Wisconsin Genealogy Research by John Von Haden --- Surnames: Pöthig thru Powleski
© 2000-2023 by John Von Haden All rights reserved.
The list below (updated March 16, 2025) shows ancestry research and related original records which I have worked with over the past forty five years.
Family group sheets (sample here), civil and church records from Wisconsin, Germany, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Norway....
SE Wisconsin cemetery, land and probate records.... State-wide obituaries, wedding stories, other news items....
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Please feel free to email me or call my landline with any questions.
Pomahac Pomahac, Frank - born 1853, lived in New York City, NY, married twice - Elisabeth, Antonie, 9 children from 1886 to 1906 - family group sheet Pomeroy Pomeroy, Charles - marriage record, 1880's Pomeroy, Erastus - born 1824, lived in South Hampton, MA/Williamstown/Sparta, married Elmina, 4 children from 1849 to 1866 - family group sheet Pommeren Pommeren, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette Marie, 1 child born in 1850 - family group sheet Pommerening Pommerening, August Wilhelm - marriage record, 1870's Pommerening, Carl Ludwig - born 1804, married twice - Hedwig Marie, Friedrike Marie Caroline, 11 children from 1830 to 1868 - family group sheet Pommerening, Johanna - marriage record, 1880's Pommerening, Martin Christoph - born 1763, married Dorothee Juliane, 10 children from 1796 to 1819 - family group sheet Pommerening, Wilhelm - born 1810, married Henriette, 1 child born in 1843 - family group sheet Pommerich Pommerich, Mary Josephine - marriage record, 1900's Pomplitz Pomplitz, Anna-Mrs. William F. - death certificate, 1900's Pomplitz, Antonia Pauline - marriage record, 1870's Pomplitz, Emma Emilie - marriage record, 1880's Pomplitz, Henry - marriage record, 1870's Pomplitz, Johann Jacob - married Eva Justina, 3 children from 1816 to 1826 - family group sheet Pomplitz, Lena - marriage record, 1870's Pomplitz, Wilhelm Friedrich - born 1816, lived in Grafton/Mequon, married Rosina Friedericke, 9 children from 1845 to 1863 - family group sheet Pomplitz, William F. - marriage record, 1880's Ponath Ponath, Alexander - lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 1 child born in 1861 - family group sheet Ponath, Bertha Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1870's Ponath, Gottlieb Friedrich - born 1828, married twice - Henriette Sophia, Caroline Wilhelmine, 7 children from 1860 to 1878 - family group sheet Ponath, Herman - born 1858, lived in Milwaukee, married Therese, 6 children from 1888 to 1897 - family group sheet Ponath, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 1 child born in 1882 - family group sheet Poncelet Poncelet, Anna - marriage record in Germany, 1840's Poncelet, Henri - born 1782, married Marie, 9 children from 1807 to 1823 - family group sheet Poncelet, Henri - death certificate in Germany, 1840's Poncelet, Joseph - death certificate in Germany, 1820's Poncelet, Marie Catherine - marriage record in Germany, 1830's Poncelet, Marie-Mrs. Henri - death certificate in Germany, 1820's Poncelet, Mary - marriage record in Germany, 1840's Poncelet, Susanne - death certificate in Germany, 1820's Poncin Poncin, Anna-Mrs. Peter - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's Poncin, Johanna - marriage record, 1870's Poncin, Peter - born 1799, married Anna, 2 children from 1833 to 1834 - family group sheet Poncin, Peter - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's Pondelick Pondelick, Anna Victoria - marriage record, 1890's Pondelick, Frank - born 1847, lived in Hartford, married twice - Caroline 'Carry', Agnes, 6 children from 1872 to 1889 - family group sheet Pondelick, Frank - marriage record, 1870's Pondelick, Helen - marriage record, 1890's Pondelick, Helen Emma - marriage record, 1890's Pondjenst Pondjenst, Anna - marriage record, 1870's Pondrom Pondrom, Anna Maria - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1840's Poneck Poneck, Ferdinand - married Maria, 1 child born in 1882 - family group sheet Ponic Ponic, Ferdinand - married Maria, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet Ponick Ponick, Albert Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's Ponick, Albertine Caroline-Mrs. August Daniel - death certificate, 1900's Ponick, Anna - marriage record, 1890's Ponick, August - born 1834, lived in Milwaukee, married Friedrike, 5 children from 1860 to 1869 - family group sheet Ponick, August Daniel - born 1827, lived in Milwaukee, married Albertine Caroline, 1 child born in 1870 - family group sheet Ponick, August Daniel - death certificate, 1890's Ponick, August Daniel - marriage record, 1870's Ponick, Augusta Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1880's Ponik Ponik, Alvina - marriage record, 1870's Ponik, Augusta - marriage record, 1870's Ponik, Auguste - marriage record, 1870's Ponik, Carl Louis - death certificate, 1870's Ponik, Ferdinand E. - marriage record, 1870's Ponik, Friedrich - born 1816, lived in Milwaukee, married Friedrike, 6 children from 1844 to 1860 - family group sheet Ponik, Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's Ponik, Friedrike-Mrs. Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's Ponik, William - born 1925, lived in Milwaukee, married Margaret, 6 children from 1884 to 1888 - family group sheet Ponik, William - marriage record, 1880's Ponsley Ponsley, Johann Nicolaus - death certificate, 1880's Pontius Pontius, Joseph - marriage record, 1850's Pontow Pontow, August - born 1868, lived in Hartford, married Bertha, 8 children from 1893 to 1904 - family group sheet Pooch Pooch, Herman Ludwig - marriage record, 1900's Pooch, John Ludwig - marriage record, 1900's Poole Poole, Allen - marriage record, 1860's Poole, Ellen - marriage record, 1870's Poole, Harriet - marriage record, 1860's Poole, Hugh - born 1810, lived in Cedarburg, married Mary, 7 children from 1836 to 1849 - family group sheet Poole, Jane E. - marriage record, 1850's Poole, Mary-Mrs. Hugh - death certificate, 1880's Poole, William - born 1807, lived in Germantown, married Ann, 4 children from 1834 to 1838 - family group sheet Poole, William - born 1845, lived in Cedarburg, married Ellen, 6 children from 1880 to 1892 - family group sheet Poos Poos, Margaret - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1840's Pope Pope, Albert - lived in Merton, married Mary Ann, 6 children from 1878 to 1891 - family group sheet Pope, Gertrude - marriage record, 1900's Pope, James - born 1873, lived in Medford/Pewaukee/Merton, married Minnie Catherine, 7 children from 1895 to 1913 - family group sheet Pope, James - marriage record, 1890's Pope, John Gottfried - marriage record, 1870's Pope, John Gottfried - married Sophia, 1 child born in 1874 - family group sheet Pope, Margaret Lillian - marriage record, 1900's Pope, Reuben Aloys - born 1881, lived in Lisbon, married Elizabeth M., 1 child born in 1907 - family group sheet Pope, Sarah M. - marriage record, 1900's Popelka Popelka, Anton M. - born 1879, lived in Waukechon/Breed, married Mary, 1 child born in 1905 - family group sheet Popelka, Anton M. - marriage record, 1900's Popelka, Emma - marriage record, 1870's Popelka, Joseph - born 1823, lived in Port Washington, married Fridrikka, 1 child born in 1853 - family group sheet Pophal Pophal, Friedrich Wilhelm - born 1797, married Friedrike Wilhelmine, 4 children from 1846 to 1854 - family group sheet Poplinsky Poplinsky, Martha - marriage record, 1900's Popp Popp, Albert Friedrich - marriage record, 1880's Popp, Anna - marriage record, 1890's Popp, Anna Dorothea - marriage record, 1880's Popp, Bertha - marriage record, 1880's Popp, Carl - married Charlotte, 1 child born in 1873 - family group sheet Popp, Frank - born 1879, married Carrie, 8 children from 1913 to 1920 - family group sheet Popp, Henriette Dorothea - marriage record, 1880's Popp, Johann - married Theresia, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet Popp, Johann Heinrich - born 1834, lived in Milwaukee, married Lissetta Elisabeth, 9 children from 1856 to 1872 - family group sheet Popp, Johanna - marriage record, 1870's Popp, John - marriage record, 1900's Popp, Margaret Magdalena - marriage record, 1880's Popp, Margaretha Magdalena - marriage record, 1880's Popp, Mary - marriage record, 1890's Popp, Mary Matilda - marriage record, 1870's Popp, Michael - born 1859, lived in Adell, married Regina, 5 children from 1891 to 1891 - family group sheet Poppe Poppe, Anna M. - marriage record, 1880's Poppe, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Hedwig, 2 children from 1888 to 1890 - family group sheet Poppendieck Poppendieck, Ottilie - marriage record, 1890's Poppendieck, Robert - born 1836, lived in Milwaukee, married Margaret, 2 children from 1876 to 1879 - family group sheet Poppendieck, Robert - marriage record, 1870's Poppendieck, William - marriage record, 1900's Poppert Poppert, Archibald W. - marriage record, 1890's Poppert, Charles Aadolph - marriage record, 1890's Poppert, Georg - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1887 - family group sheet Poppert, Georg - born 1840, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Mary, Anna A., 5 children from 1863 to 1873 - family group sheet Poppert, Georg - death certificate, 1900's Poppert, Georg - marriage record, 1900's Poppert, George - marriage record, 1900's Poppert, Henry August - born 1863, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Anna A., Nancy E., 1 child born in 1887 - family group sheet Poppert, Henry August - marriage record, 1880's Poppert, Jacob - born 1843, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Margaretha, Bertha Emma Louise, 8 children from 1871 to 1888 - family group sheet Poppert, Jacob - marriage record, 1870's Poppert, Jacob - marriage record, 1880's Poppert, Jacob - marriage record, 1890's Poppert, Jesse George - marriage record, 1890's Poppert, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Agnes, 1 child born in 1856 - family group sheet Poppert, Mary-Mrs. Georg - death certificate, 1900's Poppert, Mary-Mrs. George - death certificate, 1900's Poppert, Michael - born 1847, lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 5 children from 1871 to 1877 - family group sheet Poppert, Michael G. - marriage record, 1870's Poppert, Oscar H. - death certificate, 1890's Poppert, Walter Michael - death certificate, 1900's Poppert, Walter Michael - marriage record, 1890's Poppy Poppy, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1890's Poppy, John F. - marriage record, 1900's Poppy, Mary Catherine - marriage record, 1900's Porath Porath, Alexander - lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 2 children from 1859 to 1863 - family group sheet Porath, Alma - marriage record, 1900's Porath, Ella - marriage record, 1890's Porcella Porcella, Victor J. - born 1880, lived in Milwaukee/Chicago, IL, married Elizabeth 'Lillian', 1 child born in 1912 - family group sheet Pordi Pordi, Eduard - lived in Milwaukee, married Lina, 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet Porlier Porlier, Alexander D. - marriage record, 1880's Pormann Pormann, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 6 children from 1872 to 1881 - family group sheet Porr Porr, Christian - marriage record, 1900's Pors Pors, Hon. William - born 1825, lived in Hamburg/Port Washington/Village of Port Washington, married Ida, 1 child born in 1860 - family group sheet Pors, Judge Emil - born 1860, lived in Port Washington, married Harriet Emily 'Hattie', 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet Porsow Porsow, Henry J. - born 1862, lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 5 children from 1888 to 1902 - family group sheet Port Port, Catharine - marriage record, 1850's Port, Christopher - born 1858, lived in Grafton, married Bertha Amalia, 8 children from 1884 to 1891 - family group sheet Port, Christopher - marriage record, 1880's Port, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1860's Port, Eva C. - marriage record, 1860's Port, Katherine Johanne - marriage record, 1890's Port, Louis - born 1848, lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 2 children from 1872 to 1874 - family group sheet Port, Magdalene 'Lena' - marriage record, 1890's Port, Margaret - marriage record, 1870's Port, Margaretha - marriage record, 1870's Port, Maria Margaretha - marriage record, 1870's Port, Mary Magdalena-Mrs. Nicolaus - death certificate, 1880's Port, Michael - born 1816, lived in Grafton, married twice - Eva, Johanna Christine, 8 children from 1853 to 1869 - family group sheet Port, Michael - marriage record, 1870's Port, Nicholas - born 1846, lived in Milwaukee, married Mary, 7 children from 1870 to 1885 - family group sheet Port, Nicholas - marriage record, 1860's Port, Nicolaus - born 1807, lived in Milwaukee, married Mary Magdalena, 9 children from 1839 to 1853 - family group sheet Port, Nicolaus - death certificate, 1890's Port, Sophia A. - marriage record, 1870's Port, Sophie Henriette - marriage record, 1900's Port, William - marriage record, 1880's Porte Porte, Anne Marie - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1860's Porte, Antoine - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1860's Porte, Anton - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1850's Porte, Jean Baptist - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1880's Porte, Nicholas - born 1861, lived in Belgium, married Margaret, 5 children from 1887 to 1895 - family group sheet Porte, Nicholas - marriage record, 1880's Porte, Peter - born 1825, married Anne Marie, 7 children from 1852 to 1864 - family group sheet Porte, Peter - born 1864, lived in Belgium, married Mary, 8 children from 1887 to 1908 - family group sheet Porte, Peter - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1860's Porte, Peter - marriage record, 1880's Porter Porter, Bethany - marriage record, 1860's Porter, William H. - marriage record, 1860's Porth Porth, Adelaide 'Addie'-Mrs. Anton - death certificate, 1900's Porth, Adeline 'Addie' - marriage record, 1900's Porth, Anna Maria-Mrs. John - death certificate, 1900's Porth, Anton - born 1869, lived in Granville, married twice - Adelaide 'Addie', Elizabeth, 5 children from 1893 to 1904 - family group sheet Porth, Anton - born 1832, married Elizabeth, 1 child born in 1854 - family group sheet Porth, Anton - marriage record, 1850's Porth, Caroline - marriage record, 1900's Porth, Catherine - marriage record, 1890's Porth, Edward - marriage record, 1890's Porth, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1880's Porth, Elizabeth D. - marriage record, 1880's Porth, Elizabeth-Mrs. Peter - death certificate, 1900's Porth, George W. - born 1856, lived in Milwaukee, married Catherine Mary, 2 children from 1877 to 1881 - family group sheet Porth, George W. - death certificate, 1900's Porth, George W. - marriage record, 1870's Porth, Henry - born 1798, lived in Granville/Milwaukee, married Barbara, 7 children from 1823 to 1845 - family group sheet Porth, Henry - born 1860, lived in Granville, married twice - Bertha, Mary, 2 children from 1882 to 1886 - family group sheet Porth, Henry - born 1845, married Frances, 4 children from 1871 to 1895 - family group sheet Porth, Henry - death certificate, 1880's Porth, Henry - marriage record, 1880's Porth, Henry C. - death certificate, 1880's Porth, Henry C. - marriage record, 1870's Porth, Henry G. - marriage record, 1900's Porth, Herbert - death certificate, 1890's Porth, John - born 1826, lived in Granville, married Maria, 9 children from 1859 to 1882 - family group sheet Porth, John C. - death certificate, 1900's Porth, Joseph - married Eva, 1 child born in 1874 - family group sheet Porth, Joseph - born 1830, lived in Milwaukee, married Ottilie, 3 children from 1855 to 1869 - family group sheet Porth, Joseph - death certificate, 1880's Porth, Louis J. - born 1871, married Marie H., 1 child - family group sheet Porth, Magdalene 'Lena' - marriage record, 1890's Porth, Maria - marriage record, 1840's Porth, Maria Anna - marriage record, 1860's Porth, Maria Anna - marriage record, 1880's Porth, Maria-Mrs. John - death certificate, 1900's Porth, Mary Theresia - marriage record, 1870's Porth, Ottilie - marriage record, 1890's Porth, Ottilie-Mrs. Joseph - death certificate, 1890's Porth, Peter - born 1823, lived in Granville, married Elizabeth, 11 children from 1857 to 1879 - family group sheet Porth, Peter - death certificate, 1890's Porth, Peter Jacob - marriage record, 1900's Porth, Susan Johanna - marriage record, 1900's Porth, Wilhelm - married Margaretha, 1 child born in 1880 - family group sheet Porth, William - born 1840, lived in Milwaukee, married Augusta, 5 children from 1868 to 1878 - family group sheet Porth, William - marriage record, 1860's Portmann Portmann, Joseph - marriage record, 1900's Portmann, Robert - born 1855, lived in Stockbridge, married twice - Anna, Anna, 9 children from 1876 to 1903 - family group sheet Portmann, Robert - marriage record, 1870's Portmann, Rose - marriage record, 1900's Portz Portz, Adolph Louis - marriage record, 1900's Portz, Albert John - born 1881, lived in Hartford, married Amanda, 6 children from 1913 to 1923 - family group sheet Portz, Andrew - born 1841, lived in Hartford, married Julia, 8 children from 1870 to 1888 - family group sheet Portz, Andrew - marriage record, 1860's Portz, Andrew Jacob - born 1868, lived in Hartford, married twice - Louisa C., Mary C., 1 child born in 1892 - family group sheet Portz, Andrew Jacob - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Cordelia L. - marriage record, 1880's Portz, Elisabeth - marriage record, 1860's Portz, Frances - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Freada - marriage record, 1900's Portz, George Andrew - born 1875, lived in Hartford, married twice - Gertrude, Rose Mary, 3 children - family group sheet Portz, George J. - born 1865, lived in Hartford, married Martha Catherine, 2 children from 1895 to 1897 - family group sheet Portz, George J. - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Herman Carl - born 1879, lived in Hartford, married Josephine, 4 children from 1900 to 1909 - family group sheet Portz, Herman Carl - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Jacob - born 1836, lived in Hartford, married Frances Elizabeth, 10 children from 1864 to 1886 - family group sheet Portz, Jacob - marriage record, 1860's Portz, Jacob A. - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Johannah - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Johannes Conrad - born 1806, married Margaretha, 10 children from 1834 to 1856 - family group sheet Portz, John - born 1837, lived in Hartford, married Katherine, 10 children from 1869 to 1886 - family group sheet Portz, John - marriage record, 1860's Portz, John Henry - born 1877, lived in Hartford, married Amelia, 2 children from 1901 to 1907 - family group sheet Portz, John Henry - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Katherine - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Louis J. - born 1864, lived in Hartford, married Barbara, 2 children from 1894 to 1894 - family group sheet Portz, Louis J. - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Louisa Mary - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Mathilda - marriage record, 1890's Portz, Peter - marriage record, 1870's Portz, Phillip - born 1835, married Susanna, 1 child - family group sheet Porzeller Porzeller, Aloys - married Maria, 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet Posarski Posarski, Michael - lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet Poser Poser, Christina-Mrs. Frederick - death certificate, 1900's Poser, Edwin - marriage record, 1900's Poser, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1890's Poser, Frederick - born 1850, lived in West Bend, married Christina, 8 children from 1876 to 1883 - family group sheet Poser, Frederick - marriage record, 1870's Poser, Georg - born 1742, married Margaretha, 7 children from 1793 to 1815 - family group sheet Poser, Herman - death certificate, 1890's Poss Poss, Alma K. - marriage record, 1890's Poss, Hubertus - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1850's Poss, Jacob - born 1803, lived in Germantown/Gale, married Maria Elisabeth, 5 children from 1833 to 1850 - family group sheet Poss, Johann - born 1762, married Charitas, 1 child born in 1817 - family group sheet Poss, Johann - death certificate, 1880's Poss, Johann - born 1808, lived in Germantown/Milwaukee, married Walburga, 3 children from 1838 to 1842 - family group sheet Poss, John Erhard - born 1842, lived in Milwaukee, married Natalia, 6 children from 1868 to 1883 - family group sheet Poss, John Erhard - death certificate, 1890's Poss, Margaretha - marriage record, 1860's Poss, Margaretha-Mrs. Hubertus - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1860's Poss, Martin - married Magdalena, 8 children from 1839 to 1852 - family group sheet Poss, Natalia-Mrs. John Erhard - death certificate, 1880's Poss, Philip E. - marriage record, 1900's Poss, Walter Arthur - death certificate, 1880's Poss, Wigand O. - born 1877, lived in Milwaukee, married Elfriede, 1 child born in 1907 - family group sheet Poss, Wigand O. - marriage record, 1900's Possehl Possehl, Alwin Ludwig - death certificate, 1900's Possehl, Carl - born 1860, lived in Granville, married Mathilde, 6 children from 1897 to 1915 - family group sheet Possehl, Carl - marriage record, 1890's Possehl, Friedrich 'Fritz' - born 1830, lived in Granville, married Maria, 6 children from 1860 to 1874 - family group sheet Possehl, Ludwig - born 1867, lived in Granville, married Emma Emma Friedrike Maria, 6 children from 1900 to 1915 - family group sheet Possely Possely, John Nicholas - born 1847, lived in Holy Cross, married Margaret, 8 children from 1871 to 1890 - family group sheet Possely, John Nicholas - marriage record, 1860's Possely, Joseph - born 1811, lived in Belgium, married Magdalena, 4 children from 1840 to 1847 - family group sheet Possely, Joseph - marriage record in Germany, 1830's Possely, Nicholas - born 1842, lived in New Holstein, married Anna, 15 children from 1868 to 1893 - family group sheet Possely, Nicholas - marriage record, 1860's Possin Possin, Anna Sophia - marriage record, 1850's Possin, Augusta A. - marriage record, 1860's Possin, Augusta A. - marriage record, 1870's Possin, Dorothea Luise - marriage record, 1860's Possin, Ernstine Henriette - marriage record, 1860's Possin, Eva Maria - marriage record, 1840's Possin, Gottfried - born 1778, married twice - Maria Elisabeth, Eva Maria, 6 children from 1801 to 1817 - family group sheet Possin, Julius C. - born 1850, lived in Theresa, married Caroline, 8 children from 1872 to 1891 - family group sheet Possin, Julius C. - marriage record, 1870's Possin, Marie Louise - marriage record, 1900's Possin, Martin - born 1801, lived in Theresa, married Sophia Anna, 12 children from 1826 to 1850 - family group sheet Possin, Peter - born 1817, lived in Theresa, married Maria Elisabeth, 4 children from 1846 to 1858 - family group sheet Possler Possler, Nicolaus - marriage record, 1880's Possley Possley, John E. - born 1884, lived in Belgium, married Anna Maria 'Mary', 3 children from 1913 to 1917 - family group sheet Possley, Nickolaus - born 1848, lived in Holy Cross/Belgium, married Katherine, 5 children from 1877 to 1891 - family group sheet Possley, Nickolaus - marriage record, 1870's Possley, Nicolaus - born 1814, lived in Belgium, married Anna, 4 children from 1848 to 1854 - family group sheet Posson Posson, Edward - marriage record, 1880's Posson, George J. - born 1854, lived in Port Washington, married Sarah 'Sadie', 4 children from 1880 to 1888 - family group sheet Posson, Giles B. - born 1832, lived in Rome, NY/Port Washington/Village of Port Washington, married Mary Ann, 8 children from 1854 to 1872 - family group sheet Post Post, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1900's Post, Auguste Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1890's Post, Bertha - marriage record, 1890's Post, Bertha Karoline - marriage record, 1880's Post, Carl Martin - born 1825, married Sophia Louisa Friederica, 4 children from 1845 to 1855 - family group sheet Post, Caroline Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1880's Post, Charles B. - marriage record, 1870's Post, Ella Anna - marriage record, 1890's Post, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 3 children from 1878 to 1884 - family group sheet Post, Heinrich - marriage record, 1880's Post, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 4 children from 1856 to 1873 - family group sheet Post, Joseph - born 1857, lived in Mequon, married Anna Maria 'Mary', 4 children from 1885 to 1897 - family group sheet Post, Joseph - born 1819, lived in Mequon, married Barbara, 2 children from 1857 to 1861 - family group sheet Post, Louis - lived in Milwaukee, married Louise, 1 child born in 1871 - family group sheet Post, Mary - marriage record, 1900's Post, Mary Barbara - marriage record, 1880's Post, Peter - born 1783, married Dorothea Friedricke, 4 children from 1825 to 1832 - family group sheet Postel Postel, H. Frank - married Anna, 3 children from 1894 to 1903 - family group sheet Postelt Postelt, Mary - marriage record, 1880's Potenberg Potenberg, Jacob - lived in Clyman, married Albertine, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet Potgurski Potgurski, Otto - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 1 child born in 1891 - family group sheet Potratz Potratz, Carl Friedrich - married Christine Louisa Johanne, 2 children from 1870 to 1872 - family group sheet Potratz, Caroline - marriage record, 1850's Potratz, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Amalie, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet Potratz, Herman - marriage record, 1890's Potratz, Joachim Friedrich - born 1785, married Dorothea Friedricke, 5 children from 1817 to 1830 - family group sheet Potratz, Minnie - marriage record, 1900's Potratz, Theodore - born 1854, lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 2 children from 1875 to 1882 - family group sheet Potratz, Theodore - marriage record, 1880's Potsch Potsch, Peter - married Anna, 1 child born in 1860 - family group sheet Potsch, Peter Joseph - married Catharina, 1 child born in 1869 - family group sheet Pottenhagen Pottenhagen, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 1 child born in 1870 - family group sheet Potter Potter, Augustus Herbert - born 1848, lived in Spafford Hollow, NY, married twice - Mary, Mary Ann, 3 children from 1870 to 1894 - family group sheet Potter, Augustus Herbert - marriage record, 1890's Potter, Barnabas S. - born 1836, lived in Elba, NY, married twice - Celia E., Hermina 'Minnie', 1 child born in 1866 - family group sheet Potter, Barnabas S. - marriage record, 1860's Potter, Ben P. - born 1886, married Elsie L., 1 child born in 1914 - family group sheet Potter, Benjamin F. - born 1855, lived in Boston, MA/North Fond du Lac, married Catherine, 3 children from 1883 to 1893 - family group sheet Potter, Charles Butler - born 1851, lived in West Bend, married Olive Louise, 2 children from 1879 to 1883 - family group sheet Potter, Charles Butler - marriage record, 1870's Potter, Charles Henry - born 1846, lived in Skaneateles, NY/West Bend, married twice - Mary Elizabeth, Clarissa, 2 children from 1872 to 1883 - family group sheet Potter, Charles Henry - marriage record, 1870's Potter, Effia 'Eva' - marriage record, 1890's Potter, Ella Avis - marriage record, 1870's Potter, Esther - marriage record, 1860's Potter, Esther - marriage record, 1870's Potter, George W. - born 1825, lived in NY/Barton, married Eliza, 4 children from 1847 to 1857 - family group sheet Potter, George Willemson - marriage record, 1890's Potter, Georgianna - marriage record, 1870's Potter, Gladys Filena - marriage record, 1900's Potter, Harry - marriage record, 1850's Potter, Henry C. - born 1828, lived in West Bend, married Minerva A., 2 children from 1859 to 1861 - family group sheet Potter, Jennie - marriage record, 1890's Potter, Jessie-Mrs. Mary A. - death certificate, 1890's Potter, John - born 1821, lived in Elba, NY/West Bend, married Matilda, 2 children from 1851 to 1854 - family group sheet Potter, John - death certificate, 1900's Potter, Jonathan - born 1799, lived in RI/Barton, married twice - Julia Ann, Eliza, 5 children from 1821 to 1838 - family group sheet Potter, Julia E. - marriage record, 1880's Potter, Lovina 'Vernie' - marriage record, 1880's Potter, Martha - marriage record, 1850's Potter, Martha A. - marriage record, 1850's Potter, Mary Elizabeth-Mrs. Charles Henry - death certificate, 1880's Potter, Matilda-Mrs. John - death certificate, 1880's Potter, Nelson A. - born 1814, lived in Windsor, VT/Trenton/West Bend, married Almena, 8 children from 1839 to 1859 - family group sheet Potter, Perry G. - born 1822, lived in Skaneateles, NY/Trenton, married Lucy R., 11 children from 1850 to 1869 - family group sheet Potter, Sally - marriage record, 1830's Potter, Samuel A. - born 1855, lived in Port Washington, married Katherine, 2 children from 1889 to 1893 - family group sheet Potter, Sarah Ann - marriage record, 1850's Potter, Vernie - marriage record, 1880's Potter, Walter Charles - born 1883, lived in West Bend, married Mathilda Ernestine Augusta, 4 children from 1908 to 1916 - family group sheet Potter, William James - marriage record, 1890's Pottgursky Pottgursky, Caroline - marriage record, 1870's Pottkowsky Pottkowsky, Clementine 'Caroline' - marriage record, 1880's Potts Potts, Charles - born 1850, lived in Milwaukee/Wauwatosa, married Mary, 4 children from 1875 to 1883 - family group sheet Potts, Charles - marriage record, 1870's Potts, Louise Wilhelmina - marriage record, 1890's Potts, May - marriage record, 1890's Potts, Samuel D. - born 1792, lived in PA/Hartford, married Louise, 2 children from 1850 to 1853 - family group sheet Poud Poud, Cora B. - marriage record, 1880's Poul Poul, Andreas - born 1789, lived in Belgium, married Maria, 7 children from 1814 to 1833 - family group sheet Poul, Helena - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's Poul, Jakob - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1840's Poul, Maria-Mrs. Andreas - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1840's Poul, Peter - born 1816, lived in Fredonia, married twice - Catharina, Margaret, 9 children from 1841 to 1860 - family group sheet Poull Poull, Andrew - marriage record, 1860's Poull, Anna - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1850's Poull, Anne Catherine - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's Poull, Anne Maria - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1840's Poull, Elizabeth - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1870's Poull, Franz - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1870's Poull, Franz - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1850's Poull, George - born 1873, lived in Belgium, married Katherine 'Katie', 3 children from 1898 to 1901 - family group sheet Poull, George A. - born 1858, lived in Port Washington, married Anastasia, 2 children - family group sheet Poull, George A. - marriage record, 1880's Poull, Jacob - born 1824, lived in Belgium, married Margaretha, 5 children from 1845 to 1857 - family group sheet Poull, Johann Peter - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1850's Poull, Johann Peter - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1820's Poull, Johann Peter - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's Poull, Johann Peter - born 1797, married twice - Susanna, Margaretha, 14 children from 1823 to 1848 - family group sheet Poull, Margaretha - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's Poull, Margaretha-Mrs. Johann Peter - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1850's Poull, Mary - marriage record, 1860's Poull, Nicholas - born 1831, lived in Port Washington/Village of Port Washington, married Barbara, 11 children from 1852 to 1876 - family group sheet Poull, Nicholas - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1850's Poull, Nicholas A. - born 1865, lived in Holy Cross, married Anna, 7 children from 1895 to 1908 - family group sheet Poull, Nicholas G. - born 1853, lived in Port Washington, married Elizabeth, 1 child born in 1878 - family group sheet Poull, Nicholas G. - marriage record, 1870's Poull, Peter - born 1841, lived in Belgium, married Mariann, 13 children from 1865 to 1888 - family group sheet Poull, Peter Nicholas - born 1880, lived in Belgium, married Anna M., 4 children from 1914 to 1917 - family group sheet Poull, Susan - marriage record, 1880's Poull, Susanna - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1820's Poull, Susanna-Mrs. Johann Peter - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's Powell Powell, Charles - marriage record, 1900's Powell, Charles H. - born 1818, lived in Addison, married Bridget, 8 children from 1849 to 1863 - family group sheet Powell, Edmund - marriage record, 1880's Powell, Edward - marriage record, 1880's Powell, John - born 1872, lived in Erin, married Laura, 4 children from 1904 to 1914 - family group sheet Powell, Michael - born 1804, lived in Erin, married Ann, 8 children from 1835 to 1854 - family group sheet Powell, Michael - born 1841, lived in Boston, MA/Erin, married Catherine, 8 children from 1869 to 1880 - family group sheet Powell, Michael Stephan - born 1874, lived in Erin, married Barbara, 7 children from 1904 to 1920 - family group sheet Powell, Stephen - born 1843, lived in Boston, MA/Erin, married Elizabeth, 8 children from 1872 to 1887 - family group sheet Power Power, Agnes - marriage record, 1860's Power, Robert - born 1836, lived in Port Washington, married Honora, 3 children from 1859 to 1863 - family group sheet Power, Thomas - born 1798, lived in Port Washington, married Agnes, 6 children from 1836 to 1848 - family group sheet Powers Powers, Carvey George - death certificate, 1900's Powers, Charles D. - marriage record, 1900's Powers, Christoph - born 1821, lived in NY/Williamstown/Lachnane, KS, married Julia, 9 children from 1843 to 1860 - family group sheet Powers, Clarence L. - marriage record, 1870's Powers, Daniel - born 1888, lived in Port Washington, married Helen C., 1 child born in 1911 - family group sheet Powers, James - lived in NY, married Margaret, 8 children from 1843 to 1857 - family group sheet Powers, John - born 1843, lived in NY/Village of Port Washington, married Mary A., 5 children from 1879 to 1890 - family group sheet Powers, John - marriage record, 1870's Powers, John - marriage record, 1880's Powers, John T. - born 1879, lived in Port Washington, married Allene, 3 children from 1902 to 1906 - family group sheet Powers, John T. - marriage record, 1900's Powers, Joseph M. - born 1867, lived in Port Washington, married Anna Johanna, 1 child born in 1902 - family group sheet Powers, Michael - born 1820, lived in Grafton, married Bridget, 13 children from 1844 to 1872 - family group sheet Powers, Michael - born 1831, lived in Grafton, married Margaret, 3 children from 1857 to 1861 - family group sheet Powers, Michael - marriage record, 1850's Powleski Powleski, Alexander - marriage record, 1870's |