Wisconsin Genealogy Research by John Von Haden --- Surnames: O.S.F. thru O'Donnell
© 2000-2023 by John Von Haden All rights reserved.
The list below (updated February 25, 2025) shows ancestry research and related original records which I have worked with over the past forty five years.
Family group sheets (sample here), civil and church records from Wisconsin, Germany, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Norway....
SE Wisconsin cemetery, land and probate records.... State-wide obituaries, wedding stories, other news items....
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O.S.F. O.S.F., Sr. Mary - death certificate, 1890's Oakes Oakes, Aegidius 'Gideon' - born 1809, lived in Tonawanda, NY/Hartford, married Elizabeth, 14 children from 1836 to 1862 - family group sheet Oatman Oatman, Cyril Leach - death certificate, 1880's Oatman, Eli - born 1777, lived in Arlington, VT, married Mary, 3 children from 1815 to 1815 - family group sheet Oatman, Emma - marriage record, 1860's Oatman, Orlin - lived in Pontiac, MI, married Lucy Ann, 1 child born in 1839 - family group sheet O'Beirne O'Beirne, Lucy Ann - marriage record, 1870's Oben Oben, Charles - married A., 1 child born in 1874 - family group sheet Obenauer Obenauer, John - marriage record, 1900's Obenauf Obenauf, Michael - marriage record, 1890's Obenbacher Obenbacher, Jacob - married Elisabeth, 1 child born in 1882 - family group sheet Obenberger Obenberger, Albert - born 1846, lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 12 children from 1873 to 1894 - family group sheet Obenberger, Albert - marriage record, 1870's Obenberger, Albert Fred - marriage record, 1900's Obenberger, Albert Johann - marriage record, 1900's Obenberger, Anna Albina - marriage record, 1900's Obenberger, Anna Catharina - marriage record, 1900's Obenberger, Antonia Josephina - marriage record, 1890's Obenberger, Catherine - marriage record, 1900's Obenberger, Catherine Theresia - marriage record, 1900's Obenberger, Clara - marriage record, 1900's Obenberger, Clara Francisca - marriage record, 1900's Obenberger, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1910's Obenberger, Frank Philipp - marriage record, 1890's Obenberger, Franziska-Mrs. George - death certificate, 1900's Obenberger, George - born 1820, married Franziska, 6 children from 1844 to 1853 - family group sheet Obenberger, George - born 1844, lived in New Berlin, married twice - Maria, Josephine, 10 children from 1869 to 1881 - family group sheet Obenberger, George - death certificate, 1900's Obenberger, George - marriage record, 1880's Obenberger, George - marriage record, 1890's Obenberger, George A. - born 1869, lived in New Berlin, married Emma, 2 children from 1894 to 1900 - family group sheet Obenberger, George A. - marriage record, 1890's Obenberger, Herman Joseph - marriage record, 1890's Obenberger, Johann B. - death certificate, 1870's Obenberger, John Joseph - marriage record, 1890's Obenberger, Joseph - lived in Milwaukee, married Catharina, 1 child born in 1878 - family group sheet Obenberger, Joseph Charles - marriage record, 1900's Obenberger, Joseph J. - born 1853, lived in Milwaukee, married Katherine, 5 children from 1878 to 1890 - family group sheet Obenberger, Maria-Mrs. George - death certificate, 1880's Obenberger, Theresa - marriage record, 1860's Oberbillig Oberbillig, Anna - marriage record, 1900's Oberbillig, Heinrich - death certificate, 1900's Oberbillig, Henry N. - born 1885, lived in True/Nichols, MN/Eau Claire, married Maude J., 5 children from 1910 to 1921 - family group sheet Oberbillig, James J. - born 1875, lived in Menomonee/Oconto Falls/Chilton, married Mary Ann, 2 children from 1909 to 1917 - family group sheet Oberbillig, Johann - married Eva, 7 children from 1796 to 1812 - family group sheet Oberbillig, John - death certificate, 1910's Oberbillig, Mathias - born 1836, lived in Mayville, married twice - Anna, Victoria, 6 children from 1866 to 1878 - family group sheet Oberbillig, Mathias - marriage record, 1860's Oberbillig, Mathias - born 1807, lived in Granville, married Susanna, 12 children from 1834 to 1852 - family group sheet Oberbillig, Peter - born 1849, lived in Menomonee/Mayville, married 3 times - Bridget, Anna, Clara, 7 children from 1873 to 1885 - family group sheet Oberbillig, Peter - death certificate, 1900's Oberbillig, Peter - marriage record, 1890's Oberbrunner Oberbrunner, Corbinian - born 1853, lived in Milwaukee, married Barbara, 2 children from 1881 to 1884 - family group sheet Oberbrunner, Corbinian - marriage record, 1880's Oberbrunner, John - born 1842, lived in Barton/Milwaukee, married Katharina, 10 children from 1868 to 1884 - family group sheet Oberbrunner, John F. - born 1871, lived in Barton/Milwaukee, married Catherine, 8 children from 1894 to 1910 - family group sheet Oberbrunner, Joseph - born 1806, lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 4 children from 1842 to 1861 - family group sheet Oberbrunner, Katharine - marriage record, 1900's Oberbrunner, Mathilda - marriage record, 1890's Oberdoerfer Oberdoerfer, Maria - marriage record, 1870's Oberdorfer Oberdorfer, Louis - marriage record, 1890's Oberheide Oberheide, Dorothea-Mrs. Heinrich Christian - death certificate, 1880's Oberheide, Ernestine Sophie - marriage record, 1850's Oberheide, Ernstina Sophie - marriage record, 1850's Oberheide, Heinrich Christian - born 1803, lived in Granville, married Dorothea, 2 children from 1836 to 1840 - family group sheet Oberheide, Heinrich Christian - death certificate, 1890's Oberheide, Heinrich Friedrich - born 1840, lived in Granville, married Anna Henrietta, 9 children from 1858 to 1878 - family group sheet Oberheu Oberheu, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1880's Oberheu, August - marriage record, 1910's Oberheu, Bertha Amalia - marriage record, 1880's Oberheu, Ernst Johann - marriage record, 1890's Oberheu, Ferdinand - death certificate, 1890's Oberheu, Ferdinand - marriage record, 1860's Oberheu, Ferdinand - born 1834, lived in Grafton, married Wilhelmine, 13 children from 1861 to 1886 - family group sheet Oberheu, Friedrich - born 1828, lived in Grafton, married Sophia, 11 children from 1858 to 1877 - family group sheet Oberheu, Friedrich Ferdinand - marriage record, 1890's Oberheu, Friedrich Ferdinand - born 1865, lived in Grafton, married Rebecca, 10 children from 1896 to 1916 - family group sheet Oberheu, Henry Christian - born 1859, lived in Grafton, married Emma Catharine Margaret, 3 children from 1889 to 1895 - family group sheet Oberheu, Henry Christian - marriage record, 1880's Oberheu, John Heinrich - born 1863, lived in Grafton, married Ida Catharina Emilie, 4 children from 1890 to 1903 - family group sheet Oberheu, John Heinrich - marriage record, 1890's Oberheu, Louis Johann - born 1884, lived in Grafton, married Alma Emma, 1 child born in 1909 - family group sheet Oberheu, Louis Johann - marriage record, 1900's Oberheu, Marie Louise - marriage record, 1900's Oberheu, Mary Anna - marriage record, 1890's Oberheu, Rosalie Anna - marriage record, 1890's Oberheu, Wilhelmine Margaretha - marriage record, 1880's Oberheu, William Friedrich - born 1867, lived in Grafton, married Mathilda Auguste, 1 child born in 1893 - family group sheet Oberheu, William Friedrich - marriage record, 1890's Oberhofer Oberhofer, Gustave - marriage record, 1890's Oberhofer, Louis - born 1872, lived in Cedarburg/Milwaukee, married Emma, 3 children from 1893 to 1899 - family group sheet Oberhofer, Louis - marriage record, 1890's Oberkircher Oberkircher, Frank - born 1851, lived in Polk/Menominee, MI, married Mary, 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet Oberkircher, Philip - born 1799, lived in Polk/Menominee, MI, married Caroline, 14 children from 1838 to 1861 - family group sheet Oberkircher, Philip - born 1840, lived in NY/St. Louis, MO, married Katharina, 4 children from 1868 to 1876 - family group sheet Oberle Oberle, Franz - married Elisabeth, 3 children from 1881 to 1884 - family group sheet Oberle, Heinrich - married Margaretha, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet Oberly Oberly, Caroline - marriage record, 1880's Oberly, Henry - marriage record, 1890's Oberly, Otto M. - marriage record, 1890's Oberly, Rosetta - death certificate, 1880's Oberly, Sarah - marriage record, 1880's Oberly, Ulrich - born 1810, lived in Theresa, married Barbara, 9 children from 1848 to 1861 - family group sheet Oberly, William R. - born 1853, lived in Theresa/Milwaukee, married Catherine, 7 children from 1883 to 1897 - family group sheet Oberly, William R. - marriage record, 1880's Obermaier Obermaier, Katherine - marriage record, 1850's Obermann Obermann, Adam - born 1853, lived in Polk, married Emilie Friederike Caroline 'Emma', 4 children from 1883 to 1894 - family group sheet Obermann, Adam - marriage record, 1880's Obermann, Adelheid - death certificate, 1890's Obermann, Barbara - death certificate, 1870's Obermann, Caspar - born 1813, lived in Polk, married Christina, 6 children from 1848 to 1859 - family group sheet Obermann, Caspar - death certificate, 1880's Obermann, Catherine Magdalena - marriage record, 1860's Obermann, Edwin L. - born 1874, lived in Milwaukee, married Hattie A., 1 child born in 1905 - family group sheet Obermann, Edwin L. - marriage record, 1900's Obermann, Eva Catharina - marriage record, 1870's Obermann, Frederick L. - born 1850, lived in Milwaukee, married Margaret, 3 children from 1876 to 1876 - family group sheet Obermann, Frederick L. - death certificate, 1900's Obermann, Frederick L. - marriage record, 1870's Obermann, Friedrich - born 1781, married Maria Elisabetha, 3 children from 1809 to 1821 - family group sheet Obermann, George - married Maria, 2 children from 1858 to 1860 - family group sheet Obermann, George - marriage record, 1870's Obermann, George - marriage record, 1900's Obermann, Gustav A. - marriage record, 1880's Obermann, Jacob - born 1819, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Maria, Barbara, 12 children from 1844 to 1874 - family group sheet Obermann, Jacob - death certificate, 1880's Obermann, Jacob - marriage record, 1850's Obermann, Johann Peter - born 1784, married Johanna Magdalena, 9 children from 1805 to 1825 - family group sheet Obermann, Johannette - marriage record, 1870's Obermann, Louisa - death certificate, 1870's Obermann, Louise - marriage record, 1900's Obermann, Margaret - marriage record, 1880's Obermann, Philip - marriage record, 1870's Obermann, Philip - born 1851, lived in Milwaukee, married Paulina, 5 children from 1879 to 1890 - family group sheet Obermann, Richard - death certificate, 1880's Obermeier Obermeier, Amalia - marriage record, 1880's Obermeier, Francis - marriage record, 1900's Obermeier, Franz Xaver - married Maria, 1 child born in 1871 - family group sheet Obermeyer Obermeyer, Albert - born 1871, lived in West Bend, married Veronica Maria, 3 children from 1901 to 1905 - family group sheet Obermeyer, Anna Marie - marriage record, 1900's Obermeyer, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1890's Obermeyer, Frank - born 1860, lived in Milwaukee, married Minnie, 3 children from 1887 to 1890 - family group sheet Obermeyer, Frank Xavier - born 1848, lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 2 children from 1869 to 1871 - family group sheet Obermeyer, Frank Xavier - marriage record, 1860's Obermeyer, Franz Xavier - born 1803, lived in Milwaukee, married Francisca, 3 children from 1847 to 1850 - family group sheet Obermeyer, George - born 1791, lived in Barton, married Eva, 3 children from 1821 to 1839 - family group sheet Obermeyer, George J. - born 1865, lived in West Bend, married Mary Rose, 2 children from 1895 to 1895 - family group sheet Obermeyer, George J. - marriage record, 1890's Obermeyer, Jacob - death certificate, 1890's Obermeyer, Jacob - marriage record, 1860's Obermeyer, Jacob - born 1828, lived in Milwaukee, married Theresa, 8 children from 1868 to 1880 - family group sheet Obermeyer, John Jacob - born 1829, lived in Barton/West Bend, married Henrietta, 9 children from 1860 to 1874 - family group sheet Obermeyer, John Jacob - marriage record, 1860's Obermeyer, John Jacob - marriage record, 1900's Obermeyer, Katherine - marriage record, 1880's Obermeyer, Otto - born 1872, lived in West Bend, married Henrietta M., 2 children from 1904 to 1912 - family group sheet Obermeyer, Otto - marriage record, 1900's Obermeyer, Theresa-Mrs. Jacob - death certificate, 1900's Obermeyer, William - marriage record, 1890's Obermeyer, William H. - born 1860, lived in Barton, married Katherine, 3 children from 1892 to 1894 - family group sheet Obermeyer, William H. - marriage record, 1890's Oberndorfer Oberndorfer, Alfred A. - marriage record, 1900's Oberndorfer, Emanuel M. - born 1849, lived in Milwaukee, married Jennie, 3 children from 1879 to 1885 - family group sheet Oberst Oberst, Adam - marriage record, 1890's Oberst, Anna - marriage record, 1850's Oberst, Anna - marriage record, 1870's Oberst, Elisabeth - marriage record, 1860's Oberst, Frank J. - marriage record, 1880's Oberst, Franz - born 1841, lived in Belgium, married Barbara, 1 child born in 1865 - family group sheet Oberst, Franz - born 1841, lived in Belgium, married twice - Margaretha, Barbara, 15 children from 1864 to 1887 - family group sheet Oberst, Franz - death certificate, 1890's Oberst, Johann - born 1805, lived in Belgium, married Maria Magdalena, 5 children from 1837 to 1850 - family group sheet Oberst, John - born 1871, lived in Belgium, married Anna M., 9 children from 1901 to 1916 - family group sheet Oberst, John - marriage record, 1890's Oberst, Joseph - born 1867, lived in Belgium, married Mary, 1 child born in 1907 - family group sheet Oberst, Mary - marriage record, 1860's Obertin Obertin, Anton - born 1846, lived in Sherman/Kenosha, married Katharina, 5 children from 1877 to 1887 - family group sheet Obertin, Catherine - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's Obertin, Francis - born 1834, lived in Sherman, married Elizabeth, 7 children from 1863 to 1881 - family group sheet Obertin, Frantz - born 1767, married Johannatta, 6 children from 1803 to 1818 - family group sheet Obertin, Frantz - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1840's Obertin, Joseph - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1840's Obertin, Magdalena - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1820's Obertin, Peter - born 1806, lived in Abbott/Sherman, married Barbara, 8 children from 1832 to 1846 - family group sheet Obertin, Peter - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's Obertin, Peter - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's Obertin, Susanne - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1840's Oberwetter Oberwetter, Gottlieb - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1886 - family group sheet Obier Obier, Carl - born 1842, lived in Milwaukee, married Friederike, 5 children from 1873 to 1887 - family group sheet Obier, Carl - death certificate, 1900's Obier, Carl - marriage record, 1870's Obier, Friederike-Mrs. Carl - death certificate, 1900's Obier, Minna Emilia - death certificate, 1890's Obig Obig, Ignatz - married Maria, 2 children from 1857 to 1859 - family group sheet obit obit, Gertrud Caesch - marriage record, 1860's obits obits, Hubert H. - marriage record, 1890's Obitz Obitz, Ignatz - married Maria, 1 child born in 1861 - family group sheet Obladen Obladen, Cecilia - marriage record, 1850's Obladen, Elizabeth 'Lizzie' - marriage record, 1880's Obladen, Franz Hermann - born 1824, lived in Port Washington/Village of Port Washington, married Margaretha, 9 children from 1852 to 1871 - family group sheet Obladen, Mathias Sylvester - born 1791, lived in Belgium, married Maria Anna, 5 children from 1824 to 1833 - family group sheet Obrecht Obrecht, Caspar - born 1779, married Theresia, 11 children from 1805 to 1823 - family group sheet Obrecht, Christian - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet Obrecht, Johann Georg - married Maria Anna, 7 children from 1742 to 1755 - family group sheet Obrecht, Johannes - born 1744, married Magdalena, 11 children from 1775 to 1795 - family group sheet Obrecht, Michael - born 1775, married Theresia, 11 children from 1811 to 1835 - family group sheet O'Brian O'Brian, James - marriage record, 1890's OBrien OBrien, William - born 1805, lived in Cedarburg, married Mary, 7 children from 1845 to 1857 - family group sheet O'Brien O'Brien, Andrew - born 1854, lived in Hartford/Milwaukee, married Harriett 'Hattie', 10 children from 1879 to 1895 - family group sheet O'Brien, Andrew - born 1815, lived in Erin, married Margaret, 8 children from 1845 to 1859 - family group sheet O'Brien, Bridget - marriage record, 1860's O'Brien, Bridget - marriage record, 1870's O'Brien, Bridget - marriage record, 1880's O'Brien, Catherine-Mrs. James - death certificate, 1900's O'Brien, Charles - marriage record, 1870's O'Brien, Daniel - death certificate, 1900's O'Brien, Dennis - born 1830, lived in Lebanon, married Mary, 6 children from 1843 to 1856 - family group sheet O'Brien, Edward - born 1812, lived in Cedarburg, married Margaret, 8 children from 1840 to 1854 - family group sheet O'Brien, Edward - marriage record, 1870's O'Brien, Edward - marriage record, 1900's O'Brien, Edward Cornelius - born 1856, lived in Granville, married Elizabeth, 5 children from 1885 to 1900 - family group sheet O'Brien, Edward Cornelius - marriage record, 1880's O'Brien, Edward Thomas - born 1880, lived in Milwaukee, married Anna Catharina, 1 child - family group sheet O'Brien, Edward Thomas - death certificate, 1900's O'Brien, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1890's O'Brien, Ellen - marriage record, 1870's O'Brien, Ellen - marriage record, 1890's O'Brien, Fanny Catharina - marriage record, 1880's O'Brien, Isabella - marriage record, 1870's O'Brien, James - born 1840, lived in Boston, MA/Garden Plains, KS, married twice - Anna, Catherine, 8 children from 1878 to 1893 - family group sheet O'Brien, James - born 1850, lived in Cedarburg, married Johanna, 4 children from 1888 to 1896 - family group sheet O'Brien, James - born 1827, lived in Wayne, married Margaret, 9 children from 1852 to 1872 - family group sheet O'Brien, James - marriage record, 1870's O'Brien, James - marriage record, 1890's O'Brien, James E. - born 1858, lived in Erin/Beauford, MN, married Bridget, 4 children from 1886 to 1892 - family group sheet O'Brien, John - born 1818, lived in Beauford, MN, married Eliza, 2 children from 1853 to 1858 - family group sheet O'Brien, John - born 1830, lived in Cedarburg, married Johanna, 6 children from 1846 to 1855 - family group sheet O'Brien, John - born 1807, lived in Erin, married Julia, 4 children from 1840 to 1856 - family group sheet O'Brien, John - born 1828, lived in Grafton, married Margaret Theresa, 17 children from 1859 to 1879 - family group sheet O'Brien, John - marriage record, 1850's O'Brien, John C. - born 1854, lived in Cedarburg, married Ellen, 2 children from 1887 to 1889 - family group sheet O'Brien, John C. - marriage record, 1880's O'Brien, Joseph - married Margaretha, 1 child born in 1869 - family group sheet O'Brien, Laura - marriage record, 1890's O'Brien, Margaret - marriage record, 1870's O'Brien, Margaret - marriage record, 1890's O'Brien, Mary - marriage record, 1860's O'Brien, Mary Evelyn - death certificate, 1900's O'Brien, Mathew - born 1823, married Ellen, 1 child born in 1861 - family group sheet O'Brien, Mathew - death certificate, 1900's O'Brien, Mathew - marriage record, 1880's O'Brien, Michael - lived in Milwaukee, married Catharina, 1 child born in 1864 - family group sheet O'Brien, Michael - born 1856, lived in Lebanon, married Mary, 5 children from 1897 to 1899 - family group sheet O'Brien, Michael F. - born 1877, lived in Osceola, married Nora, 3 children from 1911 to 1912 - family group sheet O'Brien, Michael 'Mike' - born 1808, lived in Granville, married Bridget, 8 children from 1841 to 1854 - family group sheet O'Brien, Nora - marriage record, 1890's O'Brien, Patrick - married Ellen, 3 children from 1823 to 1823 - family group sheet O'Brien, Patrick - born 1818, lived in Cedarburg/Village of Cedarburg, married twice - Judith, Bridget, 10 children from 1843 to 1859 - family group sheet O'Brien, Patrick - marriage record, 1870's O'Brien, Patrick Henry - born 1845, lived in Stephensville, married Mary Elizabeth, 4 children from 1878 to 1895 - family group sheet O'Brien, Patrick Henry - marriage record, 1870's O'Brien, Patrick Vincent - marriage record, 1870's O'Brien, Phillip - born 1818, lived in Wayne, married Bridget, 3 children from 1840 to 1848 - family group sheet O'Brien, Thomas - born 1818, lived in Granville, married Catherine, 7 children from 1840 to 1851 - family group sheet O'Brien, Thomas - born 1814, lived in Cedarburg, married Ellen, 4 children from 1848 to 1853 - family group sheet O'Brien, Thomas - marriage record, 1900's O'Brien, William - marriage record, 1850's O'Brien, William Stenden - born 1835, lived in Merton, married Frances Louisa, 1 child born in 1872 - family group sheet Obst Obst, Hermina - marriage record, 1870's Obst, Louis - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 2 children from 1872 to 1876 - family group sheet O'Byrne O'Byrne, Ann - marriage record, 1870's O'Byrne, John - born 1812, lived in Cedarburg, married Mary, 2 children from 1852 to 1861 - family group sheet Ochowicz Ochowicz, Herman - marriage record, 1900's Ochs Ochs, Margareth - marriage record, 1890's Ochs, Peter - lived in Glenbeulah, married Johanne Louise, 3 children from 1860 to 1863 - family group sheet Ochsner Ochsner, Wilhelmina 'Minnie' - marriage record, 1880's Ockenfels Ockenfels, Anton - born 1815, lived in Polk/Richfield, married Mary A., 7 children from 1857 to 1874 - family group sheet Ockenfels, Johann - married Anna, 2 children from 1815 to 1830 - family group sheet Ockenfels, John Mathias - born 1857, lived in Polk, married Anna Barbara, 7 children from 1882 to 1897 - family group sheet Ockenfels, Olive Barbara - marriage record, 1900's Ockerlander Ockerlander, Elsa - death certificate, 1890's Ockerlander, Gustave M. - born 1877, lived in Milwaukee, married Emma A., 4 children from 1893 to 1900 - family group sheet Ockerlander, Gustave M. - marriage record, 1890's Ockerlander, infant son - death certificate, 1900's Ockerlander, John J. - born 1866, lived in Milwaukee, married Elizabeth, 4 children from 1888 to 1902 - family group sheet Ockerlander, Louise - marriage record, 1890's Ockerlander, Nicolaus - born 1833, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Louise, Emma, 7 children from 1867 to 1887 - family group sheet Ockerlander, Nicolaus - death certificate, 1880's Ockerlander, Nicolaus - death certificate, 1890's Ockerlander, Nicolaus - marriage record, 1880's Ocklitz Ocklitz, Julius - marriage record, 1860's O'Connell O'Connell, Alice - death certificate, 1890's O'Connell, Catharine-Mrs. Maurice - death certificate, 1890's O'Connell, Daniel - born 1805, lived in Erin, married Hanora, 8 children from 1829 to 1852 - family group sheet O'Connell, Daniel - born 1829, lived in Erin/Milwaukee/Minneapolis, MN, married Mary, 9 children from 1853 to 1875 - family group sheet O'Connell, Daniel - death certificate, 1900's O'Connell, Daniel - marriage record, 1850's O'Connell, Daniel P. - born 1856, lived in Erin/Milwaukee/Chicago, IL, married Hannah, 12 children from 1881 to 1898 - family group sheet O'Connell, Dennis - born 1825, lived in Jackson, married Catherine, 7 children from 1842 to 1859 - family group sheet O'Connell, Dennis - death certificate, 1880's O'Connell, Dennis - marriage record, 1880's O'Connell, Edward - born 1821, lived in Erin, married Ellen, 7 children from 1852 to 1862 - family group sheet O'Connell, Edward - born 1851, lived in Erin, married Ellen, 1 child born in 1886 - family group sheet O'Connell, Edward - death certificate, 1900's O'Connell, Elizabeth Jane - marriage record, 1870's O'Connell, Elizabeth Margaret - marriage record, 1870's O'Connell, Ellen 'Nellie' - marriage record, 1870's O'Connell, Ellen 'Nellie' - marriage record, 1880's O'Connell, Francis - death certificate, 1890's O'Connell, Genevieve 'Jenny' - death certificate, 1890's O'Connell, George - death certificate, 1880's O'Connell, Hannah - marriage record, 1880's O'Connell, Hanora - marriage record, 1860's O'Connell, Harriett Elizabeth - marriage record, 1900's O'Connell, Irene - death certificate, 1890's O'Connell, James - married Margaret, 3 children from 1818 to 1832 - family group sheet O'Connell, James - marriage record, 1870's O'Connell, James - marriage record, 1880's O'Connell, James - marriage record, 1890's O'Connell, James L. - marriage record, 1890's O'Connell, Jeremiah - death certificate, 1900's O'Connell, Johanna 'Hannah' - marriage record, 1880's O'Connell, Johanna Laura - marriage record, 1880's O'Connell, John - born 1810, lived in Cedarburg, married Bridget, 5 children from 1841 to 1855 - family group sheet O'Connell, John - married Hannah, 6 children from 1815 to 1843 - family group sheet O'Connell, John - born 1824, lived in Scott, married Margaret, 9 children from 1856 to 1871 - family group sheet O'Connell, John - born 1848, lived in Erin/Milwaukee, married Martha, 10 children from 1877 to 1898 - family group sheet O'Connell, John - born 1852, lived in Jackson/Milwaukee, married Mary, 3 children from 1884 to 1890 - family group sheet O'Connell, John - death certificate, 1900's O'Connell, John - marriage record, 1870's O'Connell, John - marriage record, 1880's O'Connell, John - born 1824, lived in Jackson, married Theresa, 9 children from 1850 to 1869 - family group sheet O'Connell, John Henry - born 1880, lived in Hartford, married Helen R., 1 child born in 1906 - family group sheet O'Connell, John Henry - death certificate, 1910's O'Connell, John Henry - marriage record, 1900's O'Connell, Katherine - marriage record, 1890's O'Connell, Maggie - marriage record, 1890's O'Connell, Margaret - marriage record, 1890's O'Connell, Marian - marriage record, 1890's O'Connell, Mark - death certificate, 1890's O'Connell, Mary Ann - marriage record, 1860's O'Connell, Mary Ann - marriage record, 1870's O'Connell, Mary E. - marriage record, 1900's O'Connell, Maurice - born 1814, lived in Erin, married Catharine, 4 children from 1847 to 1854 - family group sheet O'Connell, Maurice - born 1821, lived in Erin/El Paso, married Mary Elizabeth, 8 children from 1857 to 1874 - family group sheet O'Connell, Michael - born 1812, lived in Erin, married Catharine, 7 children from 1847 to 1859 - family group sheet O'Connell, Michael - born 1815, lived in Erin/El Paso, married Mary, 9 children from 1844 to 1864 - family group sheet O'Connell, Michael - marriage record, 1870's O'Connell, Michael Edward - marriage record, 1890's O'Connell, Michael H. - marriage record, 1880's O'Connell, Morgan - born 1815, lived in Erin, married Elizabeth, 6 children from 1851 to 1865 - family group sheet O'Connell, Nellie F. - marriage record, 1880's O'Connell, Patrick - married Bridget, 1 child born in 1859 - family group sheet O'Connell, Patrick - born 1842, lived in Oswego, NY/Erin, married Ellen, 8 children from 1876 to 1890 - family group sheet O'Connell, Patrick - marriage record, 1870's O'Connell, Theresa-Mrs. John - death certificate, 1890's O'Connell, Thomas - born 1847, lived in Erin, married Johanna, 4 children from 1876 to 1893 - family group sheet O'Connell, Thomas - death certificate, 1900's O'Connell, Timothy - born 1810, lived in Mequon, married Johanna, 9 children from 1839 to 1857 - family group sheet O'Connell, William E. - born 1853, lived in Erin/Milwaukee, married Mary Ann, 11 children from 1878 to 1895 - family group sheet O'Connell, William E. - marriage record, 1870's O'Connell, William E. - marriage record, 1900's O'Connell, William Henry - death certificate, 1900's O'Connell, William James - death certificate, 1900's O'Conner O'Conner, Andreas - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1854 - family group sheet O'Conner, Sylvia Ellen - death certificate, 1900's O'Connor O'Connor, Bridget - marriage record, 1880's O'Connor, Bridget - marriage record, 1890's O'Connor, Catharine - marriage record, 1870's O'Connor, Catherine - marriage record, 1860's O'Connor, David - born 1826, lived in Erin/Beauford, MN, married Johanna, 5 children from 1854 to 1862 - family group sheet O'Connor, Eddie - death certificate, 1890's O'Connor, Ellen - marriage record, 1870's O'Connor, Hugh - lived in Milwaukee, married Catharine, 1 child born in 1897 - family group sheet O'Connor, Hugh - born 1868, lived in Hartford, married Kathryn, 4 children from 1896 to 1912 - family group sheet O'Connor, Hugh - marriage record, 1890's O'Connor, James - born 1833, lived in Erin, married Mary, 10 children from 1854 to 1870 - family group sheet O'Connor, James - death certificate, 1900's O'Connor, Jeremiah - born 1827, lived in Erin, married Hannora, 7 children from 1846 to 1858 - family group sheet O'Connor, Jeremiah 'Jerry' - born 1868, lived in Hartford, married Mary M., 2 children from 1903 to 1906 - family group sheet O'Connor, Jeremiah 'Jerry' - marriage record, 1900's O'Connor, Johanna - marriage record, 1880's O'Connor, John - born 1815, lived in Hartford, married Catherina, 10 children from 1851 to 1868 - family group sheet O'Connor, John - married Ellen, 2 children from 1826 to 1828 - family group sheet O'Connor, John - lived in Portland, CT, married Johanna, 4 children from 1842 to 1851 - family group sheet O'Connor, John - death certificate, 1890's O'Connor, John - marriage record, 1890's O'Connor, John - born 1861, lived in Erin/Milwaukee/Hartford, married Sarah Jane, 6 children from 1896 to 1902 - family group sheet O'Connor, Katerine - marriage record, 1880's O'Connor, Kattie - death certificate, 1880's O'Connor, Luke - born 1826, lived in Fox Lake, married Ellen, 6 children from 1855 to 1865 - family group sheet O'Connor, Margaret - marriage record, 1850's O'Connor, Martin - marriage record, 1900's O'Connor, Mary Ann - marriage record, 1900's O'Connor, Mary Jane - marriage record, 1880's O'Connor, Mr. - married Ellen, 1 child born in 1850 - family group sheet O'Connor, Patrick - marriage record, 1890's O'Connor, Terrence - born 1798, lived in Erin, married Johanna, 3 children from 1841 to 1844 - family group sheet O'Connor, Thomas - marriage record, 1870's O'Connor, Thomas - marriage record, 1880's O'Connor, Thomas - marriage record, 1890's O'Connor, Thomas Joseph - lived in Rubicon, married Sarah Ann, 6 children from 1868 to 1880 - family group sheet O'Connor, Thomas R. - born 1855, lived in Erin/Republic, WA, married Catherine, 4 children from 1880 to 1888 - family group sheet O'Connor, Thomas R. - marriage record, 1870's O'Connor, William - death certificate, 1900's O'Connor, William J. - marriage record, 1900's Odekirck Odekirck, Garrett J. - born 1852, lived in Eden, married Lillian, 1 child - family group sheet Odekirk Odekirk, George W. - born 1857, married Mary A., 2 children from 1881 to 1884 - family group sheet Odekirk, Jonathan P. - born 1850, lived in Eden, married Martha, 2 children from 1877 to 1884 - family group sheet Odekirk, William Harrison - born 1877, lived in Waucousta, married twice - Elizabeth Louise, Alma, 2 children from 1899 to 1902 - family group sheet Odenbrett Odenbrett, Anna - marriage record, 1870's Odenbrett, Anna - marriage record, 1880's Odenbrett, Anna Catharina - marriage record in Germany, 1840's Odenbrett, Arthur Michael - death certificate, 1890's Odenbrett, Catharina Maria - marriage record, 1890's Odenbrett, Catherine Margaret - marriage record, 1890's Odenbrett, Christina - marriage record, 1840's Odenbrett, Clara - marriage record, 1890's Odenbrett, Elisabeth - marriage record, 1850's Odenbrett, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1870's Odenbrett, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1880's Odenbrett, Fred Joseph - born 1877, lived in Fussville, married Anna M., 1 child born in 1907 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Friederich Joseph - born 1814, lived in Menomonee, married twice - Anna Helena Juliane, Anna Gertrudis, 8 children from 1834 to 1849 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Friederich Joseph - marriage record in Germany, 1840's Odenbrett, George Louis - death certificate, 1900's Odenbrett, George M. - death certificate, 1890's Odenbrett, Gertrude - marriage record, 1890's Odenbrett, Helen - marriage record, 1880's Odenbrett, Jacob - born 1853, lived in Richfield, married Anna, 8 children from 1887 to 1904 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Jacob - born 1849, lived in Milwaukee/Sheldon, married Elizabeth, 8 children from 1874 to 1893 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Jacob - marriage record, 1870's Odenbrett, Jacob - marriage record, 1880's Odenbrett, Johann - born 1808, lived in Germantown/Richfield, married twice - Anna Catharina, Elisabeth, 12 children from 1833 to 1864 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Johann - born 1745, married Eleonora, 5 children from 1778 to 1804 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Johann Heinrich - born 1824, lived in Milwaukee, married Louisa A., 8 children from 1852 to 1861 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Johann Heinrich - death certificate, 1880's Odenbrett, Johann Heinrich - marriage record, 1850's Odenbrett, Johanna - marriage record, 1860's Odenbrett, John H. - marriage record, 1900's Odenbrett, John Henry - marriage record, 1880's Odenbrett, Joseph - death certificate, 1890's Odenbrett, Louisa A.-Mrs. Johann Heinrich - death certificate, 1900's Odenbrett, Margaret - marriage record, 1870's Odenbrett, Mary Katharina - marriage record, 1900's Odenbrett, Mary Theresa - born 1859, lived in Milwaukee/Brookfield, married twice - Frank Egidius, Peter, 4 children from 1885 to 1904 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Mary Theresa - marriage record, 1880's Odenbrett, Mary Theresa - marriage record, 1910's Odenbrett, Mary Victoria - marriage record, 1890's Odenbrett, Mathias - marriage record, 1870's Odenbrett, Mathias M. - born 1846, lived in Fussville/Richfield, married Maria Elisabeth, 8 children from 1872 to 1886 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Mathias M. - marriage record, 1870's Odenbrett, Philip E. - marriage record, 1900's Odenbrett, Philipp - born 1780, lived in Germantown, married Maria Theresia, 11 children from 1808 to 1826 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Philipp - born 1833, lived in Waupun/Milwaukee, married Sophie, 9 children from 1856 to 1878 - family group sheet Odenbrett, Rose - marriage record, 1900's Odenbrett, Sophie-Mrs. Philipp - death certificate, 1900's Odenbrett, Theresa - marriage record, 1870's Odenbrett, Theresa - marriage record, 1900's Odenbrett, William - born 1860, lived in Waupun, married twice - Magaret, Elsie Marie, 2 children from 1886 to 1891 - family group sheet Odenbrett, William - marriage record, 1880's O'Donnell O'Donnell, Alexander - born 1872, lived in Wayne, married Jennie, 2 children from 1899 to 1900 - family group sheet O'Donnell, Alice Margarett - death certificate, 1900's O'Donnell, Alice Margarette - death certificate, 1900's O'Donnell, Bridget-Mrs. William - death certificate, 1900's O'Donnell, Catherine - marriage record, 1870's O'Donnell, Catherine - marriage record, 1880's O'Donnell, Catherine 'Katie' - marriage record, 1870's O'Donnell, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1890's O'Donnell, Hugh - born 1867, lived in Wayne, married Jane 'Jennie', 2 children from 1899 to 1908 - family group sheet O'Donnell, Hugh - born 1814, lived in Philadelphia, PA/Wayne, married Mary, 13 children from 1847 to 1875 - family group sheet O'Donnell, James A. - marriage record, 1890's O'Donnell, John - marriage record, 1880's O'Donnell, John James - born 1864, lived in Wayne, married Agnes Adelia, 1 child born in 1898 - family group sheet O'Donnell, Margaret - marriage record, 1870's O'Donnell, Martha Jane - marriage record, 1870's O'Donnell, Miles James - death certificate, 1900's O'Donnell, Peter - born 1847, lived in OH/Chilton, married Catherine, 8 children from 1873 to 1900 - family group sheet O'Donnell, Walter James - death certificate, 1890's O'Donnell, William - born 1825, lived in Milwaukee, married Bridget, 5 children from 1853 to 1861 - family group sheet |