, Maria Dorothea, 6 children from 1817 to 1831 - family group sheet

 Protius, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Magdalena, 2 children from 1856 to 1863 - family group sheet

 Prott, Ida - marriage record, 1900's
 Prott, Johann Friedrich - born 1846, lived in Cedarburg, married Caroline Johanne Friedericke, 4 children from 1873 to 1886 - family group sheet
 Prott, Wilhelmina - marriage record, 1900's

 Protwi, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Magdalena, 1 child born in 1859 - family group sheet

 Proudlock, Oliver David - marriage record, 1890's

 Prowatzke, Elisabeth - marriage record, 1870's
 Prowatzke, Friedrich Wilhelm - born 1857, lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 6 children from 1883 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Prowatzke, Friedrich Wilhelm - marriage record, 1880's
 Prowatzke, Gottlieb - born 1816, lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 3 children from 1850 to 1857 - family group sheet
 Prowatzke, Gottlieb - death certificate, 1900's

 Pruess, Johann - born 1867, lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 4 children from 1894 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Pruess, Johann - marriage record, 1890's
 Pruess, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1907 - family group sheet

 Pruessing, Emma - marriage record, 1890's
 Pruessing, Friedrich Jacob - marriage record, 1860's

 Pruesske, Emelia - marriage record, 1870's

 Pruhst, Auguste - marriage record, 1890's

 Prunty, Mary Elizabeth - marriage record, 1870's

 Pruss, Louisa - marriage record, 1890's

 Prussow, Johann Gottlieb - married Dorothea Louise Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1846 - family group sheet

 Prust, Albertine-Mrs. Karl - death certificate, 1910's
 Prust, August - married Minna, 1 child born in 1879 - family group sheet
 Prust, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 2 children from 1876 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Prust, Augusta - marriage record, 1880's
 Prust, Augusta - marriage record, 1890's
 Prust, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Christiane, 5 children from 1871 to 1880 - family group sheet
 Prust, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Ernstine, 1 child born in 1869 - family group sheet
 Prust, Carl Heinrich - born 1843, lived in Milwaukee, married Justine Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1873 - family group sheet
 Prust, Carl Heinrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Prust, Ella - marriage record, 1900's
 Prust, Emma Louise - marriage record, 1890's
 Prust, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Friederike, 2 children from 1882 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Prust, Herman Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's
 Prust, Johann Friedrich - born 1824, married Johanna, 8 children from 1849 to 1863 - family group sheet
 Prust, Johann Friedrich - death certificate, 1880's
 Prust, Karl - born 1844, lived in Milwaukee, married Albertine, 4 children from 1871 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Prust, Rose Victoria - marriage record, 1900's
 Prust, Wilhelm - born 1848, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 6 children from 1885 to 1894 - family group sheet

 Pryal, Bridget - marriage record, 1850's
 Pryal, James - born 1798, lived in Cedarburg, married Mary, 6 children from 1836 to 1851 - family group sheet
 Pryal, Mary - marriage record, 1850's

 Przychocki, Albert - marriage record, 1900's

 Ptaschinski, Michael - marriage record, 1880's
 Ptaschinski, Phillip - marriage record, 1880's