Wisconsin Genealogy Research by John Von Haden --- Surnames: Klibbe thru Klotz
© 2000-2023 by John Von Haden All rights reserved.
The list below (updated March 16, 2025) shows ancestry research and related original records which I have worked with over the past forty five years.
Family group sheets (sample here), civil and church records from Wisconsin, Germany, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Norway....
SE Wisconsin cemetery, land and probate records.... State-wide obituaries, wedding stories, other news items....
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Please feel free to email me or call my landline with any questions.
Klibbe Klibbe, Augusta Wilhelmina - marriage record, 1870's Klickmann Klickmann, Gustav - married Auguste, 2 children from 1879 to 1881 - family group sheet Kliefoth Kliefoth, Carl - born 1839, lived in Theresa, married Maria, 2 children from 1865 to 1865 - family group sheet Kliefoth, Carl - lived in Theresa, married Maria, 2 children from 1866 to 1869 - family group sheet Kliefoth, Charles - born 1825, lived in Ripon, married Elisabeth, 6 children from 1866 to 1878 - family group sheet Kliefoth, Charles - marriage record, 1890's Kliefoth, Christian - born 1822, lived in Theresa, married Sophia, 5 children from 1863 to 1877 - family group sheet Kliefoth, Ernst - lived in Theresa, married Delia, 7 children from 1903 to 1903 - family group sheet Kliefoth, Ernst - marriage record, 1890's Kliefoth, Ernst J. - born 1843, lived in Farmersville, married Christina, 10 children from 1869 to 1882 - family group sheet Kliefoth, Ernst J. - marriage record, 1860's Kliefoth, Friederica - marriage record, 1890's Kliefoth, Ida - marriage record, 1880's Kliefoth, William - born 1873, lived in Leroy, married Anna Margaretha, 2 children from 1901 to 1907 - family group sheet Kliefoth, William - marriage record, 1890's Kliefoth, William T. - born 1850, lived in Mayville, married Carolina, 7 children from 1876 to 1896 - family group sheet Kliefoth, William T. - marriage record, 1870's Kliemann Kliemann, Bertha - marriage record, 1880's Klier Klier, Andreas - married Margaretha, 1 child born in 1868 - family group sheet Klier, Andrew - marriage record, 1860's Klier, Andrew - born 1840, lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 6 children from 1861 to 1865 - family group sheet Klier, Anna Margaretha-Mrs. George Ulrich - death certificate, 1880's Klier, Annie - marriage record, 1890's Klier, Barbara 'Babette' - marriage record, 1860's Klier, Edwin Johann - death certificate, 1890's Klier, Francis - marriage record, 1880's Klier, Frank - marriage record, 1880's Klier, Franz Adam - born 1803, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 6 children from 1837 to 1856 - family group sheet Klier, George - born 1843, lived in Addison, married Barbara, 5 children from 1871 to 1888 - family group sheet Klier, George - marriage record, 1870's Klier, George - marriage record, 1900's Klier, George - born 1875, married Mary, 1 child born in 1905 - family group sheet Klier, George Ulrich - born 1801, lived in Addison, married Anna Margaretha, 3 children from 1842 to 1852 - family group sheet Klier, George Ulrich - death certificate, 1880's Klier, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Josephina, 1 child born in 1876 - family group sheet Klier, John - born 1847, lived in Addison, married Wilhelmina, 6 children from 1871 to 1887 - family group sheet Klier, John B. - marriage record, 1860's Klier, John Baptist - marriage record, 1860's Klier, John Baptist - born 1847, lived in Milwaukee, married Margaret, 2 children from 1871 to 1871 - family group sheet Klier, John Charles - born 1887, lived in Slinger, married Lillian, 2 children from 1912 to 1915 - family group sheet Klier, Joseph - marriage record, 1900's Klier, Josephine - marriage record, 1860's Klier, Lorenz - born 1871, lived in Addison, married 3 times - Katherine Elisabeth, Emma Marie, Lena, 4 children from 1895 to 1906 - family group sheet Klier, Lorenz - marriage record, 1870's Klier, Lorenz - marriage record, 1900's Klier, Lorenz - born 1852, lived in Addison, married Minna Sophia Friederike, 4 children from 1877 to 1885 - family group sheet Klier, Louis August - born 1878, lived in Slinger, married twice - Flora, Elsie, 3 children from 1910 to 1924 - family group sheet Klier, Magdalena - marriage record, 1850's Klier, Margaret - marriage record, 1880's Klier, Margaretha - marriage record, 1860's Klier, Maria Elizabeth - marriage record, 1890's Klier, Martin - born 1809, lived in LeRoy, married Margaretha, 6 children from 1832 to 1850 - family group sheet Klier, Theresa - marriage record, 1870's Klier, Theresa - marriage record, 1880's Klier, Ulrich - death certificate, 1890's Klier, Ulrich - born 1804, lived in Addison, married Margaretha, 4 children from 1843 to 1854 - family group sheet Klies Klies, Anna - marriage record, 1860's Kliese Kliese, Dr. Louis - born 1876, lived in Jackson, married Louisa, 3 children from 1907 to 1907 - family group sheet Kliese, Frederick Edward - born 1813, lived in Emmet/Watertown/Jackson, married twice - Juliane Friederike Caroline Wilhelmine, Sophia, 8 children from 1839 to 1853 - family group sheet Kliese, Frederick Edward - marriage record, 1850's Kliese, Henry Louis - marriage record, 1870's Kliese, Louis E. - born 1842, lived in Jackson, married Johanna, 5 children from 1872 to 1884 - family group sheet Kliese, Louis E. - marriage record, 1870's Klietz Klietz, Christoph Friedrich - lived in Sheboygan Falls, married Pauline, 3 children from 1858 to 1862 - family group sheet Klietz, Christopher - born 1836, lived in Sheboygan, married Pauline, 8 children from 1858 to 1879 - family group sheet Klietz, Leopold - lived in Sheboygan Falls, married Anna Elisabetha, 2 children from 1857 to 1858 - family group sheet Klietz, Maria - marriage record, 1850's Kliffe Kliffe, August - married Berta, 3 children from 1879 to 1877 - family group sheet Klimmer Klimmer, Anna - marriage record, 1890's Klimmer, Wilhelm - married Margaretha, 1 child born in 1859 - family group sheet Klind Klind, John - marriage record, 1890's Kline Kline, Daniel - marriage record, 1860's Kline, Ella - marriage record, 1890's Kling Kling, Angela - death certificate in Germany, 1820's Kling, Anna Maria - marriage record in Germany, 1820's Kling, Elsie - marriage record, 1910's Kling, Friedrich - marriage record, 1900's Kling, George - marriage record, 1880's Kling, Jacob - born 1825, lived in Rubicon, married Elizabeth, 2 children from 1864 to 1867 - family group sheet Kling, Jacob - death certificate, 1900's Kling, Jacob - marriage record in Germany, 1820's Kling, Jacob - marriage record in Germany, 1830's Kling, Jacob - born 1798, married twice - Maria, Catharina, 12 children from 1822 to 1848 - family group sheet Kling, John - marriage record, 1890's Kling, Katharina - death certificate in Germany, 1830's Kling, Katharina - marriage record in Germany, 1810's Kling, Maria Elizabeth-Mrs. George - death certificate, 1890's Kling, Maria-Mrs. Jacob - death certificate in Germany, 1830's Kling, Mathias - death certificate in Germany, 1820's Kling, Mathias - death certificate in Germany, 1840's Kling, Michael - married Anna Catharine, 4 children from 1793 to 1798 - family group sheet Kling, Peter - death certificate in Germany, 1820's Klingbeil Klingbeil, Arthur Wilhelm - marriage record, 1890's Klingbeil, August Friedrich - born 1848, lived in Milwaukee, married Lina, 4 children from 1871 to 1881 - family group sheet Klingbeil, Carl Oskar - death certificate, 1870's Klingbeil, Emil - born 1867, lived in Milwaukee, married Anna, 8 children from 1896 to 1914 - family group sheet Klingbeil, Eugene Arthur - death certificate, 1910's Klingbeil, Frank - marriage record, 1880's Klingbeil, Frank Oskar - marriage record, 1900's Klingbeil, Henry J. - marriage record, 1900's Klingbeil, Lisette Laura - death certificate, 1880's Klingbeil, William - lived in Marshfield/Lincoln, married Barbara, 2 children from 1907 to 1912 - family group sheet Klingbeil, William - marriage record, 1900's Klingbeil, William F. - marriage record, 1870's Klingeberger Klingeberger, Ferdinand - married Auguste, 4 children from 1886 to 1891 - family group sheet Klingel Klingel, Michael - born 1822, lived in Farmington/Mankato, MN, married Magdalena, 6 children from 1849 to 1866 - family group sheet Klingelhoefer Klingelhoefer, Georg - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1889 - family group sheet Klinger Klinger, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1870's Klinger, August - marriage record, 1880's Klinger, August - born 1854, lived in Milwaukee, married Mary Theresia, 3 children from 1883 to 1888 - family group sheet Klinger, August H. - born 1850, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 5 children from 1884 to 1892 - family group sheet Klinger, August H. - marriage record, 1870's Klinger, Charles - married Maria, 1 child born in 1899 - family group sheet Klinger, Charles E. - born 1858, lived in Menomonee, married twice - Anna S. 'Annie', Mary Elise Dorothea, 3 children from 1882 to 1899 - family group sheet Klinger, Charles E. - marriage record, 1880's Klinger, Charles E. - marriage record, 1890's Klinger, Clara - marriage record, 1890's Klinger, Frank - marriage record, 1880's Klinger, Frank - born 1856, lived in Menomonee, married Louisa E., 5 children from 1884 to 1903 - family group sheet Klinger, Julia - marriage record, 1860's Klinger, Justus - born 1815, lived in Menomonee, married twice - Maria, Dorothea, 8 children from 1850 to 1873 - family group sheet Klinger, Louisa - marriage record, 1880's Klinger, Louisa A. - marriage record, 1900's Klinger, Louisa Auguste - marriage record, 1900's Klinger, Marie - marriage record, 1870's Klinger, Mary Emma - marriage record, 1880's Klingler Klingler, Albert - born 1864, lived in Slinger/Milwaukee, married Emma Josefina, 1 child born in 1905 - family group sheet Klingler, Albert - marriage record, 1900's Klingler, Anna Barbara-Mrs. John - death certificate, 1900's Klingler, Charles H. - marriage record, 1880's Klingler, Henry - born 1854, lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet Klingler, Henry - marriage record, 1870's Klingler, John - born 1818, lived in Milwaukee/Polk, married Anna Barbara, 6 children from 1852 to 1869 - family group sheet Klingler, John - death certificate, 1890's Klingler, John - marriage record, 1850's Klingler, John L. - marriage record, 1890's Klingler, John L. - born 1869, lived in Slinger/Milwaukee, married Minnie, 4 children from 1895 to 1907 - family group sheet Klingler, Susan - marriage record, 1870's Klingmann Klingmann, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 1 child born in 1866 - family group sheet Klingsiek Klingsiek, Heinrich Philipp - born 1815, lived in Milwaukee, married Anna Elisabetha, 2 children from 1859 to 1859 - family group sheet Klingsporn Klingsporn, Samuel - lived in Elkhart, married Elisabeth, 1 child born in 1887 - family group sheet Klinitz Klinitz, Bertha - marriage record, 1890's Klink Klink, Alois - death certificate, 1890's Klink, Eugene Henry - marriage record, 1900's Klink, Eugene Henry - born 1878, lived in Rubicon, married Mary Catherine, 2 children from 1911 to 1911 - family group sheet Klink, Fidelis - born 1864, lived in Herman, married Anna Sophia, 9 children from 1890 to 1904 - family group sheet Klink, Fidelis - marriage record, 1880's Klink, Frank Alphons - death certificate, 1900's Klink, Frank Xavier - marriage record, 1880's Klink, Frank Xavier - born 1862, lived in Herman, married Louise, 2 children from 1888 to 1889 - family group sheet Klink, George Xavier - born 1880, lived in Rubicon, married Louise P., 2 children from 1909 to 1910 - family group sheet Klink, Henry - born 1845, lived in Rubicon, married twice - Katherine, Veronika, 17 children from 1867 to 1897 - family group sheet Klink, Henry Donatus - born 1885, lived in Rubicon, married Frances Anna, 5 children from 1911 to 1931 - family group sheet Klink, Jacob - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1846 - family group sheet Klink, John - born 1869, lived in Rubicon, married Elizabeth, 8 children from 1901 to 1911 - family group sheet Klink, Joseph - born 1860, lived in Rubicon, married Anna Gertrude, 3 children from 1887 to 1896 - family group sheet Klink, Margaretha-Mrs. Wenzeslaus - death certificate, 1890's Klink, Maria Catharina - marriage record, 1860's Klink, Mathew - born 1867, lived in Rubicon, married Marion 'Mae', 7 children from 1894 to 1915 - family group sheet Klink, Mathias - born 1844, lived in Rubicon, married Anna Mary, 2 children from 1868 to 1871 - family group sheet Klink, Matthaus - born 1792, married Monika, 6 children from 1818 to 1833 - family group sheet Klink, Nickolaus - death certificate, 1900's Klink, Nickolaus - born 1826, lived in Herman, married Pauline, 13 children from 1859 to 1883 - family group sheet Klink, Nickolaus Mathias - born 1866, lived in Rubicon, married Louisa 'Lucy', 7 children from 1893 to 1911 - family group sheet Klink, Oscar Henry - born 1885, lived in Rubicon, married Helen, 4 children from 1914 to 1922 - family group sheet Klink, Paul Benedict - born 1876, lived in Rubicon, married Emma M., 12 children from 1902 to 1923 - family group sheet Klink, Pauline Irene - marriage record, 1900's Klink, Peter - born 1839, lived in Milwaukee, married Eva Catharina, 6 children from 1867 to 1875 - family group sheet Klink, Peter - born 1852, lived in Rubicon, married 3 times - Katherina, Katherine, Mary, 14 children from 1878 to 1900 - family group sheet Klink, Peter - marriage record, 1870's Klink, Peter - marriage record, 1880's Klink, Peter J. - born 1877, lived in Rubicon, married Clara Margaretha Johanna, 2 children from 1913 to 1919 - family group sheet Klink, Peter J. - marriage record, 1900's Klink, Robert - marriage record, 1880's Klink, Theresa - marriage record, 1880's Klink, Theresa Rosalia - marriage record, 1900's Klink, Wenzeslaus - born 1818, lived in Rubicon, married Margaretha, 11 children from 1844 to 1864 - family group sheet Klink, William Adalbert - born 1867, lived in Rubicon, married Anna Katharina Barbara, 5 children from 1896 to 1906 - family group sheet Klinka Klinka, Anna - marriage record, 1870's Klinka, Charles J. - marriage record, 1890's Klinka, Frank - born 1820, lived in Trenton, married Katharina, 2 children from 1848 to 1852 - family group sheet Klinka, Frank - death certificate, 1880's Klinka, Frank - born 1848, lived in Trenton, married Mary, 5 children from 1882 to 1904 - family group sheet Klinka, John - born 1829, lived in Newburg, married Josephine, 7 children from 1866 to 1877 - family group sheet Klinka, Joseph - death certificate, 1880's Klinka, Rosalia - death certificate, 1890's Klinka, Wenzel H. - born 1871, lived in Newburg, married Johanna Rosa, 8 children from 1895 to 1909 - family group sheet Klinka, Wenzel H. - marriage record, 1890's Klinke Klinke, Mary P. - marriage record, 1890's Klinker Klinker, Augusta Johanna-Mrs. Henry - death certificate, 1900's Klinker, Eliza - marriage record, 1890's Klinker, Emilie Johanne - marriage record, 1890's Klinker, Emma Lisette - marriage record, 1880's Klinker, Henriette Auguste - marriage record, 1890's Klinker, Henry - born 1837, lived in Milwaukee, married Augusta Johanna, 8 children from 1862 to 1878 - family group sheet Klinker, Henry - marriage record, 1860's Klinkerfues Klinkerfues, Ernst - marriage record, 1870's Klinkert Klinkert, Adam - lived in Milwaukee, married Emilie, 2 children from 1873 to 1879 - family group sheet Klinkert, Bertha - marriage record, 1900's Klinkert, Paul - born 1864, lived in Milwaukee, married Katherine, 5 children from 1888 to 1891 - family group sheet Klinkert, Paul - marriage record, 1880's Klinkhammer Klinkhammer, Anna - death certificate, 1900's Klinkhammer, Anna Catharina - marriage record in Germany, 1830's Klinkhammer, Anna Maria-Mrs. Mathias Joseph - death certificate, 1880's Klinkhammer, Barbara-Mrs. John B. - death certificate, 1890's Klinkhammer, Helena 'Lena' - marriage record, 1890's Klinkhammer, John - married Mary, 4 children from 1872 to 1881 - family group sheet Klinkhammer, John B. - born 1858, lived in Marshfield, married Barbara, 4 children from 1888 to 1893 - family group sheet Klinkhammer, John B. - marriage record, 1880's Klinkhammer, Joseph - death certificate, 1900's Klinkhammer, Mathias Joseph - born 1815, lived in Kewaskum, married Anna Maria, 4 children from 1846 to 1858 - family group sheet Klinkmann Klinkmann, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Friedrika, 1 child born in 1864 - family group sheet Klinkner Klinkner, Friedrich Wilhelm - born 1828, lived in Lesterville, SD, married twice - Katharina, Mary, 10 children from 1852 to 1869 - family group sheet Klinkner, Mathias - born 1788, married twice - Anna Maria, Catharina, 11 children from 1816 to 1843 - family group sheet Klinzing Klinzing, Gottlieb - marriage record, 1900's Klippel Klippel, Charles - death certificate, 1880's Klippel, Elisabeth Lavina - marriage record, 1900's Klippel, Elisabethe - marriage record, 1860's Klippel, Elizabeth Lavina - marriage record, 1900's Klippel, Eva-Mrs. George - death certificate, 1910's Klippel, Frederick - born 1866, lived in Richfield, married Caroline, 10 children from 1891 to 1914 - family group sheet Klippel, Frederick - marriage record, 1890's Klippel, George - born 1851, lived in Waukegan, IL/Richfield, married twice - Eva, Julia, 11 children from 1876 to 1896 - family group sheet Klippel, George Heinrich - born 1883, lived in Richfield, married Christina, 2 children from 1910 to 1910 - family group sheet Klippel, George Heinrich - marriage record, 1900's Klippel, Jacob - born 1807, lived in Menomonee, married Eva, 1 child born in 1839 - family group sheet Klippel, Jacob - born 1817, lived in Richfield, married Katherine, 9 children from 1851 to 1868 - family group sheet Klippel, John - born 1856, lived in Waukegan, IL, married Ida, 7 children from 1881 to 1887 - family group sheet Klippel, John - death certificate, 1900's Klippel, John - marriage record, 1880's Klippel, Katherine-Mrs. Jacob - death certificate, 1900's Klippel, Mary - marriage record, 1880's Klippel, Otto Jacob - born 1880, lived in Richfield, married twice - Anna Emilie, Anna, 5 children from 1906 to 1925 - family group sheet Klippel, Robert William - marriage record, 1900's Klippel, William Henry - born 1881, married Olive E., 1 child born in 1911 - family group sheet Klippstein Klippstein, Augusta 'Gusty' - marriage record, 1880's Klippstein, Martin - born 1768, married twice - Eva Christine, Christine, 11 children from 1799 to 1827 - family group sheet Klipstein Klipstein, Jacob Friedrich - born 1816, married Louisa, 7 children from 1844 to 1859 - family group sheet Klitzin Klitzin, Andrew - lived in Milwaukee, married Cathar., 1 child born in 1886 - family group sheet Klitzin, Christ - born 1819, lived in Hartford/Erin, married Marie, 4 children from 1862 to 1870 - family group sheet Klitzke Klitzke, Hermann - born 1858, lived in Milwaukee, married Pauline, 5 children from 1882 to 1893 - family group sheet Klitzke, Hermann Gustav - death certificate, 1900's Klitzkee Klitzkee, C. F. - marriage record, 1870's Klix Klix, Friedrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Ernstine, 6 children from 1869 to 1880 - family group sheet Kloak Kloak, John Frederick - death certificate, 1890's Kloak, John Frederick - born 1819, lived in West Bend, married Sophia Caroline, 8 children from 1849 to 1869 - family group sheet Kloak, Sophia Caroline-Mrs. John Frederick - death certificate, 1890's Klob Klob, Joseph - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1840's Klob, Lambert - born 1782, married Catharina, 5 children from 1812 to 1824 - family group sheet Klob, Lambert - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1820's Klob, Margaretha - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's Klocke Klocke, Arthur H. - born 1884, married Bertha C., 1 child born in 1912 - family group sheet Klocke, Bertha - marriage record, 1880's Klocke, Christopher - born 1827, lived in Herman, married Henriette, 1 child born in 1859 - family group sheet Klocke, Elsie - marriage record, 1900's Klocke, Friedrich - born 1849, married Amelia, 2 children from 1880 to 1884 - family group sheet Klocke, Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's Klocke, Herman - born 1824, lived in Herman, married Florentine, 4 children from 1849 to 1865 - family group sheet Klocke, Louise Henriette - marriage record, 1880's Klocke, Sophia - marriage record, 1870's Klockenbusch Klockenbusch, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1900's Klockenbusch, Elizabeth - lived in Ashford, married twice - Reuben H., Gerhard Hubert, 3 children from 1906 to 1911 - family group sheet Klockenbusch, Frank - born 1882, lived in St. Kilian, married Olive, 3 children from 1917 to 1920 - family group sheet Klockenbusch, Heinrich - born 1812, lived in St. Kilian, married Adelgunda, 4 children from 1847 to 1855 - family group sheet Klockenbusch, John - born 1847, lived in Ashford, married Anna, 5 children from 1872 to 1882 - family group sheet Klockenbusch, Katherine - marriage record, 1890's Klocko Klocko, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Barbara, 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet Klockow Klockow, Helmuth - lived in Milwaukee, married Albertine, 4 children from 1867 to 1876 - family group sheet Klockow, Helmuth - marriage record, 1860's Klockow, Ida - marriage record, 1900's Klocksin Klocksin, Anna - marriage record, 1870's Klocksin, Anna - marriage record, 1880's Klocksin, Helen - marriage record, 1880's Klocksin, Helmuth - born 1838, lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 4 children from 1870 to 1872 - family group sheet Klode Klode, Marie - marriage record, 1890's Kloeckner Kloeckner, Gertrud - death certificate, 1900's Kloeckner, Peter - lived in Iron Ridge, married Anna Maria, 7 children from 1854 to 1870 - family group sheet Kloeckner, Peter - born 1870, lived in Iron Ridge, married Frances Elisabeth, 1 child born in 1911 - family group sheet Kloeden Kloeden, Robert - marriage record, 1850's Kloeden, Robert - born 1833, lived in Williamstown, married Luise, 7 children from 1859 to 1874 - family group sheet Kloehn Kloehn, Adele - marriage record, 1900's Kloehn, Bertha Johanne - marriage record, 1880's Kloehn, Carl Friedrich - born 1852, lived in Lebanon/Ashippun, married Albertine Wilhelmine, 6 children from 1873 to 1882 - family group sheet Kloehn, Carl Friedrich - born 1832, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna Wilhelmine Albertine, 5 children from 1866 to 1880 - family group sheet Kloehn, Emma - marriage record, 1870's Kloehn, Ferdinand - born 1827, lived in Milwaukee, married Albertine, 6 children from 1853 to 1867 - family group sheet Klöhn, Ferdinand - lived in Milwaukee, married Albertine, 1 child born in 1854 - family group sheet Kloehn, Frederick - born 1832, lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna Wilhelmine Albertine, 5 children from 1866 to 1880 - family group sheet Kloehn, Friedrich 'Fritz' - born 1849, lived in Woodland, married Wilhelmina Ernestine Friederike, 1 child born in 1879 - family group sheet Kloehn, Friedrich Wilhelm - born 1857, lived in Lebanon/Ashippun, married Albertine Wilhelmine Maria, 6 children from 1882 to 1896 - family group sheet Kloehn, Herman - marriage record, 1880's Kloehn, Herman E. - marriage record, 1900's Klöhn, Hermann - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 4 children from 1877 to 1885 - family group sheet Kloehn, Johann - lived in Farmington, married Mary, 2 children from 1862 to 1864 - family group sheet Kloehn, John - born 1864, lived in Cedarburg, married Anna, 9 children from 1889 to 1901 - family group sheet Kloehn, Julius Johannes - born 1869, lived in Milwaukee, married Amalia, 4 children from 1893 to 1897 - family group sheet Kloehn, Julius Johannes - born 1869, lived in Milwaukee, married Anna Amalia Rosalie, 1 child born in 1893 - family group sheet Kloehn, Julius Johannes - death certificate, 1900's Kloehn, Wilhelm August - born 1824, lived in Lebanon/Ashippun, married Hanna Friederike Wilhelmine, 5 children from 1849 to 1863 - family group sheet Kloehn, Wilhelm August - death certificate, 1900's Kloens? Kloens?, Friedrich - married Ernestine, 1 child born in 1868 - family group sheet Kloepfel Kloepfel, Philipp - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 1 child born in 1883 - family group sheet Klöpfel, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Charlotte, 1 child born in 1852 - family group sheet Kloeppel Kloeppel, George - marriage record, 1890's Kloeppel, Margaret - marriage record, 1890's Kloes Kloes, Adam - marriage record, 1850's Kloes, Henry - marriage record, 1880's Kloes, Theodor - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 1 child born in 1898 - family group sheet Kloese Kloese, Emma - marriage record, 1900's Kloetsch Kloetsch, Jacob - born 1834, married Theresia, 1 child born in 1861 - family group sheet Kloetsch, John - born 1828, lived in Addison, married Katharina, 12 children from 1858 to 1879 - family group sheet Kloetsch, Michael - born 1799, lived in Addison, married Catharina, 3 children from 1828 to 1834 - family group sheet Kloety Kloety, Augustin Joseph - death certificate, 1900's Kloety, Augustin Joseph - marriage record, 1880's Kloety, Frank - death certificate, 1900's Kloety, Frank - marriage record, 1870's Kloety, Franz Xavier - born 1840, married Eva, 1 child born in 1892 - family group sheet Kloety, Franz Xavier - death certificate, 1900's Kloety, Jean Joseph - born 1790, lived in Grafton, married Marie Charlotte, 7 children from 1823 to 1846 - family group sheet Kloety, Joseph - born 1823, married Walburga, 1 child born in 1860 - family group sheet Kloety, Peter A. - born 1846, married Katherine, 2 children from 1887 to 1889 - family group sheet Kloetzer Kloetzer, Ernestina - marriage record, 1870's Kloetzig Kloetzig, Friedericke - marriage record, 1880's Kloetzner Kloetzner, Ottomar - marriage record, 1890's Kloge Kloge, Ernst - lived in Milwaukee, married Dorothea, 1 child born in 1865 - family group sheet Kloha Kloha, Georg - marriage record, 1870's Kloha, Georg - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria Caroline Johanne 'Lina', 2 children from 1876 to 1884 - family group sheet Kloha, John George - marriage record, 1870's Klohn Klohn, Emil - marriage record, 1900's Klohn, Emil Karl - marriage record, 1900's Klohn, Emil Karl - born 1868, married Mary Auguste Friederike, 1 child born in 1905 - family group sheet Kloke Kloke, Dorothea-Mrs. Henry - death certificate, 1900's Kloke, Henry - born 1824, lived in Auburn, married Dorothea, 1 child born in 1862 - family group sheet Kloke, Henry - death certificate, 1900's Kloke, Julius August - born 1883, lived in Auburn, married Flora Emilie, 1 child - family group sheet Kloke, William - marriage record, 1880's Kloke, William - born 1862, lived in Auburn/Campbellsport, married twice - Theresa Emilie Louise, Louisa, 11 children from 1883 to 1908 - family group sheet Klokow Klokow, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Marie, 1 child born in 1858 - family group sheet Kloman Kloman, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Christina, 1 child born in 1879 - family group sheet Kloman, Ruth - marriage record, 1910's Klomann Klomann, Anton - lived in Milwaukee, married Emma, 2 children from 1887 to 1889 - family group sheet Klomann, Georg - marriage record, 1880's Klomann, Georg - born 1865, lived in Milwaukee, married Wilhelmine, 4 children from 1884 to 1888 - family group sheet Klomann, Philipp - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline, 1 child born in 1884 - family group sheet Klomb Klomb, Peter - lived in Milwaukee, married Anna Maria, 1 child born in 1848 - family group sheet Kloos Kloos, Catherine-Mrs. Peter Paul - death certificate, 1880's Kloos, Heinrich - born 1801, married Christina, 6 children from 1831 to 1838 - family group sheet Kloos, Jacob - married Elisabetha, 11 children from 1827 to 1849 - family group sheet Kloos, Johann - born 1800, married Charitas, 13 children from 1827 to 1853 - family group sheet Kloos, Johann - born 1757, married Elisabetha, 9 children from 1795 to 1811 - family group sheet Kloos, John - death certificate, 1890's Kloos, John - marriage record, 1870's Kloos, John - born 1844, lived in Polk, married Magdalena, 6 children from 1875 to 1887 - family group sheet Kloos, Martin Peter - born 1887, lived in McMillan, married Anna, 3 children from 1920 to 1922 - family group sheet Kloos, Peter Paul - born 1811, lived in Polk, married Catherine, 4 children from 1844 to 1851 - family group sheet Kloos, Theresa - marriage record, 1890's Klop Klop, John - marriage record, 1850's Klopeck Klopeck, Marie - marriage record, 1890's Klopf Klopf, Carl Friedrich - born 1828, lived in Sheboygan Falls, married Pauline Christine, 6 children from 1854 to 1870 - family group sheet Klopf, Heinrich - born 1799, lived in Sheboygan Falls, married Margaretha, 3 children from 1825 to 1828 - family group sheet Klopf, John Gottlieb - born 1830, lived in Sheboygan Falls, married twice - Louise, Anna, 8 children from 1850 to 1866 - family group sheet Klopp Klopp, Anna Maria - marriage record in Germany, 1840's Klopp, Caroline - marriage record, 1870's Klopp, Catharina - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's Klopp, Elisabetha - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1820's Klopp, Elisabeth-Mrs. Paul - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1850's Klopp, Elizabeth - marriage record, 1870's Klopp, Eva-Mrs. Johann - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1850's Klopp, Johann - born 1810, lived in Fredonia, married Elisabeth, 7 children from 1837 to 1851 - family group sheet Klopp, Johann - married Eva, 2 children from 1810 to 1815 - family group sheet Klopp, Johann - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1870's Klopp, Johann - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1810's Klopp, Johann - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's Klopp, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1853 - family group sheet Klopp, Johann - born 1796, married twice - Susanna, Maria, 10 children from 1822 to 1844 - family group sheet Klopp, Johann Baptist - born 1842, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Franziska, Louisa, 3 children from 1874 to 1880 - family group sheet Klopp, Johann Baptist - marriage record, 1870's Klopp, Katharina - marriage record, 1870's Klopp, Louisa - marriage record, 1870's Klopp, Magdalena - marriage record in Germany, 1830's Klopp, Maria - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's Klopp, Maria-Mrs. Johann - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1860's Klopp, Mary - marriage record, 1860's Klopp, Mathias - married Catharina, 4 children from 1862 to 1866 - family group sheet Klopp, Mathias - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1860's Klopp, Nicolas - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1840's Klopp, Paul - born 1805, lived in Port Washington, married Elisabeth, 2 children from 1858 to 1862 - family group sheet Klopp, Paul - born 1806, married Elisabeth, 8 children from 1834 to 1850 - family group sheet Klopp, Paul - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's Klopp, Paul - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1840's Klopp, Paul - marriage record, 1850's Klopp, Paul - born 1822, lived in Holland, married Maria, 4 children from 1852 to 1860 - family group sheet Klopp, Paulus - married Magdalena, 3 children from 1808 to 1814 - family group sheet Klopp, Peter - born 1827, lived in Belgium/Webster, MN, married Anna, 10 children from 1859 to 1879 - family group sheet Klopp, Peter - born 1835, married Catherine, 4 children from 1860 to 1868 - family group sheet Klopp, Peter - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1820's Klopp, Peter - marriage record, 1850's Klopp, Pierre - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1840's Klopp, Walter A. - born 1884, lived in Port Washington, married Agnes, 2 children from 1914 to 1914 - family group sheet Klopp, Wilhelm - born 1856, lived in Port Washington, married Margaretha, 5 children from 1884 to 1885 - family group sheet Kloppenburg Kloppenburg, Johann Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Katharina Elisabetha, 4 children from 1857 to 1863 - family group sheet Kloppenburg, Mary Josephine - marriage record, 1880's Kloppmann Kloppmann, Heinrich - lived in Milwaukee, married Sophie, 3 children from 1888 to 1896 - family group sheet Kloppmann, Henry - marriage record, 1880's Kloptek Kloptek, Lucy - marriage record, 1900's Klos Klos, Abner - born 1885, lived in Cedarburg, married Ida, 1 child born in 1914 - family group sheet Klos, Catherine - marriage record, 1860's Klos, Daniel - born 1862, lived in Cedarburg, married Clara, 1 child born in 1885 - family group sheet Klos, Daniel - marriage record, 1880's Klos, Elisabetha - marriage record in Germany, 1820's Klos, Jacob - born 1850, lived in Belgium, married Gertrud, 9 children from 1877 to 1895 - family group sheet Klos, Jacob - marriage record, 1870's Klos, John - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1840's Klos, John - born 1818, lived in Belgium, married Maria, 5 children from 1842 to 1850 - family group sheet Klos, Louis - born 1856, lived in Port Washington, married Caroline Louise, 2 children from 1880 to 1887 - family group sheet Klos, Louis - marriage record, 1870's Klos, Ludwig - born 1822, married Anna Maria, 2 children from 1856 to 1862 - family group sheet Klos, Magdalena - marriage record, 1860's Klose Klose, Anna - death certificate, 1870's Klose, Charles - born 1815, lived in Polk/Slinger, married twice - Christiana, Augusta, 8 children from 1871 to 1884 - family group sheet Klose, Charles - death certificate, 1890's Klose, Charles - marriage record, 1870's Klose, Ella Bertha - marriage record, 1890's Klose, Friedrich - married Babetta, 2 children from 1869 to 1869 - family group sheet Klose, Louise - marriage record, 1860's Klose, Lydia - marriage record, 1900's Klose, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Johanna, 2 children from 1866 to 1872 - family group sheet Klose, William Frederick - born 1875, lived in Slinger, married Clara B., 7 children from 1901 to 1917 - family group sheet Kloss Kloss, Mary Elizabeth - marriage record, 1870's Klosterhuber Klosterhuber, Aloysius 'Alois' - death certificate, 1900's Klosterhuber, Charles - born 1854, lived in Milwaukee/Wauwatosa, married Frances, 7 children from 1881 to 1897 - family group sheet Klosterhuber, Mathias - marriage record, 1900's Klostermann Klostermann, Anna Maria - marriage record, 1880's Klostermann, Mathilda - marriage record, 1880's Kloth Kloth, August Friedrich - born 1835, lived in Mequon, married Caroline Friederika, 9 children from 1874 to 1890 - family group sheet Kloth, August Friedrich - marriage record, 1870's Kloth, Emilie Ernstine - marriage record, 1870's Kloth, Emma - marriage record, 1900's Kloth, Emma Charlotte - marriage record, 1900's Kloth, Friedrich - born 1810, married Dorothea, 4 children from 1835 to 1845 - family group sheet Kloth, Friedrich - marriage record, 1860's Kloth, Friedrich - born 1825, lived in Milwaukee, married Maria, 1 child born in 1864 - family group sheet Kloth, Friedrich August - lived in Milwaukee, married Caroline Friederike, 2 children from 1874 to 1876 - family group sheet Kloth, Friedrich August - marriage record, 1870's Kloth, Heinrich Ludwig - marriage record, 1850's Kloth, Herman Johann - born 1845, lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha Wilhelmine Caroline, 4 children from 1875 to 1882 - family group sheet Kloth, Herman Johann - marriage record, 1870's Kloth, Johann - lived in Milwaukee, married Henriette, 7 children from 1885 to 1897 - family group sheet Kloth, Michel Friedrich - born 1843, lived in Ixonia, married Alvina Wilhelmine Sophia, 6 children from 1868 to 1879 - family group sheet Kloth, Paul - born 1880, lived in Milwaukee, married Clara H., 1 child - family group sheet Kloth, Paul - marriage record, 1900's Kloth, Wilhelm - lived in Milwaukee, married Bertha, 1 child born in 1890 - family group sheet Kloth, William Carl - born 1875, lived in Ixonia, married Rosa Louise, 6 children from 1900 to 1908 - family group sheet Klotz Klotz, Adam - lived in St. Anna, married Clara, 7 children from 1879 to 1886 - family group sheet Klotz, Albert - marriage record, 1860's Klotz, August - born 1849, lived in Mequon, married Charlotte, 7 children from 1879 to 1891 - family group sheet Klotz, Barbara-Mrs. Johann Peter - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1840's Klotz, Christina - marriage record, 1900's Klotz, Eduard - lived in Milwaukee, married Ida, 2 children from 1902 to 1903 - family group sheet Klotz, Edward - marriage record, 1900's Klotz, Emil H. - born 1869, lived in Milwaukee, married twice - Anna Katharina, Katheryn, 3 children from 1892 to 1898 - family group sheet Klotz, Emil H. - marriage record, 1890's Klotz, Ernst William - born 1858, lived in Grafton, married Elizabeth, 9 children from 1884 to 1900 - family group sheet Klotz, Ernst William - marriage record, 1880's Klotz, Eugene Bernard - born 1880, married Emily Marcella, 4 children from 1906 to 1912 - family group sheet Klotz, Frederick - married Elizabeth C., 7 children from 1911 to 1918 - family group sheet Klotz, Genevieve Beatrice - marriage record, 1900's Klotz, George - born 1872, married Olga Emma, 1 child born in 1904 - family group sheet Klotz, Helena - marriage record, 1890's Klotz, Herman - born 1857, lived in Milwaukee, married Ernstine, 12 children from 1880 to 1902 - family group sheet Klotz, Ignatius - born 1803, lived in Eden, married Johanna, 5 children from 1840 to 1853 - family group sheet Klotz, Ignatius - born 1842, married Maria, 5 children from 1883 to 1892 - family group sheet Klotz, Johann Peter - marriage record in Luxembourg, 1830's Klotz, Johann Peter - born 1779, married twice - Marie Jeanne, Barbara, 5 children from 1833 to 1842 - family group sheet Klotz, John - born 1881, lived in St. Anna, married Ida, 1 child born in 1912 - family group sheet Klotz, Joseph - born 1837, lived in Sturgeon Bay, married Anna Maria, 7 children from 1871 to 1884 - family group sheet Klotz, Karl - born 1825, lived in Grafton, married Anna Helene, 2 children from 1858 to 1865 - family group sheet Klotz, Marie Jeanne-Mrs. Johann Peter - death certificate in Luxembourg, 1830's Klotz, Minnie Sophia - marriage record, 1900's Klotz, Nicholas - born 1876, married Gertrude E., 5 children from 1911 to 1918 - family group sheet Klotz, Nicholas J. - born 1841, lived in Eden, married Mary Honora, 9 children from 1868 to 1884 - family group sheet |