Wisconsin Genealogy Research by John Von Haden --- Surnames: Neal thru Nelson
© 2000-2023 by John Von Haden  All rights reserved.

The list below (updated March 16, 2025) shows ancestry research and related original records which I have worked with over the past forty five years.
Family group sheets (sample here), civil and church records from Wisconsin, Germany, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Norway....
SE Wisconsin cemetery, land and probate records.... State-wide obituaries, wedding stories, other news items....
Click here to search for various surnames or here to go back to my home page.    
Please feel free to email me or call my landline with any questions.

Select items below using the checkboxes, then to see details or place an order.

 Neal, Charles - married Catherine, 5 children from 1879 to 1886 - family group sheet
 Neal, Georgi - lived in Milwaukee, married ____+, 1 child born in 1891 - family group sheet

 Nealous, James - born 1815, lived in Richfield, married Ann, 3 children from 1849 to 1854 - family group sheet
 Nealous, Margaret - marriage record, 1880's
 Nealous, Winifred - marriage record, 1870's

 Neary, John - marriage record, 1890's
 Neary, Michael - marriage record, 1860's

 Neassen, Mary - marriage record, 1880's

 Nebelsick, Georg - lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 2 children from 1888 to 1889 - family group sheet

 Nebelsiek, George - born 1859, lived in Barton, married Emma, 5 children from 1889 to 1901 - family group sheet
 Nebelsiek, George - marriage record, 1880's

 Nebesiek, Georg - lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 1 child born in 1888 - family group sheet

 Neck, Christopher - married Margaretha, 1 child born in 1871 - family group sheet
 Neck, Mary A. - marriage record, 1830's

 Nedden, August - marriage record, 1900's

 Neddermeier, Charles - marriage record, 1870's

 Neddersen, Dorothea Maria - marriage record, 1860's
 Neddersen, Elisabeth Sophie - marriage record, 1860's
 Neddersen, Heinrich - lived in Cincinnati, OH, married Margaretha, 5 children from 1840 to 1849 - family group sheet
 Neddersen, Henry Albert - marriage record, 1890's
 Neddersen, Johann Friedrich - born 1840, lived in Milwaukee, married Marie Wilhelmine, 1 child born in 1866 - family group sheet
 Neddersen, Johann Friedrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Neddersen, John - lived in Cincinnati, OH, married Mary, 5 children from 1871 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Neddersen, John - marriage record, 1870's

 Nedley, Frank - marriage record, 1900's

 Nedtweg, Georg - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1900 - family group sheet
 Nedtweg, Georg - marriage record, 1890's

 Neeb, Adam - married Anna Sybilla, 2 children from 1795 to 1798 - family group sheet
 Neeb, Anna - marriage record, 1900's
 Neeb, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1850's
 Neeb, Balthasar - born 1800, lived in Germantown, married Christina, 1 child born in 1853 - family group sheet
 Neeb, Carolina - marriage record, 1860's
 Neeb, Caroline - marriage record, 1860's
 Neeb, Caspar - marriage record, 1850's
 Neeb, Caspar - born 1830, lived in Addison, married Sophia, 7 children from 1855 to 1869 - family group sheet
 Neeb, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1860's
 Neeb, Emilie 'Millie'-Mrs. Jacob Wilhelm - death certificate, 1900's
 Neeb, Gertrude - marriage record, 1850's
 Neeb, Heinrich - born 1798, married Catharina, 11 children from 1823 to 1845 - family group sheet
 Neeb, Henry - born 1832, lived in Herman, married Katharina, 9 children from 1857 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Neeb, Henry - marriage record, 1850's
 Neeb, Henry W. - born 1851, married Charlotte Barbara, 2 children from 1875 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Neeb, Jacob Wilhelm - born 1877, lived in South Germantown, married Emilie 'Millie', 1 child born in 1907 - family group sheet
 Neeb, Jacob Wilhelm - marriage record, 1900's
 Neeb, Johann - born 1823, lived in Herman, married Elisabeth, 5 children from 1852 to 1863 - family group sheet
 Neeb, Johann Peter - born 1778, married Margaretha, 4 children from 1804 to 1819 - family group sheet
 Neeb, Katherine - marriage record, 1850's
 Neeb, Louis - born 1853, lived in Germantown, married Louisa, 12 children from 1877 to 1905 - family group sheet
 Neeb, Louis - marriage record, 1870's
 Neeb, Louise 'Lucy' - marriage record, 1900's
 Neeb, Millie-Mrs. Mr. - death certificate, 1900's

 Needham, John F. - marriage record, 1880's

 Neelen, Martin - married Catharina, 1 child born in 1869 - family group sheet

 Neeser, Mary - marriage record, 1900's

 Neess, Gottfried - lived in Lebanon, married Anna Sophia, 1 child born in 1855 - family group sheet

 Neevel, Edward - lived in West Bend, married Bertha, 4 children from 1895 to 1909 - family group sheet

 Nefer, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 2 children from 1874 to 1882 - family group sheet

 Neff, Andrew - born 1855, married _____, 3 children from 1873 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Neff, Edmund - born 1824, lived in PA/West Bend/Henderson, MN/Jessenland, MN, married Rachel, 5 children from 1854 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Neff, Julia - marriage record, 1870's
 Neff, Theresa - marriage record, 1850's

 Nefstead, John - marriage record, 1900's

 Nefzer, Christiana Friederika-Mrs. Gottlieb - death certificate, 1900's
 Nefzer, George M. - death certificate, 1880's
 Nefzer, Gottlieb - born 1826, lived in Addison, married Christiana Friederika, 5 children from 1854 to 1863 - family group sheet
 Nefzer, Gottlieb - marriage record, 1850's
 Nefzer, William A. - born 1855, lived in Addison, married Emilie Dorothea, 3 children from 1883 to 1889 - family group sheet

 Neher, Fred J. - born 1883, lived in Milwaukee, married Marie A., 2 children from 1913 to 1913 - family group sheet
 Neher, Frederick T. - born 1858, lived in Fussville/Milwaukee, married Katherine 'Kate', 3 children from 1883 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Neher, Frederick T. - marriage record, 1880's

 Nehf, Adolph C. - born 1856, lived in Port Washington/Menomonee Falls, married Delila, 3 children from 1881 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Nehf, Adolph C. - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehf, Anna - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehf, Anna - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehf, Charles W. - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehf, Dorothea-Mrs. Wilhelm - death certificate, 1900's
 Nehf, George - born 1827, lived in Wilson, married Johanna, 6 children from 1851 to 1862 - family group sheet
 Nehf, John Albrecht - born 1815, lived in Port Washington, married 3 times - Elisabeth, Catharine M., Margaretha Barbara, 2 children from 1855 to 1858 - family group sheet
 Nehf, John Albrecht - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehf, John Albrecht - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehf, John Christoph - born 1798, married Eva Apollonia, 5 children from 1815 to 1831 - family group sheet
 Nehf, John Leonard - born 1822, lived in Port Washington, married Maria Magdalena, 11 children from 1846 to 1867 - family group sheet
 Nehf, John M. - born 1827, lived in Menomonee/Menomonee Falls, married Mary, 8 children from 1857 to 1877 - family group sheet
 Nehf, Leonard - born 1851, lived in Port Washington/Sheboygan, married Agnes Christina, 4 children from 1879 to 1887 - family group sheet
 Nehf, Lillie - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehf, Mathilda - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehf, Mathilda-Mrs. Wilhelm - death certificate, 1880's
 Nehf, Sophia - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehf, Wilhelm - born 1831, lived in Port Washington, married twice - Mathilda, Dorothea, 9 children from 1856 to 1870 - family group sheet
 Nehf, Wilhelm - death certificate, 1900's
 Nehf, Wilhelm - marriage record, 1880's

 Nehls, Albert W. - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehls, Albert W. - born 1859, lived in Portage/Kilbourn, married Wilhelmina 'Minnie', 1 child born in 1894 - family group sheet
 Nehls, Anna Sophia - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehls, Bertha - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehls, Carl - lived in Monterey, married Friederike, 1 child born in 1881 - family group sheet
 Nehls, Carolina Sophia - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehls, Clara Cecilia - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehls, Frank - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehls, Fred L. - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehls, Friederike - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehls, Friederike Maria-Mrs. Friedrich Christian - death certificate, 1890's
 Nehls, Friederike Marie-Mrs. Friedrich Christian - death certificate, 1890's
 Nehls, Friedrich Christian - born 1835, married Friederike Marie Christiane, 3 children from 1864 to 1868 - family group sheet
 Nehls, George - born 1814, lived in Mequon/Grafton, married Anna C., 9 children from 1850 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Nehls, George - born 1863, lived in Thiensville/Mequon, married Bertha, 2 children from 1888 to 1891 - family group sheet
 Nehls, George - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehls, H. - married Ida, 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet
 Nehls, Heinrich Ludwig - born 1864, lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline 'Lina', 3 children from 1884 to 1887 - family group sheet
 Nehls, Heinrich Ludwig - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehls, Helen Pauline - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehls, Ida - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehls, Joachim Friederich - born 1805, married Hanna Maria Sophia Wilhelmine, 7 children from 1833 to 1848 - family group sheet
 Nehls, Johann Ludwig - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehls, John - marriage record, 1860's
 Nehls, John - born 1842, lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine Dorothea Sophia, 8 children from 1868 to 1885 - family group sheet

 Nehm, Carl Edward - born 1889, lived in Polk, married Emma, 2 children - family group sheet
 Nehm, Christian - married Johanette, 2 children from 1834 to 1836 - family group sheet
 Nehm, Fred - born 1857, lived in Polk, married Alice, 8 children from 1884 to 1896 - family group sheet
 Nehm, Frederick - born 1836, lived in Polk, married Caroline, 12 children from 1870 to 1892 - family group sheet
 Nehm, Frederick - marriage record, 1860's
 Nehm, Frederick Philip - born 1875, lived in Polk, married Magdalena, 6 children from 1909 to 1920 - family group sheet
 Nehm, Hugo George - born 1894, lived in West Bend, married Elsie M., 3 children from 1921 to 1921 - family group sheet
 Nehm, Karl - born 1834, lived in West Bend, married Philipine, 7 children from 1857 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Nehm, Lottie - death certificate, 1890's
 Nehm, Louis - born 1864, lived in West Bend, married Anna Elizabeth, 3 children from 1892 to 1898 - family group sheet
 Nehm, Ludwig Carl - death certificate, 1890's
 Nehm, Philipine-Mrs. Karl - death certificate, 1890's
 Nehm, Thomas - death certificate, 1890's

 Nehrbass, Amelia - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Benjamin - born 1895, lived in Polk, married Anita M., 1 child - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Christian - born 1834, lived in Hartford/Falls, KS, married twice - Margaret, Susan, 6 children from 1861 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Christina - marriage record, 1850's
 Nehrbass, Christina - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehrbass, Christina Catharina-Mrs. Johann - death certificate, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Christina Katharina-Mrs. Johann - death certificate, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Dr. Hermann - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehrbass, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Emma - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Ferdinand - born 1872, lived in West Bend, married Minnie Therese, 5 children from 1901 to 1917 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Ferdinand - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Frederick - born 1845, lived in Polk, married Katherine, 8 children from 1873 to 1899 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Frederick - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehrbass, Heinrich - born 1845, married Elizabeth, 6 children from 1873 to 1882 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Heinrich Ludwig - born 1820, married Christina, 2 children - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Henry - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Jacob - born 1882, lived in West Bend, married Margaret M., 1 child born in 1911 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Jacob - born 1865, married Mary Frances, 2 children from 1895 to 1900 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Jacob - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Joh. Heinrich - born 1820, married Catharina Felicitas, 2 children from 1848 to 1850 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Johann - born 1809, lived in Polk, married Christina Catharina, 9 children from 1844 to 1860 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Johann Christian - born 1769, married Anna Margaretha, 8 children from 1793 to 1813 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Johann Christian - born 1804, married Elisabeth Catharina, 7 children from 1829 to 1843 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Johann Heinrich - born 1772, married Anna Maria, 9 children from 1798 to 1826 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Johann Jacob - born 1801, married Anna Felicitas, 8 children from 1825 to 1841 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Johann Ludwig - born 1796, married Christina, 7 children from 1820 to 1836 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, John - born 1886, lived in Polk, married Elsie, 4 children from 1912 to 1912 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, John - born 1860, lived in Polk, married Magdalena, 6 children from 1886 to 1899 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, John - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehrbass, John - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehrbass, Katherine - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Lorenz - born 1806, married Maria Anna, 7 children from 1835 to 1852 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Lorenz - born 1838, lived in Hartford, married Maria Catharina, 5 children from 1862 to 1871 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Lorenz - marriage record, 1860's
 Nehrbass, Louis - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehrbass, Louisa - death certificate, 1890's
 Nehrbass, Ludwig - born 1811, married twice - Anna Maria, Sophia, 4 children from 1842 to 1845 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Ludwig - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehrbass, Mary - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehrbass, Mary - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehrbass, Peter - born 1875, lived in West Bend, married Mary, 4 children from 1903 to 1914 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Peter - death certificate, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Peter - born 1843, lived in West Bend, married Wilhelmina, 11 children from 1868 to 1887 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Philip - born 1850, lived in Polk, married Margaret, 7 children from 1880 to 1898 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Philip - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehrbass, Sabina - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehrbass, Sabina - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Sophia-Mrs. Ludwig - death certificate, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Tobias - born 1813, married Eva Katharina, 7 children from 1837 to 1851 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Tobias - marriage record, 1860's
 Nehrbass, Tobias - born 1841, lived in Fond du Lac, married Sabina, 7 children from 1864 to 1878 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Tobias Christian - born 1867, lived in Hartford, married twice - Harriet 'Hattie', Alice M., 4 children from 1885 to 1899 - family group sheet
 Nehrbass, Tobias Christian - death certificate, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Tobias Christian - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehrbass, Wilhelmena 'Minnie' - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehrbass, Wilhelmina-Mrs. Peter - death certificate, 1900's

 Nehring, August - born 1880, lived in Theresa, married Magdalena E. 'Helen', 5 children from 1909 to 1928 - family group sheet
 Nehring, Carl Gustav - born 1850, lived in Ixonia, married Bertha, 4 children from 1877 to 1888 - family group sheet
 Nehring, Carl Gustav - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehring, Caroline Ernestine - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehring, Hermann - death certificate, 1870's
 Nehring, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 1 child born in 1900 - family group sheet
 Nehring, John Carl - death certificate, 1880's
 Nehring, John Carl - marriage record, 1860's
 Nehring, Lina - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehring, Mary - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehring, William - death certificate, 1890's
 Nehring, William - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehring, William - born 1834, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Sophie, Wilhelmine Francisca, 7 children from 1862 to 1876 - family group sheet
 Nehring, William Edward - marriage record, 1890's

 Nehrlich, Emil Louis - marriage record, 1870's

 Nehs, Charles - born 1810, lived in PA/Menomonee/Menomonee Falls, married Mary Ann, 7 children from 1834 to 1857 - family group sheet
 Nehs, Cora - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehs, Cora A. - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehs, Edward Liebert - born 1841, lived in Millerstown, PA, married Elizabeth, 5 children from 1864 to 1875 - family group sheet
 Nehs, Edward Liebert - marriage record, 1860's
 Nehs, Henry - born 1859, lived in Menomonee Falls, married Jennie, 2 children - family group sheet
 Nehs, Henry - marriage record, 1900's
 Nehs, Ida Alice - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehs, Jessie B. - born 1808, lived in PA/Menomonee/Menomonee Falls, married Sarah, 2 children from 1839 to 1844 - family group sheet
 Nehs, Landon C. - marriage record, 1880's
 Nehs, Mary Ann - marriage record, 1870's
 Nehs, Owen H. - marriage record, 1890's
 Nehs, Rev. Franklin - death certificate, 1900's
 Nehs, Wesley L. - born 1848, lived in Menomonee/Menomonee Falls, married Amanda, 1 child born in 1871 - family group sheet
 Nehs, William J. - born 1839, lived in PA, married Amanda, 2 children from 1862 to 1864 - family group sheet
 Nehs, William L. - born 1834, lived in Milford, PA/Menomonee/Menomonee Falls, married Margaret Anna, 4 children from 1859 to 1876 - family group sheet

 Neiberg, Catharine - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's

 Neick, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 9 children from 1868 to 1885 - family group sheet

 Neider, Herman A. - marriage record, 1880's
 Neider, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Hulda, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Neider, William H. - born 1837, married Maria Louise, 8 children from 1863 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Neider, William H. - marriage record, 1860's

 Neidhard, Charles - married Rosa, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Neidhard, Conrad - born 1702, married Anna, 2 children from 1726 to 1738 - family group sheet
 Neidhard, Georg - born 1793, married Barbara, 2 children from 1817 to 1819 - family group sheet
 Neidhard, Georg - born 1798, married twice - Katharina, Catharina, 1 child born in 1829 - family group sheet
 Neidhard, Georg - born 1764, married Margaretha, 6 children from 1796 to 1809 - family group sheet
 Neidhard, Johann - born 1760, married Kunigunda, 6 children from 1784 to 1803 - family group sheet
 Neidhard, Peter - born 1803, married Marianna, 1 child born in 1827 - family group sheet

 Neidhardt, Anna Margaretha - death certificate, 1900's
 Neidhardt, Cunigunda 'Connie' - marriage record, 1900's
 Neidhardt, George - born 1838, lived in Granville, married Anna Maria, 10 children from 1869 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Neidhardt, Henry - marriage record, 1890's
 Neidhardt, Johann - born 1804, lived in Granville, married Kunigunda, 4 children from 1830 to 1838 - family group sheet
 Neidhardt, Josephine - marriage record, 1900's
 Neidhardt, Kunigunda - born 1825, lived in Granville, married twice - Herman Joseph, Edward Friedrich, 2 children from 1856 to 1857 - family group sheet
 Neidhardt, Kunigunda - marriage record, 1850's
 Neidhardt, Mary - marriage record, 1890's
 Neidhardt, Mary - marriage record, 1900's
 Neidhardt, Max - marriage record, 1890's

 Neidhart, Charles Friedrich - married Rosina, 1 child born in 1873 - family group sheet

 Neidinger, Anna - marriage record in Germany, 1840's
 Neidinger, Christoph - married Margaretha, 4 children from 1796 to 1806 - family group sheet
 Neidinger, Johann - born 1800, married Anna, 6 children from 1828 to 1841 - family group sheet
 Neidinger, Johann - death certificate in Germany, 1850's
 Neidinger, Johann - marriage record in Germany, 1820's
 Neidinger, Katharina - marriage record in Germany, 1860's
 Neidinger, Margaretha - marriage record in Germany, 1820's
 Neidinger, Margaretha - marriage record in Germany, 1850's
 Neidinger, Maria - marriage record in Germany, 1850's
 Neidinger, Peter - death certificate in Germany, 1830's

 Neidlein, Johann Andreas - death certificate, 1880's
 Neidlein, Johann Andreas - born 1830, lived in Germantown, married Rosina, 6 children from 1859 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Neidlein, Philip - marriage record, 1890's

 Neiers, Anna - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1850's
 Neiers, Franz - born 1770, married Catharina, 1 child born in 1802 - family group sheet
 Neiers, Heinrich - born 1821, married Anna Maria, 4 children from 1857 to 1860 - family group sheet
 Neiers, Heinrich - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1870's
 Neiers, Heinrich - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1850's
 Neiers, Johann - born 1796, married Eva, 6 children from 1822 to 1837 - family group sheet
 Neiers, Johann - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1820's
 Neiers, Margaret - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1850's
 Neiers, Maria - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1840's
 Neiers, Nicolas - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1860's

 Neigenfeind, Martha - marriage record, 1870's

 Neigenfind, Augusta - marriage record, 1860's
 Neigenfind, Augusta Juliane - marriage record, 1860's
 Neigenfind, Bertha - marriage record, 1860's
 Neigenfind, Herman - born 1846, lived in Trenton/Spring Branch, NE, married Christina Marie, 3 children from 1867 to 1870 - family group sheet
 Neigenfind, Herman - marriage record, 1860's
 Neigenfind, Martha - marriage record, 1870's
 Neigenfind, Traugott - born 1816, lived in Trenton, married Dorothea Elisabetha, 5 children from 1844 to 1851 - family group sheet

 Neihous, Lewis - marriage record, 1900's

 Neil, Samuel S. - marriage record, 1880's

 Neill, Arthur P. - marriage record, 1890's

 Neils, Albert - marriage record, 1890's
 Neils, Anna - marriage record, 1900's
 Neils, August Friedrich - born 1847, lived in Milwaukee, married Hulda Henrietta, 1 child born in 1877 - family group sheet
 Neils, Elsie Emma - marriage record, 1900's
 Neils, Emma Auguste - marriage record, 1910's
 Neils, Ernst Friedrich - born 1819, married Henrietta Sophia, 7 children from 1844 to 1861 - family group sheet
 Neils, Ernst Friedrich - death certificate, 1900's
 Neils, Ferdinand - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline Rosaline, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Neils, Ferdinand Eduard - marriage record, 1880's
 Neils, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 1 child born in 1904 - family group sheet
 Neils, Friedrich - born 1850, lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 3 children from 1880 to 1887 - family group sheet
 Neils, Helen - marriage record, 1900's
 Neils, Henrietta Sophia-Mrs. Ernst Friedrich - death certificate, 1890's
 Neils, Herman - born 1859, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Magdalena 'Lena', Catherine, 8 children from 1890 to 1909 - family group sheet
 Neils, Herman - marriage record, 1880's
 Neils, Herman Julius - born 1852, lived in Milwaukee, married Augusta Wilhelmine Caroline, 1 child born in 1881 - family group sheet
 Neils, Herman Julius - marriage record, 1880's
 Neils, Johann - born 1822, married Louise, 6 children from 1845 to 1860 - family group sheet
 Neils, John - marriage record, 1880's
 Neils, Julius - marriage record, 1870's
 Neils, Louise-Mrs. Johann - death certificate, 1900's
 Neils, Ludwig - born 1856, married Emilie, 1 child born in 1878 - family group sheet
 Neils, Wilhelm Friedrich - born 1850, lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 10 children from 1876 to 1895 - family group sheet
 Neils, Wilhelm Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Neils, Wilhelmine Maria - marriage record, 1860's

 Neilson, Addie Margaret - marriage record, 1880's
 Neilson, Clara-Mrs. Walter Hopper - death certificate, 1900's
 Neilson, Cornelius - born 1836, lived in Granville, married Margaret, 8 children from 1857 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Neilson, Maud L. - marriage record, 1880's
 Neilson, Walter Hopper - marriage record, 1880's

 Neinas, Gustave - marriage record, 1900's

 Neirburg, Franz Xaver - married Margaretha, 1 child born in 1860 - family group sheet

 Neis, Barbara - marriage record, 1880's
 Neis, Johanna Catharina-Mrs. Louis A. - death certificate, 1890's
 Neis, Louis A. - marriage record, 1890's
 Neis, Wilhelm - marriage record in Germany, 1840's

 Neisinger, Jacob - born 1807, lived in Burns, married Eva Mary, 8 children from 1833 to 1849 - family group sheet

 Neisius, Barbara - death certificate in Germany, 1830's
 Neisius, Catharina - death certificate in Germany, 1830's
 Neisius, Christina - marriage record in Germany, 1810's
 Neisius, Christina - marriage record in Germany, 1850's
 Neisius, Elisabeth - death certificate in Germany, 1820's
 Neisius, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1880's
 Neisius, Eva - marriage record in Germany, 1850's
 Neisius, Eva - marriage record, 1890's
 Neisius, Frank - married Kathryn, 2 children from 1912 to 1912 - family group sheet
 Neisius, Frank Peter - born 1878, lived in Neosho, married Kathryn M., 4 children from 1910 to 1917 - family group sheet
 Neisius, George - death certificate in Germany, 1830's
 Neisius, Jacob - born 1853, married Catherine, 1 child born in 1900 - family group sheet
 Neisius, Jacob - born 1799, married Katharina, 8 children from 1826 to 1839 - family group sheet
 Neisius, Jacob - marriage record in Germany, 1820's
 Neisius, Jacob - marriage record in Germany, 1870's
 Neisius, Johann - born 1829, married Magdalena, 11 children from 1851 to 1873 - family group sheet
 Neisius, Johann - born 1835, lived in Rubicon, married Maria, 10 children from 1860 to 1880 - family group sheet
 Neisius, Johann - born 1799, married Maria, 7 children from 1821 to 1835 - family group sheet
 Neisius, Johann - death certificate in Germany, 1860's
 Neisius, Johann - death certificate, 1900's
 Neisius, Johann - marriage record in Germany, 1820's
 Neisius, Johann - marriage record in Germany, 1850's
 Neisius, John - born 1862, lived in Barton, married twice - Madeline 'Lena', Matilda, 7 children from 1888 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Neisius, Joseph - death certificate in Germany, 1860's
 Neisius, Katharina-Mrs. Jacob - death certificate in Germany, 1860's
 Neisius, Katharina-Mrs. Johann - death certificate in Germany, 1860's
 Neisius, Katherine - marriage record, 1870's
 Neisius, Magdalena - marriage record in Germany, 1850's
 Neisius, Margaretha - death certificate in Germany, 1870's
 Neisius, Maria - death certificate in Germany, 1820's
 Neisius, Maria - marriage record in Germany, 1850's
 Neisius, Maria - marriage record in Germany, 1870's
 Neisius, Maria - marriage record in Germany, 1890's
 Neisius, Maria - marriage record, 1880's
 Neisius, Maria-Mrs. Johann - death certificate in Germany, 1870's
 Neisius, Michael A. - born 1880, lived in Rubicon, married Anna E., 2 children from 1911 to 1912 - family group sheet
 Neisius, Nicholas M. - death certificate, 1900's
 Neisius, Nicolaus - marriage record in Germany, 1820's
 Neisius, Peter - born 1835, lived in Barton/Edson, married Anna Maria Catharina, 13 children from 1858 to 1886 - family group sheet
 Neisius, Peter - married Maria Magdalena, 4 children from 1798 to 1804 - family group sheet
 Neisius, Peter - death certificate in Germany, 1830's
 Neisius, Peter - death certificate in Germany, 1850's
 Neisius, Peter - marriage record in Germany, 1870's
 Neisius, Peter - marriage record, 1850's
 Neisius, Susanna - marriage record in Germany, 1840's
 Neisius, Susanna - marriage record in Germany, 1850's

 Neiss, Catharina - marriage record, 1850's
 Neiss, Lorenz - born 1796, lived in Belgium/Sprin Hill, MN, married Christina, 4 children from 1824 to 1838 - family group sheet
 Neiss, Peter - born 1839, married Anna, 2 children from 1862 to 1864 - family group sheet

 Neithöfer, Heinrich Ludwig - lived in Milwaukee, married Mar. Cath., 2 children from 1855 to 1858 - family group sheet

 Neitzel, Albert - born 1859, married Alwina, 11 children from 1887 to 1906 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Albert - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 9 children from 1873 to 1889 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Albert - marriage record, 1870's
 Neitzel, Alvina Friedrike - marriage record, 1870's
 Neitzel, Alwine Friederike - marriage record, 1870's
 Neitzel, Anna Bertha - marriage record, 1890's
 Neitzel, Anna Bertha - marriage record, 1910's
 Neitzel, August - born 1831, lived in Lebanon, married Ernestine, 6 children from 1854 to 1865 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, August - marriage record, 1850's
 Neitzel, August - marriage record, 1900's
 Neitzel, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 4 children from 1884 to 1891 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, August Carl - marriage record, 1880's
 Neitzel, August Ferdinand - born 1831, lived in Watertown, married Ernestine Friedericke, 7 children from 1854 to 1871 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, August Friedrich - born 1855, lived in Lebanon, married twice - Albertina Charlotte, Augusta Aldrich, 5 children from 1880 to 1886 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, August Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Neitzel, Bertha Wilhelmine - marriage record, 1880's
 Neitzel, Carl Friedrich - born 1843, married Bertha Alwine Ernestine Louise, 3 children from 1878 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Charlotte Sophia - marriage record, 1840's
 Neitzel, Christian - born 1788, lived in Lebanon, married Sophie, 4 children from 1818 to 1831 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Emilie Auguste - marriage record, 1870's
 Neitzel, Ernestine Wilhelmina - marriage record, 1870's
 Neitzel, Ferdinand - born 1843, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 9 children from 1875 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Ferdinand - born 1867, lived in Hartford, married Louisa, 2 children from 1895 to 1902 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Ferdinand - marriage record, 1870's
 Neitzel, Franz - lived in Milwaukee, married Pauline, 1 child born in 1877 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Franz Robert - marriage record, 1890's
 Neitzel, Friedrich - marriage record, 1860's
 Neitzel, Friedrich - born 1824, lived in Mequon/Lebanon, married twice - Wilhelmina Sophia Dorothea, Johanna, 8 children from 1850 to 1871 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Friedrich Wilhelm - born 1818, lived in Lebanon, married Fredericke, 4 children from 1848 to 1857 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Gotthilf Friedrich - born 1829, lived in Lebanon, married Karolina Ernestine Friederike, 2 children from 1855 to 1858 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Gotthilf Friedrich - marriage record, 1850's
 Neitzel, Herman - born 1836, lived in Theresa, married Albertine F., 9 children from 1866 to 1887 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Herman - born 1867, lived in Theresa/Mayville, married Ida, 3 children from 1893 to 1898 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Herman - marriage record, 1850's
 Neitzel, Herman - marriage record, 1890's
 Neitzel, Herman Julius - born 1855, married Bertha, 7 children from 1880 to 1897 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Johann - born 1858, lived in Hartford, married Bertha, 3 children from 1885 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Johann Friedrich - born 1826, lived in Lebanon, married twice - Ernestine Wilhelmine Fredericke, Ernestine Wilhelmine Caroline, 12 children from 1850 to 1872 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Johann Friedrich - marriage record, 1840's
 Neitzel, Johann Wilhelm - born 1809, married Christine Friederike, 6 children from 1840 to 1868 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Laura Klara - marriage record, 1890's
 Neitzel, Louis Friedrich - marriage record, 1900's
 Neitzel, Martin - born 1825, married Louisa C., 6 children from 1855 to 1871 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Otto - marriage record, 1870's
 Neitzel, Pauline Emilie - marriage record, 1900's
 Neitzel, Rosaline 'Rosa' - marriage record, 1900's
 Neitzel, Wilhelm Friedrich - born 1866, lived in Theresa, married Johanna Louise Friederike, 1 child born in 1892 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, Wilhelm Herman - marriage record, 1870's
 Neitzel, William - lived in Richfield, married Katherine, 1 child born in 1896 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, William Fredrich - born 1851, lived in Lebanon, married Augusta Sophie Ernestine, 11 children from 1871 to 1895 - family group sheet
 Neitzel, William Fredrich - marriage record, 1870's
 Neitzel, William Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's

 Neitzke, Gerhard Ferdinand - marriage record, 1880's

 Neldner, Adeline - marriage record, 1890's
 Neldner, Carl - born 1849, lived in MilwaukeeRECHECK, married Marie Caroline, 2 children from 1876 to 1880 - family group sheet
 Neldner, Carl - marriage record, 1870's
 Neldner, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Ottilie, 2 children from 1892 to 1894 - family group sheet
 Neldner, Carl Gottlieb - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 2 children from 1875 to 1884 - family group sheet
 Neldner, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 5 children from 1883 to 1890 - family group sheet

 Nelensen, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1890's

 Nelesen, Cornelius - married Maria, 4 children from 1866 to 1871 - family group sheet
 Nelesen, Gertrude-Mrs. Joseph 'Joe' - death certificate, 1900's
 Nelesen, Herman - born 1861, lived in Franklin, married twice - Katharina, Louisa, 1 child born in 1886 - family group sheet
 Nelesen, John Martin - marriage record, 1890's
 Nelesen, Joseph 'Joe' - born 1836, lived in Franklin, married Gertrude, 11 children from 1859 to 1879 - family group sheet

 Nelis, Anna Maria - marriage record in Germany, 1830's
 Nelis, Ellen - marriage record, 1870's
 Nelis, Patrick - born 1817, lived in Richfield, married twice - first wife name not known, Anna E., 10 children from 1846 to 1883 - family group sheet

 Nelke, Lillie Emma - marriage record, 1900's

 Nell, Albert - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 1 child born in 1903 - family group sheet
 Nell, Andreas - born 1786, lived in Rhine, married Anna Maria, 5 children from 1813 to 1827 - family group sheet
 Nell, Anna Auguste - marriage record, 1890's
 Nell, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Elisabeth, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet
 Nell, August - lived in Milwaukee, married Hedwig, 2 children from 1904 to 1906 - family group sheet
 Nell, August F. - born 1872, lived in Woodland, married Anna, 4 children from 1897 to 1910 - family group sheet
 Nell, August F. - born 1837, lived in Rubicon, married Wilhelmine G. H., 5 children from 1860 to 1874 - family group sheet
 Nell, Augusta W. - marriage record, 1890's
 Nell, Auguste Caroline-Mrs. Johann Gottlieb - death certificate, 1880's
 Nell, Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married not specified not, 1 child born in 1871 - family group sheet
 Nell, Carl William - death certificate, 1900's
 Nell, Frederica Auguste - marriage record, 1870's
 Nell, Friedrich - married Caroline, 1 child born in 1845 - family group sheet
 Nell, Friedrich E. - born 1874, lived in Milwaukee/Brillion, married Augusta, 4 children from 1900 to 1907 - family group sheet
 Nell, Gottlieb - lived in Milwaukee, married Auguste, 2 children from 1883 to 1885 - family group sheet
 Nell, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Martha, 1 child born in 1903 - family group sheet
 Nell, Hermann - marriage record, 1900's
 Nell, Johann Carl - lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine Caroline Friederike, 2 children from 1874 to 1879 - family group sheet
 Nell, Johann Gottlieb - born 1845, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Auguste Caroline Friedrike, Adeline, 5 children from 1870 to 1883 - family group sheet
 Nell, Mathilda Catharina - marriage record, 1900's
 Nell, Mr. - lived in Fredonia, married Magdalene, 1 child - family group sheet
 Nell, Wilhelmine Christina - marriage record, 1860's
 Nell, William H. - marriage record, 1900's

 Nelles, Maria Gertrude - marriage record in Germany, 1820's
 Nelles, Wilhelm - born 1831, lived in Polk/Chicago, married Miliana, 10 children from 1861 to 1878 - family group sheet

 Nellessen, Rosa - marriage record, 1890's

 Nellis, Grover D. - lived in Kewaskum, married Mathilda, 2 children from 1873 to 1875 - family group sheet

 Nelsen, Christian - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 1 child born in 1887 - family group sheet
 Nelsen, N. O. - lived in Ashippun, married Marin, 1 child born in 1893 - family group sheet

 Nelseon, Jacob Christian - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie Maria Louise, 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet

 Nelson, Albert - born 1880, lived in Merton, married Anna Mary, 1 child born in 1914 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Amanda - marriage record, 1860's
 Nelson, Andreas - marriage record, 1880's
 Nelson, Andrew - marriage record, 1880's
 Nelson, Christine - marriage record, 1890's
 Nelson, Edward Johnson - lived in Genesee, married Sarah Elida, 3 children from 1898 to 1912 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Edwin R. - born 1820, lived in West Rupert, VT/Hartford, married twice - Maria, Augustine, 3 children from 1850 to 1857 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Edwin R. - death certificate, 1900's
 Nelson, Frank - marriage record, 1900's
 Nelson, Fred - marriage record, 1900's
 Nelson, George - lived in Rubicon, married Elvira A., 4 children from 1847 to 1860 - family group sheet
 Nelson, George - marriage record, 1840's
 Nelson, George - marriage record, 1880's
 Nelson, Gunder - born 1802, lived in Lebanon/Kasson, MN, married 3 times - Kirsti Marie, Karen Marie Pedersdatter, Asborg Oline, 10 children from 1835 to 1862 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Halvor - born 1851, lived in Lebanon, married Martha, 3 children from 1878 to 1895 - family group sheet
 Nelson, James H. - born 1817, lived in Cold Spring, NY/Menomonee, married Sarah, 6 children from 1848 to 1866 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Jens Peter - marriage record, 1890's
 Nelson, John - marriage record, 1880's
 Nelson, John E. - marriage record, 1900's
 Nelson, Julia - marriage record, 1890's
 Nelson, Maggie O. - marriage record, 1900's
 Nelson, Maria-Mrs. Edwin R. - death certificate, 1880's
 Nelson, Martin - marriage record, 1900's
 Nelson, Mattie - marriage record, 1890's
 Nelson, Mercy L. - marriage record, 1870's
 Nelson, Nels - marriage record, 1890's
 Nelson, Nels C. - born 1855, lived in Ashippun/Erin, married Sophia J., 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Nels Thorbjornsen - born 1797, lived in Ashippun, married Bertha, 8 children from 1824 to 1840 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Nils Theodore - born 1842, lived in Ashippun, married Hedevig, 7 children from 1868 to 1881 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Ole - born 1872, lived in Porter, IN, married Ida Minnie, 2 children from 1898 to 1907 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Ole - married Sophie, 1 child born in 1891 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Oli Andrew - lived in Milwaukee, married Pauline, 2 children from 1888 to 1890 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Oliver James - marriage record, 1890's
 Nelson, Rose A. - marriage record, 1900's
 Nelson, Rowland - marriage record, 1870's
 Nelson, Severin - lived in Ashippun, married Anna, 1 child born in 1897 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Thomas - born 1824, lived in Ashippun, married Karen 'Caroline, 12 children from 1850 to 1872 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Tollef - born 1819, lived in Port Washington, married Ingeborg, 10 children from 1846 to 1863 - family group sheet
 Nelson, Walter Scott - born 1854, lived in Rubicon, married twice - Mary Jane, May, 3 children from 1893 to 1893 - family group sheet